We're fucked!

As I've suspected for years, we are in Hell.

Attached: FT_19.06.17_WorldPopulation_By-2100-half-of-babies-worldwide-expected-to-be-born-Africa.png (310x468, 47K)


Attached: monkeyisland.jpg (736x552, 91K)

nah, africa will be entirely conquered by the nation that wins WW3. and the most likely event is they kill off more than 90% of the niggers occupying the land.

t. student of the future

they will starve

Blacked World WIDE! LETS GOO
/interracial/ on omnichan is FUCKING BASED

Hey, you need to see the bright side: the best nigger killer is the nigger himself

lol what if we just stopped giving them money and letting them come here the continent would just implode haha

you are forgetting something here.
the moment they have no one to leach off is the moment they slowly return to the way they always lived up until white people came into their lives.
who is maintaining the buildings ,streets etc?
who is farming the grain ? who is keeping the nuclear power plants secure?
if we perish then the chinese whos heart is pitch black will take everything and they dont believe in tolerance nor kindness.


It's going to be fun once the fight for resources happen and niggers learn what white ultra violence looks like.

Attached: 1559784546375.jpg (960x892, 106K)

You realize that climate change is going to BTFO the whole continent and they're literally just going to collectively die in famines, turn into an even larger genocidal/war-torn clusterfuck, and become solely the EU's problem as they immigrate to more habitable regions Northwards, right?

I mean what do you think is going to happen? They're going to form a utopian advanced civilization?

>muh extrapolation
Doesn't work like that

This, also they are polluting and destroying their own environment at a fast paste.

The next economic crisis will crush the west economies which also means less and less gibs.

We are gonna see interesting times.

Please explain white brutality...?

White guilt will keep most of them passive.

I have a feeling Africa is going to get involved somehow. Either internal conflict or slight conflicts with other nations, but China and America have invested too much for nothing to happen there.

If you think the migration problem is bad now... give it another 20 to 30 years.

why don't you believe in pic related? she has been generously spreading her love for months now

Attached: ebolachan.jpg (300x168, 9K)

She needs to get off her lazy ass.

Oh well

her power is growing exponentially, we just have to give her our energy

Attached: Malthus Population growth curve.jpg (300x255, 14K)
