Latinos with more than 50% of european ancestry can make the world whiter

Just look at this ... latinos are gonna save the white race in america and part of europe

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The average latino is at 65%, so problem solved.

great just kill all amerindian mexicans

Shakira is half Lebanese

and half european ...

No they can't

way better than sandniggers and monkeys

Those are probably pure Spaniards. The average latino looks nothing like that.

the average latino in Argentina , Uruguay , South Brazil and a great part of Colombia and Chile looks like that

There's not enough white beaners. Africans will keep adding, while white south Americans will keep dwindling.

None of the ones that come here look like that. Most look like sitting bull but also 5'2

she is white enough

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Shes whiter than most of the ones we get. And even then, she is definetely brown. Jow Forums claims italians arent white and yet pretty much 100% of silicians are noticeably whiter than the girl you posted.

what about me?

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True. This is still not an excuse to marry a half beaner when there are plenty of 100% European women out there

Those are mexicans.

I have never understood this logic. You are on one hand acknowledging the desireability of european dby dna emphasizing how european they are and how little spic dna they have. But at the same time you are saying it's okay for a pure white person to mix with them. How does it make the white race better? You can talk about bleaching all you want but race mixing is a zero sum game. A pure white lineage was destroyed to make a spic one more european. It only makes the spic race better at the white race's expense. Why should we sacrifice our genetic purity for shit skins?

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I'd make a half dozen castiza babies with her

Little one on the right is trippin’ balls sorting daddy’s abnormally shaped thumb.
Kid has the vaxxx/fluoride stare.

So my half latino friend is white, good to know

Shakira is a gobilinia
Watering down white genes with someone like her is genocide

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fuck off mutt

>Why should we sacrifice our genetic purity for shit skins?
cause your women are fucking niggers and you're willing to go full hapa

White + Hispanic couples make cute babies!

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>dyed blonde hair
I love meeting "blondes" who vehemently deny being brunettes, because no matter how hard they try to hide it, I can always spot their brown hair.
Brunettes are beautiful and so are blondes
but fake blondes are bottom of the barrel nigger tier women

Messi is of Italian descent

Literally whiter than Spanish people somehow

he is a jew

Spanish people don't use bottles of blonde hair dye like latin americans do.

> Spaniard/Catalan and Leb
> Latina

American education...

Messi is Catalan and Italian

Let's see the flag, fag.

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dios mio

Rob Schneider has a cute Mexican wife and is making babies.

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Lebanese aren't white

He is filipino and jewish and his wife is a spic

los angeles says otherwise, that city is anything and eveuything but white. 50% white is meaningless when its mixed with shit

Lebanese are whiter than Italians, Greeks and Portugese

Pure dna is worth more than impure dna. One person who is 100% european is worth more than two spics who are 75% european. There is a cost required to re purify dna. This is genetic entropy. It takes effort to maintain a clean gene pool

please tell me more

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Fuck off kike

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His grandmother was mestiza, he’s only about 85 percent to 88 percent European.


How the hell do you have power? I thought you guys all lost power.
Optimal mix to breed with Hispanics

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Yeah the average "white argentinian" is only around 80% european. You have to understand that in south america they have really low standards for whiteness because everyone is mixed. I don't want that to happen to us. Mixing with white passing mongrels is how that happens

What is that a picture of? You did not provide any context at all

No one really thinks Italians aren't white. It's just a meme. Also kike shills trying to D&C but their tactics are dated.

Lebanese arent arabs they're Phoenicians. They reject pan arabism

Since when are phoenicians white? What makes them white? Not only white but apparently whiter than italians and spanish

Yes and the bitch is bringing her shit Colombian ways to Spain like all her other sudaca invaders to Iberia.

Spanish are defo white i didnt mention them.
Italians, Greeks and Portugese are still pretty freaking white pre-tan, especially north Italians and non Sicilians. I'm just saying that there is a higher % of non brown eyes (blue and green) in Lebs than in southern euros

I'm Greek myself

Ahhh Columbia no amigo. Grand majority look like Incan caricatures.

Why should i believe a cherry picked image and your hearsay over genetic evidence which shows these non arabs are indistinguishable from the arabs they live near?

Pique is a Spaniard, he's white.

Again, Lebanese arent arabs. Assyrians, arabs, sephardis are semites, but not Lebs.

I never said they are arabs. My statement was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Despite not being arabs, lebanese are genetically indistinguishable from arabs. They are not closely related to europeans at all

That's the whole point of this thread. Whites and Hispanics intermarrying.

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I still feel like I want to smash my head on a brick wall so I can leave this stupid fucking world when I hear Spanish. Also fuck settling for 65% from some stupid fucking Latin American country.

They are close to Roman genetics. Reason I say they're whiter than SouthEuros is becuase most of us have brown eyes.

So if you accept that the whiter the better. Which i think is a premise we all do since the "whiteness" of Hispanics is always emphasized. Then how does whites and hispanics mixing benefit the white race?

You haven't shown me any genetic evidence of that. You just keep talking about eye color. I am irish and english and I have brown eyes. Does that make me less white than a lebanese person?

>more than 50% white
You really want Amerimutt memes, dontcha user?

Half Lebanese, half European, 0% white.

Are Argentinians white?

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Turks are actually closer to white than 50% white latinos, but do we want to reproduce with those?

You just switched 5 and 6 from le 56% and made it 65%.

How the fuck is Shakira in her 40's she has the most amazing face and body ever is it because of all the belly dancing she does? jesus

Still European aaand checked dem trips


checked 88







In the already racemixed nation called the U.S.A., a specimen that's at least 88% white (88 for obvious reasons) is acceptable for any other specimen that's >88% white to procreate with.

Britney Spears is brunette but always dyed it blonde too, but i think blonde suits her better

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You use the word kike the same way a r*dditfag uses it.
The other thing that gave you away as a r*dditfag was you muttering D&C shills.
You probably still Support Trump and any other (((Right Wing populist))) movement as well.
Face it nigger, (((Right Wing Populism))) is just a way of (((the establishment))) to soothe nationalist sentiment so they won't start a REAL revolution and commence the day of the rope, (((right wing populism))) is just a pressure release.

yes, Argentina is white :^)

Blond dye looks weird on brunettes.
I can see it's fake 100% of the time.

Daily reminder, being white does not mean where you are from, it means what your ancestors are.

If Argentina is white than Columbia, Cuba, Venezuela, and Peru are white.

this girl is like half mexican yet shes like top 10% of whites in terms of looks.. Race mix wisely, if you start mixing with latinos it has to be the good looking ones.

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Newfag detected, you obviously don't understand sarcasm, even if I'm like ':^)'

Ignore this troll.
Don't pay any attention to him besides this comment.

>brown eyes

what said
you only like her better as a blonde because it's what you're used to seeing her as

>puts Venezuela in the same place as Argentina
retarded amerimutt who doesn't studied geography

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based jew thread
Spanish Latin LatinX Brown Sicilian Berber
only 1 tribe chosen by god

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wtf majoras mask

Is that thing human?

> rolling around in a mud puddle will clean your clothes, goy

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i am not even trolling. I live in spic central and have seen white/latino couples and the latino could even look 4/10 subhuman and the kid still comes out pretty whiteish. presuming you have never seen white and whiteish latinos. Their kids can come out virtually white like the girl

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second. european penis in european vagina, and likewise latino in latino etc. mixed markets are a jewish symptom. remove the termites and it is simple and easy to understand once again.

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There are parts of South America that are much whiter than a lot of places in the USA and your assertion about their low standards is made up bullshit. White is white the world over.

Sub-human at most. But above niggers.

Some are, some aren't. That one isn't.

i would like to see these two white lads from uruguay

Mestizo* babies

the future of the white race lies in the southern cone, everything else will be destroyed by niggers and muslims

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she's a 42 year old 157cm roastie worth 300+ million USD of kike money paid to make millions of girls act like degenerate whores
he's a 32 year old 194cm kick a ball guy with intelligence levels of a mule
>literally an old whore buying herself a fuck toy.
>wow look how wonderful.. two degenerates made two babies.
>white race is saved
ffs.. this shit is the most pathetic shit that can happen to any man.

>i am not even trolling
exactly what a troll would say when found out, you're a low tier troll, or a total retard nigger.
Pick one.