Why is it that most of murderers and other criminals and other criminals are males?

Looking at these statistics I'm starting to get ashamed of being a male subhuman filth

Attached: MatriarchyNow!.jpg (1280x1058, 109K)

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Seriously guys. How do I get rid of my female superiority fetish? The idea of a matriarchy gets me rock hard.

Tits or gtfo.


embrace it

Female supremacy is the future

Attached: TheMatriarchyIsComing.gif (363x201, 531K)

If males are so superior then how come the X chromosome more beautiful and elegant?

we can just look at the x and y chromosomes. The X is large, beautiful, elegant. All the information that encodes the beauty of the female is on it, and without it babies can't be made and all humanity dies out. The Y is small and pitiful, a pale imitation of the X, a mutation that makes ugly smelly males.

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The social construct of masculinity, aka the way males are encultured
Our current definition of masculinity is highly influenced by semitic ideology, and is quite possibly a jewish plot

Absolutely we should let the women lead us, girl power!

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counter sage

no, femininity is also influenced by semitism. gender should be abolished, and everyone wears the same uniform.

Males typically carry both X and Y, females just carry another copy of the same old shit again

My "tits" are flat and pretty muscular. They also cannot secrete any milk under any circumstance. Still want to see them?

Did I stutter mother fucker?

Women aren't really capable of doing anything that proactive and constructive/destructive. They're too afraid of the risks and too physically weak to do it in the first place.

Women are perennial NPCs.

Because Common Sense Samurai

Same reason that most CEOs and leaders are men, high testosterone.

You are probably familiar with seppuku.

who's that cum dumpster?

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Because women are weak, weak willed and submissive.

Because only men get shit done.

it's going to be like living as a slave and no not in a cool, kinky way, in a hand money over to the state while we burn and destroy everything you love.

She belongs on her knees sucking my dick and cleaning my asshole with her tongue.

Dadario has perfect breasts.

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well, you seem to be forgetting that asians and white also have males

The observation that men do all the bad things is half the observation that men do everything. If you want something done for good or ill, you need a man.

o rly? last time i checked in huehue land nobody gets shit done

Cut your dick off, cuck.

Women can get anything they want by opening there legs

Somehow I think that would only make it worse.

>won't work for a woman
>won't marry
>won't pay taxes

Try forcing me and I'll take a few of your white knights down with me.

ms. perfect tits herself. alexandra daddario

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And a few female feminists as well

Only authority she'd have is in the bedroom.

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13/10 rack, ive never seen better before or after


Doesn't invalidate my argument nor does have anything to do with my country, dumb memeflaggot commie. Show your flag.


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Why is it that most murders are black? Why is it that non-whites commit more crime that whites? Why is it that blacks commit disproportionate amounts of crime?

Looking at these statistics I'm starting to get ashamed of our nation not deporting all blacks, hispanics, and arabs?

is this another "I wish I was woman" thread by Tenda Spencer?

fuck off back to r/hapas you cuck

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That’s why I’m cutting my dick off.

Holy crap those curves are borderline perfect, especially where shes bending over.

This, I hate myself for getting hard

she's the archetype of a perfect white girl body, unlike the big, sloppy nigger baboon booty bullshit that's popular these days.

it should be obvious, but sure

EurasianTiger retard.

fuck off go back to r/hapas you little dicked cuck

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>Why...are males?
Why is everything done by males? Women sit around while men do literally everything on the planet and then whine about it.
Men should go on strike.

oh, whoops

It's amazing how few women realize that the only reason they have any power is because men let them.

Imagine if you were too weak to physically dominate at least 50% of the population, so your evolutionary trajectory took a turn towards deception and social manipulation

Cause she wouldn't shut her mouth.


>Why is it that most of murderers and other criminals and other criminals are males?

It because men are oppressed. Poverty is the root cause of most crime. Ask a liberal.

Define "Murder"





-Abortion is the leading cause of death on planet earth
-over 41 million people were killed from abortion in 2018
-World Health Organization believes this number closer to be 56 million.
-This is an increase from the 50 million annual abortions from years 1990-1994
-From 2010-2014 74% of all abortions were obtained by married women.
-Globally, 25% of all pregnancies end in abortion.
-Abortion rates are similar in countries where abortion is highly restricted and where it is broadly legal. The abortion rate is 37 per 1,000 women in countries that prohibit abortion altogether or allow it only to save a woman’s life, and 34 per 1,000 in countries that allow abortion without restriction as to reason—a difference that is not significant
- women are the global statistical leaders in all categories of murder and death
-more humans were killed through abortion in 2018 alone, than all Wars combined since WWII
-Nearly as many people are killed via abortion annually, then all deaths from the entirety of WWII.

The state of Florida records a reason for every abortion that occurs within its borders each year. In 2015, there were 71,740 abortions in Florida. Here are the Percentage Reason for abortion reported:
.001% The pregnancy resulted from an incestuous relationship
.065% The woman's life was endangered by the pregnancy
.085% The woman was raped
.288% The woman's physical health was threatened by the pregnancy
.294% The woman's psychological health was threatened by the pregnancy
.666% There was a serious fetal abnormality
6.268% The woman aborted for social or economic reasons
92.330% No reason (elective)

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based and redpilled

>Why is it that most cars that crash have wheels, are wheels bad?

You're forgetting that it's only cars with wheels that work

Because cunts are stupid passive and not good for anything.

>Why is it that most of murderers and other criminals and other criminals are males?

Female privilege that they are not held accountable for their crimes, most often then do not have to commit crime to survive.As well they can pressure a man to commit the crime for her.

Women should have no rights