>Lawyers: Files sent by Alex Jones contained child porn

Lawyers for the families of children and adults killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School disclosed Monday that child pornography was found in electronic files sent to them by conspiracy theorist Infowars host Alex Jones.

The pornography was found in email metadata files Jones' attorneys turned over to the families' lawyers as part of the discovery process of a defamation lawsuit, which was filed in a Connecticut court last year in response to discussions on Jones' show about the school shooting being a hoax.

Jones' attorney, Norman Pattis, said the child pornography was in emails sent to Jones that were never opened and he denied Jones did anything wrong. Pattis said federal authorities are investigating who sent the emails.

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most right wing people like child porn

There were a few threads a while ago saying that feds had put cp on his computer.

why would trump do something like that!!! It's time to impeach

glow niggers

what did leddit mean by this

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Alex Jones is creating child pron with his own children!?

did you eat paint chips as a kid?
you are dumb as fuck

He handed over all of the InfoWars server data to lawyers. Someone had sent emails containing CP to Jones email addresses. These emails had never even been opened. Leftwing media lying as usual.

Stop posting this thread you stupid faggot

that's literally what it says... alex jones is fucking children and selling videos of it

Lying MSM headlines. The emails were sent TO him from others.

From the ABC story:
>Jones' attorney, Norman Pattis, said the child pornography was in emails sent to Jones that were never opened and he denied Jones did anything wrong. Pattis said federal authorities are investigating who sent the emails. Appearing angry on his web show based in Austin, Texas, Jones accused one of the families' lawyers, Christopher Mattei, of planting the child pornography in the files in an effort to frame Jones. He also offered a $1 million reward for information on who sent the emails containing child porn.

you need to learn to read, you clearly have a learning disability

Feds sent him child porn knowing this would happen

so he's sending child porn through email? headline sounds about right

>f- f- f- fake news

nice try nonce.

>the child pornography was in emails sent to Jones
>sent to Jones

That's literally what the FBI found you stupid nigger. Jones is not in any trouble.

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This is a coordinated attack. All news outlets are printing the exact same misleading headline.

and jones sent it to someone else... he's distrubuting child porn

nothing will happen to him other than retards thinking he is a pedo

this. i thought everyone knew this


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Well we already know he likes trannies so is this really that much of a stretch..?

Oh fuck bro. That means the Sandyhook lawyers, and by extension the Sandhook parents, were all soliciting child porn.



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So do most left-wingers.
Turns out everyone likes child porn and just says they don't.

they are going to go after who sent them to him

This is glow nigger 101.

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Alex jones was literally fucking his own kids and filming it. I don't think the sandyhook parnets were doing that

the court said jones had to give the people suing him his emails so he did. then they found out someone sent him cp. are you playing stupid or do you really not understand?

So it sounds like people were sending him hatemail with CP in it and when he was ordered to give all his emails to the defamation lawyers, those files from unsolicited emails were included? Not his fault if that's the case, it's like someone sending you some unsolicited fishy link and you click it and there's some weird shit in it

jones is emailing child porn... the headline is correct

You have brain problems. Like you must have a swiss cheese brain.
You need help. Learn basic English. Learn to read.

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

>Alex jones was literally fucking his own kids and filming it.
t. Ezekiel Shnozberg

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>"The FBI advised counsel that its review located numerous additional illegal images, which had apparently been sent to InfoWars email addresses,' they stated."
>So did he send them or were they sent to him?

>sounds like they were originally sent to InfoWars accounts, but ended up getting picked up in the discovery information that InfoWars sent to the lawyers suing them.

>Then that headline is REALLY misleading

>It's a trash headline, and no one is reading the article as usual. Internet trolls sent CP to InfoWars email addresses, Alex Jones hands over all the InfoWars electronic server data to the lawyers, the lawyers meticulously dig through everything and discover that someone had sent CP to one of the email addresses.
>Somehow that gets translated to "Alex Jones sent CP to Sandy Hook family lawyers" lmao like what??

Nice try faggot.

10/10 trolling. Not even being sarcastic

Read your own post you retard. Emails were SENT-TO-JONES, and that very metadata is what they found.

prove me wrong... Jones is on the deep web right now fucking his 7 year old daughter

I knew Jones was going off the rails but CP? Really? What a filthy pedo.

It's a good thing PJW distanced himself from this trainwreck while he had the chance.

That's exactly what happened you MI6 Paki

due to a court order. so i guess the court is also part of this conspiracy. this is yuuuuuge

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I'm going to prove you are illiterate and need some fucking hooked on phonics buddy.


FBI posters are trying some real strange tactics that stand out like a sore thumb.
>Just start searching for child porn on TOR goy
>Commit a felony goy

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I don't care. I still STAND WITH ALEX JONES.
Don't let the inter-dimensional alien Bavarian pedophile vampire anti-Trump Chinese dancing Arabs that run Hollywood win!

Stand with Alex!

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interesting... so you can't prove me wrong? sounds like Alex Jones is a pedophile

the article also said they found 7 dead bodies under is porch. this is crazy stuff

>soliciting child porn

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So apparently all one needs to do is email cheese pizza to your enemies, and then THEY become the criminal, not you.

Fascinating. Let's use this knowledge to drain the swamp.

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bro! I was joking?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!?!?


>he didn't realize that Jow Forums backtraces every IP



i'm behind 7 proxies kid

Sure is fucking summer in here

lol you're fucked. bye bye!

>the child pornography was in emails sent to Jones that were never opened
So, it's nothing (as usual).

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Damn the cyber police backtraces everyone....you don goofed, kiddo

Press [S] to spit on grave. S.

>sounds like they were originally sent to InfoWars accounts, but ended up getting picked up in the discovery information that InfoWars sent to the lawyers suing them.
>picked up in the discovery information that InfoWars sent to the lawyers suing them
>InfoWars sent to the lawyers suing them

Alex Jones confirmed sending CP to Sandy Hook parents' lawyers.

Alex slipped into the porn pill. Remember when he was caught watching tranny porn? And the guy gave a shout out to alex on twitter? It's a slippery slope the porn addiction has to get more extreme. Stay away from porn my fellow anons.

He was set up by deep-state kikes.

He only started running into trouble when he divorced his Jewish wife.

And right wing establishment shills project ALL of it onto the left. Half the crap these shills say about "duh left" is then projecting all the degenerate crap they do and like that will make them look bad

No, shill, you completely pulled that from your ass. There is a huge prevalence of child pornography and child molestation and child sexual abuse on the right. Unsuitable shit standards and qualifications shitstain cops are a huge faction, republican politicians are big enough on it too, and religious figures.

That prevalence is not like this at all on the left.

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based proud boy

and the court told him to send it so they're in on it to!! how deep does this go!!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

maybe alex wasnt just a lolcow after all, if they're willing to plant cp

>We don’t have a case

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pedonecrophillia from dead school shooing victims. F A T N U T ! ! ! ! !

frogs gay

high quality bait

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It's almost like people get into the bureaucracy under false pretenses to abuse their power with no threat of repercussions. Good thing leftists are pure in mind, body and spirit.

Missed the part where it was an attachment sent to them that they didn't open? Fucking shill retard.

>email metadata
yeah, sure

desu you can bust anyone on child porn

Absolutely disgusting.

Why is the mainstream media so threatened by Alex Jones? Was he that much of a threat to their empire?

Nice damage control from AJ's attorney. We all know AJ is a degenerate boomer that can't control his porn addiction. This is just another one of his slip ups.

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>There is a huge prevalence of child pornography and child molestation and child sexual abuse on the right.

>was in emails sent to Jones that were never opened
It's fucking nothing. This isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened. Remember Dan "FoldableHuman" Olson? This is just how they operate when shutting it down fails. archive.fo/3U1T1

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I feel honored seeing my OC get posted.
Good times that was. The whole tranny porn thing.

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The most jewish post ever

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global rule 14 nigger

love this "real news" they are publishing to combat "fake news"

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one zionist gate keeper down

>The pornography was found in email metadata files

What? How does CP get sent as metadata?


Fake fucking shill news.

The left runs Cp farms in Hollywood.

Feds Love Cp just ask the DEA.

>Emails never open
>files from Jones to his "lawyer"
>article blame Alex Jones
This is most definitely a false flag and/or character assassination.
When calling him crazy, racist, and so one failed what better way to ruin Alex Jones than to accuse him of CP?
The left are dirty sneaks and the masses don't want to see it.

They're using Law and Order SVU tier misusing technobabble to convey a since of authority.

He's a shitty gatekeeper is why. People find AJ and move on to the likes of TRS, DS, Cantwell, Ramzpaul, etc.

hi pedo, you will burn

crazy what happens when you fuck with hillary. She is like the real life version of a evil cult leader reminds me of the movie hereditary. She can kill you or use lawyers to ruin your life

This is why you NEVER decide to be a hero or buck the system to any extent, least of all publicly. Everyone is about 15 seconds and 0 units of effort away from getting thrown in prison for manufactured child pornography charges. Just think about how it would go down:
>Government Spooks: Mr. user, we found six gorillian terabytes of sexually violated children on your computer.
>user: What?! That's impossible, I don't have child porn on my computer!
>Government Spooks: Yeah, sure. Save it for court.
>News: Twisted child molestor user on trial for child pornography. Bail set at $100 trillion, he's facing a minimum of 300 years in prison with an option for parole if he agrees to chemical castration and membership on a sex offender list that will prevent him from ever living within 100 miles of civilization or holding gainful employment ever again, not that this will matter much since his former neighbors and family members will see this article and literally lynch him the second he leaves prison.

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