Anyone else unironically want white sharia? Having multiple slave wives and stoning degens sounds like a good time

Anyone else unironically want white sharia? Having multiple slave wives and stoning degens sounds like a good time.

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No eat shit

fuck off weev.

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Unironically, it would probably be better than what we have right now, but it's not ideal. The ideal is what we used to have in Western countries before the 1960s.

i would prefer western civilization evolve beyond the growing pains of degeneracy than reactively degenerate into pre-middle ages desert religion

Well, ironically, weak men stone their wives because they have bound up their sexual status pride upon their actions. This means THEY HAVE NO INDIVIDUAL PRIDR. Thus, lesser men and that means sharia law is gunk. Shit. Garbage designed for the sole purpose of controlling large numbers of people against their free will. Which is against 'gods intent'. Thus, MUHAMMAD HAS COMMITTED ACTIONS AGAINST GOD. A true devil. And will go to hell with his jewish cousins.

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isn't that Mira the whore?

don't want it, but I could get with it pretty easily if it it became the order from on high.

Islam could work out if it wasn't centered around and tied to the brownoid Arab people.

>Having multiple wives
>People born have a 50% chance of being either gender
So you either get a polygamous marriage or you get fucked, sick!

Well buddy, youre kinda right. Except you cannot do the 60s without an iron curtains. Internet has destroyed Nations. Now more then ever before, people can and do see everything. Chinas censor will eventually fail, their underground networks will do it. So, at the end of the day, GUESS WHOS GOING TO BE LEFT STANDING... LOL... Only 1 group will win, AND! Its always the same group... Lol...

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How about one normal wife?



I actually just told my wife the other day how nice it would be to have a sla- err another wife around the house just to help with house related stuff. We'd fuck every now and then but no big deal.

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user, what you want is Catholic Integralism. It's got all the public morality and healthy living of Sharia without all the nasty stupidity of Islam. It's what Europe had in the Middle Ages and most of the Renaissance. Obviously we couldn't make things exactly the same because of the difference in technology, but we could return to a similar organization of society with the Church playing a role in the governance of the state.

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i'm going to throw an absolute shit fit if trump doesnt fight against congress voting for war with iran

that's why you get em young

what a GREAT idea, bro! let's import like, another N million shitskins into our nation, making even MORE room in the Levant
>show your flag, rabbi

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White Sharia is unironically the only way of securing the existence of the white race.

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not unironically, no
but if the good guys the demographic battle for the west then i will enjoy watching islam dismantle everything the left cares about while i call them islamophobic for having a problem with it

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>if the good guys the demographic battle
if the good guys lose the demographic battle

white sharia yes
multiple wives no
stoning cheaters no
however public whipping would be great

>blah blah muh armchair psychology means you can't have a harem of beautiful white women for some reason
Fuck you, kike