I’m in love with a non-white person. What do I do

I’m in love with a non-white person. What do I do

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What difference does it make if you're a faggot?

that's crazy man. i don't even like most white people.

stop lying

wait til her ape side comes out!

Repent your emotions, not that fucking hard.

He’s Chinese


Get out.

It'll pass if you're really convinced it's a bad idea. I've been that way - girl was half my age, she even reciprocated the interest - but I chided myself for it and put a halt to it. She was confused the next time she saw me, and flirted. /Should/ you squelch it, though? That's up to you.

much less non-whites. but why don't you try and make me get out, tough guy?

>start first adult job
>get really attractive asian workaholic as a supervisor

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idk he’s the guy and he’s older than me so kinda your polar opposite in this case lol

KILL YOURSELF you subhuman traitorous rat

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Male or female?


I hope he's not black. You'll see nothing good about race mixing with blacks on this board. They're apparently not family people, for one thing.

Jump of the roof of a tall building race defiler

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>he fell for the azn maymay


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If you marry her, don’t move to a White area. Stay away from us.

I’m white he’s Chinese

>adult job
you have to be 18 to post here

does he know you're a tranny

Step in front of truck

If the feelings are mutual, pursue a relationship.

Then git out of Jow Forums, you deserve to get out of here and it'll be great for you. You'll have a gf unlike those who are active here

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mods are cucks