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Bullshit, why give them a head's up?

Because Israel is gonna try to frame us

Can we just nuke most of the world and be done with all this already?
I'm at the point where Fallout looks appealing.

They're Persian, not Arabs. It's like calling a German person Spanish, you Mutt.

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If you're not with us, you're against us. This is your final warning.

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Yeah nah fuck off camel jockey

>doesn't have to spend a dime on "intelligence"
>gets advanced warning on twitter
>set up smuggled patriot missile def system
>us strikes soundly defeated
lmao is there such a thing as strategy in modern military?

This user gets it

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Isn’t it funny that the territory isis controlled at its height just happened to pave a nice AAA free path from Israel right to Iran where the nuke facilities are located? Isn’t that just plain weird haha it’s probably just a weird coincidence that isis never attacked Israel in spite of being Islamic fundamentalists haha that sure is whacky oh man how crazy that once isis is a non-factor and there are air forces hostile to Israel in the area now that for some reason Iranians are escalating a conflict they don’t want in the first place haha what an odd series of coincidences!

Okay, Miguel.

Oh fuck off gaytard.

suck my dick. I hope they sink a carrier and nuke us. This country is shit and deserves to die.

Yeah this seems totally legit


lmfao. you do that and 10,000 guided missiles with heavy warheads will hit Israel before sunrise. and that''s after Israel dispenses all of it's defensive capabilities for missile defense.

Do it. please do it.

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Because they don't actually want to do it, they're just posturing.

>dey pershyun
>no ayyyyrabz

There's no difference.
Muslim? They need to go.
Oh, now scream and bark about how i'm a jew or whatever. Fucking retard.

Listen no one likes smelly Iranians but this is an act of war that not even the most MIGA of pedes can support

>inb4 its all 4d chess to get IRAN to strike israel.

this never works out well for us. name one overseas adventure that the US military has had which has not resulted only in a bunch of dead americans with nothing to show for it. the only people benefiting from this bullshit are the energy moguls and the (((neocons))). we NEVER see any returns on the blood we shed.
go fuck yourself, Schlomo.

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You don't get it do you? No one gives a fuck about Israel. Fuck Israel. They can all get fucked, every single shitfuck in the middle east. Iran has always been the target. It's going to happen. They are getting destroyed. Good. Fuck them. They still owe for 1979. They could all get fucking vaporized. Fuck them.


His ass

Why does he have a rainbow emoji is he a fag supporter?

why can't you post the pentagon source
why are you posting twitters and cnn


We should wait until Iran nukes Israel and/or Saudi Arabia and then nuke them, 2 birds.

it might be for all we know. You can disbelieve in 4D chess if you want but never count it out completely, and never count out the shadow war brewing in the US right now that's possibly using this war drum beating as a smoke screen for everything going on right now (NXIVM trials today, all those NYPD "suicides" and political "suicides" last week).

It makes ya think a bit.

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WWII Pacific theater.

US is big bark, no bite boy when it comes to a semi-competent nation.

You're not a jew, shabbos goy. You never will be.

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good, i hope lots of shitskinned fag american soldiers get put into the ground where they belong.


So there's no difference between you and some Christian nigger from Nigeria? that supposed to be an insult?

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Initially they wanted to use 9/11 to blast Lebanon, Syria, Libya, and... Iran. They're slowly checking them off the list.

Of course there is. I'm neither christian, nor a nigger. But even if I were, it wouldn't matter. Islam has to go.

Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.

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have sex incel. Actually kys and never breed amerimutt. Your kind needs to go extinct. Cant wait for the civil war so i can join the left and slaughter you muttniggers!

Yawn hawks are swarming thick tonight. Shoo shoo

i want to die with you in holy cleansing nuclear fire for our sins!

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Absolute ZOG tier post my friend.

I don't mind Muslims as long as they stay in their own countries though. If we'd stop bombing them, there might be a chance they don't come flocking once again, don't you think?

Fucking good job why don't you just sent them the exact date and time so they know what the deadline is to move the facilities.

>I don't have a problem with muslims
Well, aren't you just a naive little lamb.

What happens when they're out of targets? Whose next? Jow Forums?

have sex virgin.

Taken out of context. If we stay strong, they can't touch us, you faggot. I mind them being in the West, don't get me wrong. But I don't mind them minding their own business in their own countries. I tend to hate Americans more, since you have to drag the entire world into your kike adventures.

Based Bulgy

- while you think you're the saviors of the world.. But all you do is to fuck everything up .I hope you will get severely punished one day. A couple of dozens of nukes will make you really humble.


>it's all so tiresome

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A fucking leaf

They don't mind their business. They have no countries. Anything outside of medina is not muslim clay. They all have to go.

that's fucking stupid, why the fuck would you need to go over Syria when the US can just park off the coast with a carrier

>They don't mind their business. They have no countries.
good goy

>forgets about all the US satellites in orbit
Are all you new fags this dumb. This is the equivalent of a sports trade leaking to the press. Your only hearing about it because it benefits the person leaking it in someway. Fucking you normies need to learn to see things in the bigger picture

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make love not war incel!


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You realize if you killed Israel right now I'd neither smile nor cry? I do not give one single solitary fuck about Israel.

they always do this trump when running was talking about how the whitehouse gives info on how they are going to do the shit they are goning to do

Nice trips (((satan))) I have a bigger problem with kikes

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what would US gain by doing this?

Yes, totally different!

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I sometimes wonder how the Arabs would have turned out without the Jewish shit and Mohammad.

pls don't nuke us

Kikes are way worse though. Without kikes, Muslim nations and Christian nations could coexist peacefully.

You think all Muslims are bad? Think again..

Probably to see where Iran moves it enriched uranium to.

Iran wouldn't be this dumb, though, and would see through it.

Finland can stay.
You poor saps are already so depressed you'd probably enjoy the radiation.

>stupid religious bullshit

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Well, global nuclear war is inevitable. Getting it over with is always the best option.


'Us' meaning ZOG?

History disagrees with you. Islam has been killing and conquering everyone not them for a millennium and a half. Long before Israel was even a thing. That's a bullshit cop out. They have to go. Every fucking one of them.

Have sex!

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We don't live in the 15th century anymore. Yes, many Muslims are vile, but they would know not to fuck with us if we lived separately.

An example is Pakistan.. They got nukes, why haven't they nuked us? Because they know it's gonna be their end.

The US/Israel is way more dangerous to the world than any Muslim country.

I'm more worried about the Iranian navy.

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>we don't live in the 15th century anymore.
None of us do. The Muslims never got that far. Those camelfucking jawas are still in the seventh century. I maintain, they all have to go.

havent snow niggers been doing the same? everyones been doping it nigger so does that mean everyone dies? Id start with burgerland. Islam isnt the problem, its weak dumb whitey yoiu kike

>Muslim? They need to go.
if america won, all it would do is increase the population of muslims in europe and expand globohomo. retard, learn to think critically

show flag memeflag. No one is falling for your d&C.

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And the kikes live in 700 BC. What's your point?

Many Muslim countries are semi-secular though. Who do you think turned many Middle Eastern countries highly religious in the 50-70s?

Pic related is from Kabul, Afghanistan in 1972.

Attached: women-kabul.jpg (410x247, 22K)

Quiet mehmet. Go rape some kids.

Iran in the late 60s early 70s.

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Its more like calling a Dane a Finn. Different language family yo

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I am well aware of that pic. Also, the ones from Pakistan and Tehran. Egypt too. And Lebanon.

I maintain, they all have to go.

Yeah, you're a moron, I get that.

>Pentagon considering
twatter kike discovers that the pentagons job is to 'consider' options News @ 11

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Post your flag.

that's 10 years away from gay marriage, 20 years away from dick chopping, 30 years away from child strippers

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Nah, that'd be you.
>muh nice muslims
>why can't we all get along

All religion is stupid. Islam is evil. Fuck them. They have to go.

Quiet mehmet

no one cares about arabian fucks' feelings fuck off

meh a few million real muslims and the kikes and degenerates will be flying off buildings at record pace.
It would truly be raining men.

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Why are conservative women so attractive and wealthy looking? It makes me want to have one because it looks safe and not totally insane.


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your not really convincing anyone jidf. Why dont you jews get rid of them if you hat them so much?

Everybody keeps talking to me about the jews like I'd care.

Wish is a lie because you would cry until your dad barges into your room and beats the fuck out of you kike memeflag.

Is announcing this a month ahead of time enough evidence that it's all theater, or no?

>British flag
>mistakes wish for which

Quiet mehmet.