Is antisemitism actually a virus?

Or is it just a fake word made up by zionists?

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It has zero meaning without association. I know lots of anti semites who high five each other.... FUCKING ANTI SEMITES ARE EVIL... If it wasnt for anti semtic people, we would all be kike slaves.. Anti Semitic people are blue in color and smell delicious.... SO! add association. Make it whatever you want. anti Semitic people don need this pill.....

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Anti Zionism isn't Antisemitism

>easy to catch

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Good point goy but dont say it too loudly

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Where's the lie? This type of screeching is only going to open more eyes.

>easy to catch
Oh boy I wonder why

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>oh the quote wasn't said by Voltaire it was said by a neonazi therefore you know Jews don't rule you


I think a lot of people hate the Jews.

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meahwhile this is fine according to Twitter

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Jew bastards, they’re a fucking protected class. Fuck them. I hope antisemitism rises.

>accuse your enemies of what you are doing
haha you guys have a virus haha lol easy to catch I'd watch out haha

Love how they prove pic related correct

>Anti Zionism isn't Antisemitism
fuck jews and fuck israel

Every state should hold a referendum on whether or not they support Israel

>anderson cooper

it's a fee of admission to debase your first born

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All words are made up you niggeramus

Define it for me then. Aren't Xians and Mudscums also semitic, by the mutually agreed definition of the word semite?

the irony

I am surprised to see a leaf say this. Perhaps you're not a dog raping leaf and just happen to live in Canadistan.

of course im not a leaf, they are flamming homos
im a subhuman chink

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Is a virus you get from Jews.

those working in hollywood know better than anyone how powerful and evil jews are.

They prove the validity of the image by the way they react.

So you're a dog eating chink. Ahh, you're forgiven for the sins of Canada. However, I'm going to have to advocate for the west's full Cao Cao on China.

Trotsky invented it to shut down all antibolshevik sentiment after the Russian coup. He also made up the word racist, but back then it meant ethnonationalist. Fun fact, the neoconservative movement was started by trotskyites.

remember kids:
antisemitism is only a thing because jews exist.
no jews, no antisemitism, no Twitter babies hungry for baba.

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No, Jews are the virus.

That guy needs to calm down

Anti semitism sounds like the cure or antidote for semitism.

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>Timeless truth

This is the essence of jew frailty.

Is gangstalking anti-goyimism?

Anti-semitism is a natural response to semitism

death to jews
death to the great Satan
death to the whore of Babylon

all these hate for john doesn't it prove his point ?

Neonazis aren't known to be credible sources.

It is a mind virus, like feminism, only more contagious.

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Neither are Jews. In fact appealing to credibility is a fallacy similar to appealing to authority.

Why is anti-Semitism so easy to catch? Doesn’t that say something about Jews?

they should bottle whatever makes antisemitism so contagious and attach it to global warming. spoiler alert that special ingredient is truth and there’s no substitute for it.

Yes it’s virus you catch from Jewish media which is unfortunately everywhere making it very easy to catch

criticism of israel is not antisemitic

the reaction proves the premise

>Everyone hates jews for thousands of years
>there is no reason for this

A cancer requires chemo

All criminals should follow the example and make up words to attack people who accuse them of the crimes they do.
This, until the sad little Jew attackword just blends right in as background noise.

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>Why is it easy to catch

They just dont want to get called out on their shit so they shoutvanti semite to get away with it. Not all jews are like that though.just the fake edomite hybrid jews

Some people's guts don't produce any of the good bacteria or too much of the bad stuff. People with autoimmune disorders and such. People with these diseases suffer from all kinds of shitty side effects. For instance, Crohn's Disease isn't even an autoimmune disease, but it's an immune-related disease. Just one of the side effects is Hidradenitis suppurativa. This causes what is essentially baby rash on steroids all over a person's body. It's chronic, and there's no cure. The most they can do is try and treat the rash-like symptoms and hope you don't end up killing yourself while it takes a few years to clear up. Transplanting feces from a healthy person into a person's gut that doesn't produce the good bacteria will cause it to grow inside of their intestinal tract and suppress or prevent symptoms of these diseases. They used to actually just sew someone else's log of shit inside of you, but I'm not sure I'd rather eat someone else's shit instead personally.

>use the twitter app dude
the pretentiousness

Just trying to keep the sympathy spotlight on them selves while they crush palestinians.

29 more years till Israel will be 100 years of failure

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You have an 'interesting' understanding of failure. Id say being stuck in Gaza paying $6 for a snickers bar smuggled in by your own people after voting in terrorists as your government, actual failure.

They are not Semites. Hebrews are Smites. These Converts that run IPAC and Israel are all European shysters

>say white people are oppressing blacks
wow so woke
>say jews are oppressing whites
wow so anti-semitic

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if windows 10 is still windows then christians are jews


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Kek i remember when the merchant made it to congress