Incoming Transmission: 4th of July False Flag

Hi, I'm from the future.

There will be a false flag on July 4th(Independence Day). Iran is the Final Boss.

The elite need a date that the sheep can remember and can easily attach to. Example 9-1-1, 9/11

You have been warned. Prepare. You still have time.

End of transmission.

Attached: Fourth-of-July-Independence-Day.jpg (590x350, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:

digits if happening

Attached: 1559575324534.jpg (720x622, 64K)

>you have been warned.
>this is not a warning.

Attached: 1559451835489.png (500x422, 154K)

checked and bumped

lmao I needed that

digits confirm its a larp and not happening.

There is only one thing that will cause war with Iran (and not simply raise tensions like that recent oil bunker burning up):
A dirty bomb going off whose nuclear materials trace directly to Iran being the origin.

Headline: "Hezbollah Attacks America!", with the terrorist group becoming the next Isis/Al Qaeda

Hi, I’m a fucking boomer

I obsess about a happening and Q bullshit. Iran is my current bunker porno fantasy. I use community buzzwords like “sheep” to describe non schizos

There is still time like there was in Terminator II judgement day which was a cool movie. Not at all like that zoomer shit Fortnite. Brb, taking my viagra before Joanne wants to go to Barnes&Nobel later. We’ll probably go to Chico’s as well, so I’ll post again when I’m outside holding her purse.

Transmission over and out. Godspeed friends and may Jesus have mercy on your souls. Mossad captcha trying to stop me from posting, but a true patriot can’t be stopped. Over and out. Sheeple beware, they are coming. Look to the skies. Show no mercy. Live to be alive, not to exist. We the people. Over and out. 1776.

incoming samethread since 2001.

go on.....


Everything is under severe pressure and its not a matter of if it when so this is almost believable
the Trump family will be the new American dynasty

Tits or gtfo.

Attached: 1559018093613.png (1000x476, 41K)

its happening

Checked and Keked

Attached: YDEq9kE.png (480x448, 204K)

Fake and gay

it's not gonna come on the 4th but it will come before the end of Trump's first term.

Does this coincide with Trump's recent statement about 9/11?

not happening

larp or not, 4th of July is a high risk date for attacks, lads

it's a national holiday, many workers will be on vacation. that will mean the system isn't as strong. police, firemen, and hospitals will already be busy, because of fireworks and drinking injuries. people would mistake explosions and gunshots for fireworks..

confirmed gay?