Historically, men would start going bald in their 40's, 50's, and 60's...

Historically, men would start going bald in their 40's, 50's, and 60's, now young men are going bald even in their late teens and early 20's

WHY is this happening and HOW do we stop the balding epidemic?

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Chronic stress?

too much alcohol consumption; poor diet; lack of sleep; etc.


i had grey hair when i was 26
my great grandfather lived to be 99 and had a full head of hair

bros i'm thinning on top at age 20
its over

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The pharma jews have had the good, safe, inexpensive cure for decades, but that would end their gravy train so they'll never release it.

Too much sugar, insulin resistance. Insecticide, fungicide, pesticide, herbicide. Less fat and greens as grandpa. DNA degradation over generations.


I've seen pics from long time ago where men in their 20s and 30s were going bald. Pretty sure it's been a man thing for awhile now.

Just buzz head and grow facial hair. You'll look manly as fuck

General stress, poor nutrition, and other jewry compounded by over-washing of hair.

Seriously, I was in my mid-twenties before I found out you're not supposed to wash your hair every day. Even if your hair was weakened by other factors, your scalp still might have held it until it recovered, but over-washing negates that. Only women are really taught that so they can grow up to become successful e-thots, propped up by balding beta males.

Alcohol consumption has gone down compared to other generations. Wonder if it has to do with the 1.5 trillion dollars in student loan debt though.

High blood pressure, lack of vitamins

Shitty white genes are at it again. I've never seen a young balding black man. Our melanin grips our hair and keeps it attached. White people without melanin lose their hair much faster

Shave it bro. You’ll feel better


too much test running through their veins to make up for all the s0\j loving faggot numales out there

someones gotta be the chad

why would anyone want to be bald? just let your hair grow, morons.

All the freshman and sophomores i know have full head of hair. But any of the 23-24 year olds I know literally have a recceding hairline. Its really scary to me my dad always told me to eat beef or else ill lose my hair i wonder if being a vegan onions fag has anything to do with it

modern people consume less alcohol, eat healthier, and sleep more than basically any time in recorded history.

I shave my head weekly, with a #1 guard. It’s efficient and keeps Me cool in the summer. Only faggots spend time styling their long hair.

>Blacks don't bal-

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Balding is the new meme. Everyone is panicking about it.

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Fucking Caesar, the Queen of Bithynia, started balding in his 20s.

What the fuck are you talking about? Historically men died of age or common diseases in the 40s and 50s.

The balding could be from
1.frequent Stress
2. their work environment.
3.their Health/Lifestyle
4. Or unhealthy Eating habits

This type of stuff is starting to become common in the West because they usually don't take care of themselves.

its all the jacking off to porn too. Fapping raises DHT levels and young men are fapping multiple times a day til they can't shoot anymore spunk out. This is why their hair falls out too.

>not buzzing it zero guard
thats cute, i bet your pussy is tight too

why the hell did my laptop autocorrect onions to onions

How can you not wash your hair daily if you exercise daily?

Wrong OP. Men today are balding at the same ages they always have. Either you're a slide puppet or your an insecure faggot who's losing his hair and thinks he's the first man in human history to go bald.

Who told you that ?

dysgenics due to strong men dying young for whatever reason, that or environmental factors like estrogens and diet, lifestyle etc

You can rinse the sweat off, you're just not supposed to use shampoo or keep your scalp under water for too long.

Accept going bald senpai a lam. Hopefully you’re tall and have muscles, if not I’m sorry friend.

Fake news. Men balding in their mid 20s is nothing new.

Sugars and alchohols.
Over washing
Under washing
Not enough antioxidants
Not enough protein
To much DHT (which again can be produced by sugar) (and can be produced by being turned on, makes sense in an overly sexual world and tons of porn)

I only use shampoo once a week and exercise almost every day

Politics forum always concerned with hair lines. Kek. Have sage fren.

I’m Italian and we have always gone bald.

>Historically, men would start going bald in their 40's, 50's, and 60's,
Complete and total lies. Fuck off lying sliding leaf.

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This. What are you going to do? Buy product for the side and Bach of you head?

My honest to God truth. Is that Humans are not meant to become bald.
This balding of some sort sounds more of a man-made than what it is Natural. Unless you live next to a chemical plant or a Radioactive Area.Or maybe the type of Shampoo is thinning your hair.

> Our melanin grips our hair and keeps it attached.
Weird, seems like melanin does the opposite with children since you lose those so fast.

Work and women nagging. Caffiene.

I'm 33 and I have most of my hair and is still brown.

Newfag detected.


I recently worked on a job with two black men, one was 24, and the other was 25. Both had early signs of hair loss. It’s not common but it’s happening.

>Is that Humans are not meant to become bald.
chimps go bald too. its not just a human thing.

superior white genetics only means money.

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No, humans do go bald, if it's genetic it will happen, no matter what you do. That being said, you can try to avoid it for as long as possible.
Women don't have this problem because they have estrogen.

My dad started to bald around 35, he's 58 now. However, his dad still has a thick head of hair and he's 90. I'm gonna be 29 this year. Is George Costanza right, that the bald gene skips a generation, or am I gonna be fucked in a few years?

OP, you find the bitch you want to breed, then you look at her father and make a determination, she's hot, but her Dad is a balder.

Birth control meds and preggo pee in the drinking water. We all drink recycled piss. Estrogen in the water we drink, xenoestrogens in the food we eat. We're fucked and the pepes are turning gay.

Lost mine at 20 desu
At least I’m not fat

You basically want to fuck her dad's genes. Find a Dad that doesn't bald.

cause a mod got butthurt one day over s o y b o y

estrogenic compounds and porn

Kevin Durant

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bet she lost part of her foot to the DIE-abeetus

mods newfag, get him

That's Peter's body.

Caesar went bald at like 21. People have been balding forever. Men have always been self-conscious. Just rock it.

I have glorious long hair.


Fucking this
>be boomer
>finish high school
>"Damn thats a firm handshake son! You're hired!"
>gets decent paying job
>be millennial
>literally forced to have a degree just so he can work
>finishes degree
>checks job market
>"Junior position/internship for minimum wage, ages 18-25, 10 years of experience, fluency in HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, Python, Pearl, C#/C++, Java, Astrophysics, Control Theory, MS Office Master Certificate, English literature. Math Phd preferred."
>has to do the same job boomer had for less money and his entire youth is now lost
Fuck this faggotry!

>modern people eat healthier
LMAO! People 200 years ago didn't eat processed cattlefeed and sugar liquid

Every adult man on my dad's side is bald, it wasn't a surprise when I started losing it. There's only one solution to baldness and it's shaving your head and picking up a barbell. Not growing a shitty beard, not dumping money into Rogaine, not becoming a "hat" guy. Just be a man and deal with it. Thinning hair looks gross

Shave it and grow a beard, simple

With me it's genetics, my grandfather and his father both were totally bald entering their 30's and i'm slowly but surely balding myself.
Also: isn't balding linked with high testosterone or something? My grandfather and great grandfather were both well-built and they had thick facial hair and desu i find it easy to build muscle mass myself

I'm 37 and just now starting to thin out.

take avodart every friggin day. ask me anything.

estrogen makes you keep your hair

>be you
>make shitty life choices
>get mad at people who didn't

shiggy dig dig

That's my hairline now at 45. Started going bald around 33 when life got stressful. Worked with a guy who was basically Charlie Brown at 18. Seems each generation is getting balder faster.

High Test.

stinky white boy

One reason is because of moisturizing shampoos that don't let your scalp shed old / dead skin naturally. The old / dead skin traps DHT into the scalp and you bald more.

Switch to a hair loss shampoo like nioxin, it dries your scalp out. When I first started it, I was able to scrape old skin off my scalp with my fingernails.

Meat consumption isn't a factor. Protein deficiency is very rare.

Men aren't going bald sooner, they're experiencing extended adolescence where going bald looks goofy as fuck. Going bald in your 20s wouldn't seem weird at all if you were working, had a family, and didn't wear the same clothing as a 15 year old. But if you're stuck in manchild mode and wear shorts and a tshirt while your hairline is halfway back your head you look like a retard.
>be 40
>have full head of thick hair, was blonde as a child but turned brown around 7 years old
>brother hand blonde hair that started falling our rapidly around 20
>father had blonde hair that turned brown in his early 20s, thinned in his 40s
>grandfather had blonde hair that fell out in his early 20s. He used it to his political advantage by making voters think he was older than he actually was

Chronic stress, along with elevated estrogen levels. Male bodies convert excess estrogen to DHT.

>implying any life choices make up for the fact we have far less purchasing power than boomers did, and have to compete with turd worlders

I'm about to be 29 and still have the hairline of the average 16 year old. Every time I see a guy around my age balding I get so happy, thats one less guy I have to compete with for pussy. And yes I'll bring up your hairloss around girls to make you look worse in comparison, I love calling out hairlets.

become beanie-pilled perhaps?

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>shaving your head
That's like if fat people thought they could hide their guts by wearing no shirts. Bu a toupee already

>And yes I'll bring up your hairloss around girls to make you look worse in comparison
That behavior is bitchy woman tier.

Congrats.. must be all that estrogen in your balls.

Ive been wondering this exact same thing. Recently turned 21 and I've noticed literally three of my friends that I've known since childhood are starting to go bald.

There has to be something unnatural involved. Im pretty sure my hairs getting slightly thinner but im not sure because my grandfather on my moms side never lost his hair and my dads well into his fifties and just started losing hair

growth hormones in food, probably why puberty is setting in at earlier ages

You don't go out much do you? When theres girls around, the truth comes out. Dudes will bring up height, job title, what car you drive, your living situation to try to put you down in front of girls, to elevate himself. Its fucked up, but that is life. The competition for pussy in western countries is fierce. Me being only 5'11 I have to bring up hair, because dudes will call me out on being short. But I usually have them on hair and facial aesthetics. Plus I work a 6 fig job at 28.

>Dudes will bring up height, job title, what car you drive, your living situation to try to put you down in front of girls,

Nobody does this lmao what are you talking about. You must not have many friends irl

>only 5'11

That last sentence, manlet cope.

Bot post

In my case fapping and stress are the two main causes.

I imagine fapping a lot to do with it depending on the person since everyone is different

Cringe and estrogenpilled. No wonder the west is going down the shitter if """men""" act like this just to bang vapid sluts.

Your social circle must not have many attractive women in it. Attractive women attract sharks, that is the curse they live with lol. And yeah dudes will literally bring up my lack of height even though 5'11 is pretty decent, but if the other guy is like 6'2 or taller he will take jabs at me. So I fire back by making fun of his hairline which mine is usually much stronger.

>be balding in 20s
>fall for the finasteride jew
>develop horrible anxiety with no change to hair loss

Felt bad man. Best thing I did was just get off that shit and just shave it off. Balding young sucks but have to take your losses with genetics sometimes.

Alcohol lol

Our ancestors were massive alcoholics. That's pretty much all people drank because the water was horrible and would kill you a lot quicker than booze

5'11 cant be fixed man, sucks

Yeah in the 1800s. Our parents and grandparents probably not though. Alcohol issues are skyrocketing in young people today