Why do white nationalists primarily come from low class/low education/low success backgrounds...

Why do white nationalists primarily come from low class/low education/low success backgrounds? Where are the white nationalist entrepreneurs, CEO's, scientists, scholars, academics, inventors, athletes, models, etc? Anyone who hasn't been dead for 75 years?

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Because they're the ones who actually have experience living among shitskin you fucking brainlet.

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If you are benefiting from the system why change it?

oh they there, just smart enough to not wear it on their sleeves. wait till the chips are down.

Uhhh they get there towing the line.

No shit, this glow in the dark nigger (OP) is looking for the quiet ones here.

Pft my dad works at Nintendo and invented Yoshi.

Virtue signalling on social media.Preaching diversity. What you think those 'anti racists' care about nigs or spics? Rofl They just hate you as well.

them bitches yelling "cryptofascist" have no idea

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>Because they're the ones who actually have experience living among shitskin you fucking brainlet

most white supremacists come from virtually homogeneously white parts of the country. Areas with much lower recored IQs than their urban, diverse city counterparts

Chode Post

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do you have a data set that confirm this?
have you ever thought that most vocal white nationalists keep their mouths shut and don't openly talk about shit like this because it is inherently divisive?

Where can i get one of those masks

Fuck you guy, i live in a very diverse neighborhood in a diverse city in a diverse state. I WISH i could live somewhere 90% white.

>you're only allowed to have a homeland if you're pretty

Why does this based fucker have to look like a leftist charicature of rightwingers Z ? FUCK

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/thread and kikery saged

Because we are the only ones that have to deal with the niggers and ratchet hood rats

They're the ones who deal with nogs that aren't just diversity hired monkeys in a suit. They deal with the crime, the blatant reverse racism, and being put behind everyone who's a shade of brown.

Poorly shopped

Because it's photoshop

The lower rural classes in general are more nationalistic in every country. They keep better the spirit and customs of the nation. The higher classes live in different countries, travel, consume foreign culture, food, etc. They relate more with foreign elites than with their own people.

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