Attached: thiswiltstheleaf.jpg (1242x1656, 380K)

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vote yang, get $1000/month and it will literally be free

Attached: 1560296799321.png (640x692, 397K)

Canada is collapsing.

Absolutely fake.

Dang, Im gonna start smugglin pineapple across the border. For the low low price of $300/kg

Heres the message underlying with the grocery stores here. Do it yourself or die of starvation. You will be forced back to the land.

you niggers are going to be eating bugs before the year is up

It's probably the price of fresh fruit out in Nunavut or some shit.
Yeah obviously it's gonna cost a shit ton of money to ship fresh food to the middle of a frozen uninhabitable barren wasteland

You would have to be a fucking retard to think this is real

Have you ever been to a grocery store in Canada?

>going to be eating bugs before the year is up
I think you ll find most of them have an aptitude for this already.

>t. chang

Attached: canadian family.jpg (650x433, 87K)

Should smuggle it up your ass

Nunavut fag or fake and gay

Canadian vote in US elections? I have heard worse truths..

its actually true. i had to take out a line of credit just so i could put some banana in my cereal today.

Why not? Half of Mexico does.

Happens all the time in a grocery store that stuff gets mislabeled like that. I worked at one

this is a shoop, ri-right ?

You can literally print out labels with whatever you want on them at Wal-Mart.

You poor leafs. Should I send some multivitamins up north?

nah, it's Nunavut, a frozen wasteland in northern canada where no man should live.

post the in store prices

He said eating bugs not buggering dogs

Thoughts and prayers

I'd pay that price if pic related rubbed each piece of fruit on her clit

Attached: Natalia_Poklonskaya_2019_-_05.jpg (1820x2730, 353K)

I can get ketchup flavored chips for $1.88CAN a bag from Canadian Tire in BC

Omg its real

Why? Its cold so its not like its going to spoil and you dont have refrigeration costs. The markup shouldn't be that bad

it prolly happens more in leaf land where everyone is an incompetent leftist retard

>Why? Its cold so its not like its going to spoil and you dont have refrigeration costs. The markup shouldn't be that bad
transportation cost. you need to pay some schmucks to risk their lives flying this shit across the frozen tundra for you

Gordy, you rascal!

Sloppy photoshop. If you zoom in you can tell the numbers are not part of the original photo.

i am currently flying to canada right now. flag is korean because seoul > toronto > halifax

how is halifax in current year fellow canucks?

>it’s fake because i said so

Ya got me, i'm not actually a Canadian, i am actually from israel. my flag is a lie. i have never been to a store in Canada and i have definitely never seen fruit like that for less than 200 dollars. OP price is cheap.



Inchon airport is based have some Kloud at the taco bell in the terminal mate

i just ate a dunkin donuts sandwich. i have no idea where i am or where the taco bell(s) are. im about to find my gate here in a few minutes

At best you're a chink you post national cuck

Lol i was just at the store yesterdayand saw a very similar package of fruits for $239.99! Consider yourself lucky!

Its past security, near the Jewnited terminals

can't be real

How much do you make per paycheck/a week?

Why don’t you just get a good job working for the government where you can expense all your meals? Problem solved.

have you? isn't it out of your league?

Kill the Prime minister and replace it with absolute dictatorship gas or kick all degenerates out the country

Attached: 1560506645979.png (245x267, 18K)

No way in hell that is real.

OP is fake

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Usually $30