Meanwhile, in bizarro Jow Forums
Meanwhile, in bizarro Jow Forums
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I love niggers!
When will the Jews finally do something?
Guys turn on the news! Based Swedes are getting ready to annex Russia and liberate them from their black bvlls.
>nothing is fine
I can't believe they finally got him.
I actually have empathy and human decency and realize cooperation brings progress more than fetishized competition.
he was such an upstanding guy too, with a family, a good wife, kids, loyal friends that he didn't screw over, never fucked trannies.
I didn't use sage with this post.
cant believe they let wh*toids in the Iphone charging lines
a true hero died today
F for hyde-sama
wtf im nigga n ow
As an American, I'm proud to say I stand behind Israel and am willing to die to protect the interests of Zion.
OP is most assuredly not a faggot.
I wish Trump would do something about all the illegals.
Live a long healthy life my straight friend.
alt right memes: blah blah blah fascism blah blah
liberal memes: lmao kill nazis bottom text
I still can't believe that we came this close to having Donald Trump as President.
Indian peoples' plumbing and public health infrastructure seems adequate to me.
Everything always happens, you smart straight person you
>coriander in all fields
The Jews need to rise up against the white people that control them.
Honestly, I think there’s a good argument in place that all races might in fact be equal
the moon landings were faked here is proof
Wow, you make an excellent argument. Perhaps I was wrong!
I'm Chad, rich and I have sex every weekend.
Ladies, settle down. I’m sure we can come to an understanding of over how to get those cute computer savants to notice us.
halve sects
Fucking white people need to stop committing crime. If they weren't here we'd have a beautiful home to live in just like Detroit.
Traps are straight
>When will the Jews finally do something?
When Trump finishes tearing down the wall — Remember: Trust the Plan.
Don't worry ladies, no gross doll could ever replace you. You are special and can provide things that a toy never could.. Like, uh....
>20 years of Illuminati research
>tfw its the goyim
>As an American, I'm proud to say I stand behind Israel and am willing to die to protect the interests of Zion.
No, need for that friend.
I know we all love our Israeli friends, and how could we not? After all, they've done so much to help us!
wow, hillary's got this country running surprisingly well. i can't believe it's already 98% white now. average wage is 10 grams gold bullion per hour.
and home prices are 5lbs gold bullion.
I think it was a really nice gesture when all of the members of congress agreed to not accept any pay until the last homeless guy Jeff had a home.
I actually enjoy working for mr goldberg, I truly think that this is way better life then sitting at home getting NEET-bux
found the goy
Damn so Trump actually built the wall huh? I guess I should have seen this coming after he brought our troops and jobs home.
Interesting earth is a cube right next to Saturn
wtf i love jews now
Feels good to know Puerto Rico owns the United States and they're our colony of tax slaves.
look at this piece of shit.