Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in. Mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people

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Other urls found in this thread:

And thats a good thing

Imagine actually believing this

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Can I citizens arrest the non citizens next door?

Fuck off and get raped to death by a pack of rabid niggers you absolute kike loving boomertard

He'll deport about twelve people. 15 max.

Well at this point all I can do is hope this is true. I don't work for ICE.
Is there a benefit to being jaded?

We’ll see

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He’ll be blocked by the court within three days and start bitching on Twitter. this boomer is so fucking desperate, he thought the AIPAC money would save him and people would just follow him like a cult leader. the walls are closing in and i’m going to throw a fucking party the day /ptg/ dies.

>this time for sure you guys!

here's what's actually going to happen:

>___ circuit court blocks Trump's deportation plan

Yes. You don't spend all your time on Jow Forums, wasting your life away with baited breath, hoping for a happening that will never come. Maybe if everyone stopped believing in saviors and fairy tales some action might actually be taken as well.

ill believe it when i see it miga fag

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And how does this dick plan on deporting the illegal immigrants he sent to fucking sanctuary cities? lol

4 years later, more nothing

5 more years so you better dilate harder faggot


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I’m going to have to see it to believe it.

>We’re going to build a big, beautiful wall!
>illegal invasion spins out of control
>We’re going to place tariffs on Mexico!
>now the literal Congo is invading

It seems anytime he announces some great change or action, things only get worse. I understand he inherited a MESS and is having to try to find workarounds (since our elected officials hate Trump more than they love this country) but I’m not going to get my hopes up. I want to see results.

9th to be exact

The Left Cant Meme
Cant wait when our prez starts damaging biden chances of winning.

Why is this chink so invested in american politics?

Please be fucking true for once

damage control kike

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Trump's track record speaks for itself. Understand that he's a lost cause at this point and it's more productive to put your energy intro preparing for 2024 and trying to meme Tucker Carlson into presidency

If you think that the national guard is going to start rounding up random illegals and start deporting them then you're delusional. He's just posturing. Best case they just send back the people already in detention facilities.

>the mike said with tears streaming down his cheeks

No, they won't. And when it doesn't happen Trump will act as if he never said it.

Half of this thread are shills getting paid 2 cents a post to shit on Trump.

Those cities have already said they can't handle the numbers. They're not going to stop him.

nice projection

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I'll believe it when I see it

This, he'll just fly them to the mainland of America, of course first class

Fake and Gay.

If this faggot was serious about any of this he should've done it in Day 1, not after 3 years of jerking Jews off. He sees his internal polling collapsing and he's desperate. He knows that the only reason people (other that retarded boomer who think 401k 24/7) voted for him was to remove 30+ million illegal immigrants and he hasn't done shit when it comes to that.

Go get bullied you fucking nerd

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Checked didn't Obama just fly there to stop it

All I've seen over the past view years of trump is a surge in illegal immigration. I'll believe it when I see it. But even this doesn't address the 20+ millions already here. It's a nice wish I guess.wish he cared about E-verify even a little bit though. That would help the working class out much more than a wall ever could

>Why is this fucking rat bastard kike so interested in destroying America?

what aid package faggot?

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im sure this time it will totally be true. the mexicans are working very hard and we are about to win bigly

Better than being a filthy rat bastard kike

Legit both were globalist cucks. Fucking shill.

i hope those mexican coworkers who snitched on me for no reason get deported

What did you do?

yeah, right. Trump says lots of things.
there's zero chance this civnat boomer of a showman is going to actually do this.

I'll believe it when I see it, I'm tired of Trump's talk. He could've and should've done something when he still had a stranglehold on Congress. As long as the sardine can of AFFH illegals are still sitting pretty on the house down the corner, I'll know the federal government isn't doing its job.

Uh Donny, the Democrats will never vote for anything that adversely affects millions of illegals coming in.

What's really nuts is that everyone already thinks he is a racist monster who is deporting everyone and putting kids in cages. It would change nothing for him other than increased loyalty with his base if he actually did what he is accused of.


The GOV has not done anything in decades and too much tax money going to this problem.

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So democracy works?

Look man, regardless of your feelings about Trump, people are tired of browns and now blacks invading this country. Nothing is getting done. People are frustrated and calling them shills is fucked up. This is fucking ridiculous and Trump hasn’t stopped this from happening. If being a shill is about calling out Trump for not being able to stop third world browns and blacks with no education and no skills who abuse our welfare system then call me a shill also

S-surely, this time he'll do it.

I've never seen any of the anti trump posters say that Hillary would have done more.


>So democracy works?
no, the american nation has been destroyed by democracy.

Imagine actually believing this Kike

People say that things would be better under Hillary, not that she would have done more.

this, trump is lying non stop for the 2020 election

>He said it on Twitter means he will do it

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big if true

Wait, so we’re going to use Mexican extradition laws? Am I assuming this correctly?

Oh no goys guess my hands are tied

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Ive never seen it then. What I have seen however is people complaining about Trumps Zionist agenda.

I mean at the rate he sucks Israel's dick I can believe they'd make it happen.

Adios you fucking beaners

Nobody has ever said this

If this is true then Trump definitely has my vote. Preferably he'll use the Insurrection Act to do it. I'll wait to see, though. I've expected him to do a lot of things and he absolutely has not. If it turns out to be another bombastic nothingburder then fuck Trump he can lose 2020 and get arrested by Democrats.

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>Adios you fucking beaners

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Massive if factual

>the walls are closing in

Surely this is the beginning of the end of Drumpf

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I didn't just vote for him because he said he would try. I voted for him because he said he would win. He was such a fucking killer during the election I actually believed him. Sad to watch a man wither away and die like this, and our country and way of life with him.

I'll believe it when I see it

Blumft hasn't been keeping his promises

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Imagine believing that.

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You on the left

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If they're leaving only as fast as they are coming in, then we're just a merry-go-round

we knew the Left was going to ramp up their caravan organizing when trump started really cracking down on them
Now they've made it so obvious it's being deliberately organized that normies are even starting to see it
We are a hairs breadth away from the entire judeo-Marxist criminal apparatus being laid bare to even the dumbest voter

i work in a sanctuary city as a 911 dispatcher. you’re actually a retard if you think ICE hasn’t stepped up frequency of operations

There is no equivalency between being let down by Trump who has massively failed at saving the country, and preferring Hillary, who would have actively worked to enslave us. Only people with a double digit IQ can't differentiate between Hillary voters and people on the right disappointed in Trump's faggotry.

The only thing I have seen is people saying it would be worse overall with Hillary BUT that might kick off the boogaloo earlier, which would favor us demographically.

still makes me kek

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fuck off meme sand nigger

Yes for Tucker Carlson.


report them

so satisfying

The boogaloo is wishful thinking.

>look goy, we're deporting people
>don't worry about the millions we're letting "legally"
I mean, deporting parasites is good but don't pretend he's doing anything about the ethnic replacement of whites.

American Freikops when?


On top of that magatards will continue to forgot this tweet and all the others about brow beating about the supposed action Trump is going to take. He is just going to drag his limp dick away like he always does and then the Jews will tell him what to do like they always do.

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the israeli foreign legion will put a stop to that instantly

Great! We MAGApedes love our immigrants and want them to replace us, but they have to do it LEGALLY. Good thing God Emperor said he wants the largest numbers of legal immigrants ever. We need them for our economy!

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind sir!

The country's broke, we can't afford to pay gibs, fund the military and support a bunch of retarded spics as well.

Voting isn't wishful thinking at this point. Its just willful ignorance.

People who do things don't have to talk about them first. They do it, and then later they can talk about it. Ever since this faggot has been elected he has talked and hyped what he is going to do, and then he never goes on to do any of it. Big tech- operating with impunity. Voter ID and voter fraud investigations- killed in a week. The wall- LOL. Disclosure of 9/11- fucking joke. Muslim ban, done. Ranting about taking action against politicians complicit in the Russia hoax- you get the picture.

remember folks, EVERY MONTH 100,000 illegals are getting asylum claims and court dates that are years away. they are also getting work permits. those ones won't be deported by blump.

blump is talking out of his ass here.
I guess its real

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Is this supposed to distract people from his Iran war false flags