Literal Aids

We've officially lost Taylor Swift Jow Forums. Our perfect white princess released a music video today making fun of homophobes and asking people to vote LGBT. I couldn't even make it halfway through the video at first, what made her go into full degeneration mode?????

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Other urls found in this thread:

she's always been this way, Jow Forumstards are fucking idiots if they ever though she was their pure aryan princess


Holy shit that was the worst thing ive ever watched

Post POZZED comments
>wait for them to get up voted
>change comment to HEIL HITLER GAS THE GAYS!

made for BBC

She was always a cunt who makes songs for whores and faggots. Stop listening to modern pop garbage, it serves to turn women into whores and is horrible.

Yeah but looks-wise, she is peaking. God damn i love thicc taytay

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Her face looks plastic.

>worshipping a celebrity
Your first mistake.

>Yeah but looks-wise, she is peaking. God damn i love thicc taytay
Oh lol. She's just completely fake now. I didn't even realize that. She's got fake boobs, probably fake ass, and a fake face.

ROFL. She's just a propaganda robot. And she's probably never going to have kids.

The rest of this board are not all 14 like you OP.

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This. She's a literal kike. Of course, Jow Forums always knew this. It was the Hebrew OPs like the one that created this thread that couldn't seem to get that cunt to get any real cultural traction, here. Now they are kvetching like, well, people that kvetch a lot.

It was all a dream.

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The jews got to her . Much penance she will have to pay to be accepted back .


I've seen much worse. The burger and fries part was kind of cute.

lol fags

The wall is coming fast
She needs major cope
Many such cases

>being this 2017

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>listening to music for women
I'm suprised you don't like this new change in her because you're a fucking fag.

I like.
Keep making em hits girl

Who fucking cares? Celebrity worship is for libtards.

>hit the wall
>become shitlib

This day was foretold.

the faggots aren't having any of it though, they are accusing her of being a corporate shill
she should have never abandoned her core demographic of Jow Forums NEETsocs, now her career is over

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tranny swift will make many sheckles because a fool and his money is soon parted, she made the wise choice for target audience

She was already lost months ago. Stop trying to relive the pain for no reason

eh she's old and ugly now anyways. law of diminishing returns.

Cunt needs to be abducted and taught a lesson.

Shekels we're dropping off

>what made her go into full degeneration mode
who do you think has owned her from the start?
i'm not one of those "you have no heroes everyone/popular is a jewish patsy" shills but literally anyone to do with mainstream music is pozzed as fuck, it was foolish to ever expect her to be any different
i wouldn't be surprised if this was their plan from the start, to "raise her up" in our eyes by making her stay silent while all the other pop stars do leftist activism so we'd think she's secretly on our side, only in order to demoralize us even further when the other shoe inevitably drops and she starts dating a nigger or going on about homos like has just happened
it's not that you don't have any heroes, it's just that you should pick them wisely. taylor swift is apparently not one of them

She was conservative when she was a country singer and has been liberal since she went pop. She's just an opportunist like the vast majority of women.

yall need to calm down

Goy, Bye!

That's because it probably is.

Yeah but I thought she was different.

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did taylor ever say anything remotely conservative or do you just mean she had a wholesome image?

It's impossible for a woman to be a genuine leader of anything apart from raising children. Get it through your thick skulls.


she was never /ourgirl
now stop this madness!!!

whats she mean sticks and stones have never broke her bones?
i thoguht it was sticks and stones CAN break my bones. but names never hurt me. sounds like shes tryign to be their conqueror how the jews wanted jesus to be theirs but he wasnt and they got mad at him then crucified him.
HMmmm llike were dumb u fat cunt
lots of nigger beats/raps in it too.
it sucks

No, she's our girl even MORE now. Don't you understand? Jow Forums is a board of peace.

legs look good though, to bad there is are too many snobby faggots to enjoy it. the overall projection is hilarious. like quick someone use the wrong pronoun and then see who needs to calm down, lmfao.

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I think she's getting paid millions to shill for Dems and gays. All she cares about is big fucking pay checks.

(((Calm down))) user

All she ever did was blame everyone else for her problems. Now she is inevitably blaming everyone else for other people's problems.

The only way she was ever going to not be that was to stay country and have a relationship with an actual man.

>The music video, directed by (((Drew Kirsch))) and Swift, was released on June 17, 2019, after a premiere on Good Morning America.

Just so there's no doubt. Every single time.

You never had her, moron. She's a dyke. She's just in the closet because she's a massive hypocrite like most woke cunts.

Absolutely disgusting jewish propaganda. The end is at hand.


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I had "Tucker-face" all through that video...

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And to think I used to fap to pics like this.

I feel cheated.

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>what made her go into full degeneration mode?????
She was always like that you stupid fuck, you just didn't notice because of your blind "Faith" in white women, when is clear all white women are whores.

leftists on twitter are attacking her for exploiting lgbt culture". There's still hope she'll see the light.

Oh well, her expiration date is rapidly approaching. She is already gaining weight and starting to sound like a bitter SJW in interviews.

Now I hope she gets fat like her mom and never gets married. That would be real justice.

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Almost 30, never married, doesn't have kids. There is a common trend there.

That is just a plain shitty song.


#1 on trending. Not even surprised

Taylor swift is going to play Cheetara in the new Thundercats movie as soon as she plunks down $20 for a cut of the profits and fucks some Marvel executive to get him to purchase the rights from Warner Bros
girl needs to get laid
as soon as she sees that her pussy can turn her into a Valkyrie and activate the nostalgia centers of the brains of middle age men all over Europe and the USA, she will spring into action
she is a cat waiting to pounce

>$20 million

>wishing that were a self pic

wtf is IA?

She's blameless. She's an Aryan Goddess being used by kikes to push Globohomo. She's not capable of understanding her mistakes because kikes tell her what is right. She sees example everywhere else that what they say is being repeated, so how could she know different? White men have failed her by failing to protect her.

ThunderCats Cheetara Tribute
look at the poise
look at the dexterity
this is fate

I blame /b/. It is well know that she was a /b/ chaner and more than likely gave in to the pornfags who have taken it over.

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Easily influenced rather empty, falling in step with unrealistic expectations of entertainment industry. Just another glam after all.

She’s just going behind enemy lines. Shes still ourgirl

You never lost her, she was like owned from the beginning. But the vagina worshipping subhumans you lot are, you were too blind to see that. E celeb and female orbiters should be flayed and paraded alongside their dead scalped family in my opinion. You fucks are lucky I do not have access to this website's logs, I'd make an entire database for you zoomed fucks and personally rape your mother and sodomize your dogs everytime you post something abhorrent. Since its usually Canadians those sick fucks would like it

Tbh, we’ve always known she’s a lesbian

Taylor is the only pure aryan on mainstream right now. By attacking her you are only making the radical leftists job easier.

To be fair, this woman could turn any girl into a lesbian.

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She looks Finngolian...

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I like it

>if they ever though she
Nobody did you dumb fuck, it was fun to pretend she was secretly /ourgal/ do get kikes like you to write blog posts about it.

nailed it!

Taylor Swift is a greedy tranny.

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She's just another jew puppet whore, they're a dime a dozen.

Like Algebra or what

I mean they pretty much showed the gays as raving degenerates who waste food.

we will always have daisy, and soon we will be able to deepfake her into video

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Which way white man?

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I saw this posted earlier today but on second viewing it really dawns on me that this is the worst fucking thing I've ever seen. I don't think I've watched a mainstream pop music video in over a decade so the relative peace and tranquility of not being exposed to toxic sewage in aural and visual form combined was butchered without mercy. Whilst I was never one of you retarded faggots who thought Taytay was a clandestine white nationalist this is in your face even for her. What the fuck happened to this world? Why are people celebrating these weird freaks like they're normal and acting like they're not the ones who are full of hate? Didn't a faggot with a username that alluded to himself as a faggot and who posted gay porn of himself on Reddit just start some crusade against Crowder for mentioning him in passing a few times?


They're both the same whore, so neither

it's just funny that her handlers were stupid enough to think people actually cared about her music just because of a few memes
they resisted her talking politics for a decade, for no reason lol

what's the skinny on that picture

You're all missing the point entirely. It's a song about optics.
You need to calm down, and get good optics. Because shade never made anyone less gay.


Whoa momma

>We've officially lost Taylor Swift

She was ALWAYS part of the establishment, you fucking fool.

i hope you're not saying you're against chopping off tranny boys' peepees... that would be very bigoted of you.

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>Our perfect white princess
she was never /our
fuck that faggot tramp on a kike payroll
i haven't seen any based women celebs or even just women. women can't be based even if they larp full on right wing. it seems a women is going to take any ideology of whoever is fucking her atm.
you may think oh that girl is based
then you look who's her bf is and he's right wing
then you think that's nice they're gonna make based white babies
then you find out that they broke up
then you see that bitch fucking some leftist faggot
all of a sudden she hates all racist and loves niggers
the next thing you know she drops her che guevara for tyrone
a fucking coalburner in three easy steps
and the thing is that at stage one you would never even suspect this shit to turn out this way

i'm telling you.. women are nothing but most adaptable, not giving a fuck about any morals or anything at all except their warped perception of reality.. whatever the fuck it may be at the moment.