This would’ve been a lot worse if guns didn’t stop it

This would’ve been a lot worse if guns didn’t stop it.

Attached: 290C0768-E974-4C53-A4E6-43C68B43FD10.jpg (724x474, 91K)

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Fucking loser shows up in body armor and an AR-15 with 40 round mags but doesn't kill a single person. Absolute embarrassment.

Attached: 1544841609535.png (1358x848, 915K)

cops are thoroughly vetted before they're allowed to even touch a firearm, far more than the average civilian who's allowed to purchase them, bat shit insane or not.

how can gun nuts argue against banning guns when the perps are always white males and use legally purchased fire arms to carry out their mass shootings?


uhoh whats he doing there

Attached: DHS.png (1128x846, 1.57M)

I'm glad this faggot targeted armed federal officers instead of civilians.

its a federal building

Reports are saying he was jewish

the retard held on a gun and dug in his pocket. deserve to be taken out of the gene pool regardless of race if you are that dumb. if you can't problem solve just putting your hands up you should die.

And somehow it still manages to be far lower than nigger shootings?

>police can be trusted

Shall not.
Get bent.

Because 99.9% of gun owners would never do that. Because if they were banned, only people that have given up on life would keep them illegally and feel even more empowered.The general health of society is the problem and guns tend to balance it out.

yikes someone needs glasses

Attached: Fox hiding in the corner2.png (1455x738, 934K)

Shoulda just thrown pussy at him and he would be shaking in fear.

Piss off, leftist twat.

That's some bad training right there. Even under pressure, it's pretty damn obvious which one is the bad guy.

link to video?

lol this

Attached: but they're smoke grenades.png (355x784, 199K)

Pretty clear case if suicide by cop.
I guess he was trying to make a statement by wearing his old military gear

>And somehow it still manages to be far lower than nigger shootings?
false equivalency. crimes commited by minorities are the direct result of poverty and other environmental factors.

shit like this is the result of mentally ill white men and poor gun control laws enabling them to commit needlessly heinous acts.

based texas
what a loser faggot

>Many such cases!

Radicalized on the Chans by the FBI

>Suicide by cop
But I suspect he had a reason to want to shoot up a court.
Whether that was a long running hatred of the federal government
Or a revenge attack for a court decision that went against him
There was a motive other than just suicide.
He graduated with distinction in an applied science degree course from college just last month.

Attached: clyde500.jpg (398x531, 13K)

The majority of shootings (school shootings represent and extremely small fraction of total shooting related deaths/shootings in general) are done with illegal weapons usually in gang violence in gun law heavy parts of the country such as new york, detroit, LA, etc. Also most of these shootings are done by minorities (look at total gun death by race fbi statistics).

So your claims are so innacurate that I doubt it's accidental, more like intentional misninformation.

Attached: 1558509426725.jpg (1466x834, 389K)

Nice link. Dickhole.

maybe he was forced to do this. I can see it now
>you dont shoot anyone. just run around outside the federal building waving your gun. we'll take care of the rest. We'll change your middle name later

Wrong. Poverty doesn't drive crime rates. Been debunked many times. Hence poor asian countries like Thailand have same crime rates as first world nations.

Pretty much.


>cops are thoroughly vetted before they're allowed to even touch a firearm, far more than the average civilian who's allowed to purchase them
Why aren't cops allowed to purchase them like an average citizen? You stupid fucking nigger

>reddit spacing
Need i say more?
Show your true colors moshe.

Just read through his social media. Definitely another Jow Forums inspired mass shooting incel. Nice jobs, guys

or is he in military intelligence? sometimes its hard to tell the difference

That's not reddit spacing.

That's the cops shooting at long range with handguns against a tragey with a rifle.They're saving the hidden man's life by putting bullets a safe distance from him but near him. Jesus, people are dumb. The cops are say "Don't go that way!"

That is 100% reddit spacing. I don't like the reddit spacing meme, or any invented shibboleth schizos pull out of their ass to accuse someone of being a shill, but that is absolutely quintessential reddit spacing.

you're full of shit

I usually don't spoon feed but I'm having a good day and we're all newfags at some point, so I'll help you out. Knowing the difference between the following will help you look less like the tourist you apparently are.

This isn't reddit spacing.

THIS is reddit spacing.

>you're full of shit
Which way did the guy run, and what would you do if someone was putting bullets into a wall 20 ft from you? Run towards them?

I will say it sounds like the cops are using rifles, not handguns.