I-is it finally h-happening?

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Other urls found in this thread:


What is he doing? Hes got a war in Iran to focus on, he cant be haphazardly tweeting.

>a tweet is a happening
this nigga been tweeting this shit since 2016

Operation Wetback II



Trump heights.

Mind your own business, leaf.

He gave congress 3 years to solve it.

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Now the shills will flood this thread with the same tired bullshit posts.

No, it isn't.

>not so fast, Drumpf.

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Thats why I said "finally".

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Lol imagine believing this will happen. Dems will cave on some extremely minor point and trump will gloat like the moron he is

the maga man can

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Blah blah, very blah and more blah.

alright lets not turn this into an r/the_donald thread there guy.

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Who's gonna clean your toilet Donald Trump?

I live in Texas, so this Will be very easy to verify when it “finally happens”

I think all the border states will be able to tell.

Just let everyone get in on this shit

>Thats why I said "finally"
and leaf answered the op question.
its a tweet,not a happening

Obligatory pasta:

>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade

>Full amnesty omnibus Bill

>Summary of bill:

>Combating European Anti-Semitism Act

>Assembles a cabinet of bankers, generals and chickenhawks who precum to the thought of war with Iran.
>'Gives' Israel Jerusalem.
>'Declares' all jewish settlements to be Israeli land.
>pulled out of missile treaties with Russia
>fired McMaster and replaced him with Bolton because McMaster dared to criticize Israel
>the Trump Dept of Education makes it illegal to criticize Israel at public universities as it constitutes 'antisemitism'

...And then nothing will happen. Trump talks a good game but never follows through with any meaningful results

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At least he has more real estate with his name on it now though, Trump Heights.

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lmao i cant believe how many of these ive saved over the past year or so

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At least he's trying. Little by little I hope he's gaining ground.

I dont buy the "steal 3 years of our time and let immense damage and an outright blazen invasion happen, because the democrats and congress deserve some sort of benefit of the doubt" excuse.
Words and farts are hot air from an asshole that stinks, only action and results matter

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That is fucked that beanerville requires more proof than we do to vote
