Comedy gold get in here guys


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Might as well be an anchor attached to her. her long working years as a single mother are going to be hard. oh well the next gen can watch this and learn.


Toll being payed on a monthly installment plan.

Hmmm? There's something going on in this story but I just can't quite put my finger on it. Oh wait, this race mixer had it coming, she should've known that the nigger always leaves.

>nobody wants to raise my nigger baby
I'm sure you'll find your beta one day sweaty

>damaged goods

>black father abandoned me while i was pregnant, refuses to see his son or financially assist


>biracial son
I thought they don't believe in race?

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>Jow Forums doesn't want Obama as their own son to lose him in Thailand.

lmao she doesn’t realize it’s her and she’s being rejected because of genetic instinct not to waste seed on spoiled soil.

>finding love
>single mother
>biracial son

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>current society
Bitch is actually this dumb

No but for real, what incentive is there for anyone to be around her?

She doesn't get that she is being rejected because she has a history of making life alteringly poor decisions.
Maybe also because of niggotry.

she should just khs


>monthly installment plan.


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Well clearly she is a loose leaky cunt to fuck.

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WhY dOeS nObOdY wAnT mE?????

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>not posting the full version with randystair's excellent advice

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Maybe her next nigger can rape her to death in an alley...

oh, nevermind the OP was a different question from the same user

Toll status: paid

Pay the toll, mudshark

$10 says she kills her goblin

that's the problem - they're NOT finding them. they expected to be able to get these videogamer dorks or something but it turns out they're trying to be women instead of men, and no actual men want to have anything to do with them.

the future is extremely bleak for single white mothers of nog kids right now. it's great.

But she loves nignogs...

Maybe girls should be educated on the real meaning of "once you go black, you can't go back."

that would be for the best

Sympathy: 0

With any luck, they'll start to die out (literally)

Hmm, then next time she fucks one he kills it and/or her in some dindu kinda rage.

that's why we updated it to "Once you go black, you're a single mom"

Her dating future is extremely predictable: A series of relationships with men who she tells she has a kid but never introduces or shows pictures of. She stays distant and it's basically a FWB situation. Eventually he fucks off and gets a real girlfriend and she does it again.

Yeah it is awesome. I think a huge part of it is no one wants to be that guy out in public with your white gf and the kid is a noglet, no matter how hot the girl is. The unspoken social stigma is too huge, no one wants to be that cuck lol

We also can start with the fact that she's the kind of white girls who fucks niggers and has kids with them. She was a trashy lay to begin with - now that she's got a negroid anchor in tow she's basically a 3/10 no matter what she looks like.

She'll take some 30 year-old loser's virginity and he will hang around and raise Da`Quandro, Jr. like the little bitch that he is.

God damn. What a shitty fucking tragedy.

>She'll take some 30 year-old loser's virginity
you wish somebody would

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Oh, if she didn't before, she sure as FUCK knows all about that shit now. It's funny how she's looking around for beta bux, too. I bet you she guzzled that cum on more than one occasion, but would be one of those "I don't like to suck dick" types, now.

30 came and went a long fucking time ago, chief. I already had my three white kids by then.

Fuck all of you racists. I’m biracial with a white mom. I’m successful more than all of you and I’m half black. My mom got married to a amazing guy who loves us, fuck you

no women always think that their case is different.

You could show her 100 women, and 99 of them their black boyfriends leave them. But she will hold out that she's the 1 percenter that it will not happen to.

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>cut dick off and see how cute of a trap I can be
>marry coalburner

Not a hard choice.

Nobody of either of your races wants you.

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literally seeking "Captain Save a Ho".

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damn, its gotta be embarassing to be grown and realize your mom was a cumslut huh

it's probably hard to respect her

lmao look at this abomination flail to assert some kind of self worth, because his races sure as shit don't want him.

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the opposite side of the coin is no better

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Ive seen this post before. It’s fake. Fuck off memeflaggot.

Her pain is beautiful

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the real problem is this

If it was a white kid and a white bf. If he could get past the fact that he's raising someone else's kid. He could always lie to outsiders and say it's his.
And no one would question it. that did not know them in their circle.

But, have a half black kid. How the FUCK can you pass that off?! You can't. that's that. Is she not smart enough to see this, is mainly the reason why the guys bolt?

I actually feel bad for her. I have been in relationships where you trust the person and they turn out to be total shit. She probably thought things were going great and then all of the sudden she was fucked.

And her son will grow up to the exact same thing, if he even lives that long.

I wonder why she doesn't just keep dating black guys

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Enjoy 70-80 more years alone roastie. These women will never understand how incredibly disgusting single moms with niglets look to any decent white man

> 1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> hope that helps!

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I speak on behalf of all gamers when I say
fuck niggers
fuck coalburners
and fuck their half-nigger, fatherless brats

Single mother's are my new hobby. I constantly promise them I'll be their beta bux and tell them they are amazing etc etc then on the first date I just leave the restaurant without a word and delete their number. Really fucks with their brain

Would anyone serious date a woman with a kid? Why would you sign up to raise another man's kid? That's pure cuckholdery fuck that shit. I'd fuck a single mom but that's it.

I'm sure she'll find more niggers to knock her up a few times as she descends into the full on ghetto trash lifestyle.

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>she will hold out that she's the 1 percenter that it will not happen to

Just like jordan peterson talks about, the "beauty and the beast" fantasy is the most common female sexual fantasy. They honestly believe they can take a bad boy and tame them.

Ruined her vagina to give birth to a nog. Hard pass!

there are a lot of retards looking to be "step dad", aka cuck-master-monkey to some other fuck's left overs.

based AF

Disagree. The virtue potential to signal here would be gold. She'll find a limp wristed beta who will PROUDLY be that level of cuck. Leftists are that far gone.

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Now that little Tyronius is growing up, she wants someone with a credit score higher than the temperature required to boil water.

She knew he was a nigger when she fucked him, user.

You'd have to be the lowest possible beta

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Milo's a jew whose career was destroyed by other jews.

>The black father abandoned me
You don't say? It's almost like relationships with blacks are looked down upon for some reason.
Her father saw that shit coming from a mile away and he can't bear to look at the shit splattered mess his little girl made out of her life every day.
The only single mothers worth the time of day are widows and even then you need to tread lightly.

If i wanted to see a pet moneky id go to the zoo.

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So successful you feel the need to posture on Jow Forums.

don't you have panties to sniff?

It's the same thing with the morons on pol telling us to marry some thot and "save the white race." They know full well that most marriages end in a bitter divorce. You're stuck paying child support leaving you with just enough money to eek out a living. What kind of idiot falls for this?

>I'd fuck a single mom but that's it.

Hope you enjoy herpes.

And it knew she was a mudshark. That's why it noped the fuck out when she got knocked up with a little monkey.

>white men aren't even my preference
He inferred that and decided to take his business elsewhere

lol, I find it humorous how she assumes it's because people are racist. if her son were white she would have the same exact luck dating.

> trusting niggers
prima facie evidence that she's retarded to begin with.

she wants a white man to pay for her nigger baby. this is becoming common in america today. when the 2020 census numbers come out, look for a huge increase in "multi-racial" births since 2010

Yep. White women who race mix are subhuman. Who the fuck would want a nigger baby instead of a white baby?

If you take on the role of raising somebody else's kid then you're a cuck. Doesn't matter if it's black or white.

like playing some other nigger's saved game.

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What a fuckin' idiot.
Even virtue-signaling lefty fags won't touch her.
The left is a big LIE.

>trusting niggers
Yeah, no sympathy from me.

typical modus operandi for most nigger males, regardless of race of biocunt involved.

how the hell does the kids dad get away with dodging child support or any type of support?

Not this thread again. One post by this Id?

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You never cease to amaze me Australia.

Burn the coal pay the toll

Niggers clap don't clap have clap jobs clap

What about the following scenario: one becomes dad but divorces and marries a single mom whose husband died aka widow.
How cuckish would that be if its not a niglet?