Stop being uncomfortable with double homicide. In fact, apologize

Stop being uncomfortable with double homicide. In fact, apologize.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>White Men: Hey, we're fine with you living in our society if you're productive and stay out of trouble, just don't commit double murder
>Black men: Ayo FUCK whitey, dey be rayciss

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Pretty sure white Americans support of people much everyone is at least partly conditional on whether or not they've murdered people


I actually attempted to read the article, literally could not decipher what point this dumb nigger was trying to make

>I actually attempted to read the article
big mistake and waste of time. "Articles" are nowadays just headlines thought up by a mentally ill nigger with filler underneath to claim you wrote an article.

Not guilty. End of story.


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>headlines thought up by a mentally ill nigger with filler underneath to claim you wrote an article.
Nigger AI maybe.

Da glove don fit I ain't done shit

Dylan Roof. End of Story.

My parents didn't get air conditioning until years after the OJ trial

There is nothing, literally nothing, written in today's newspapers, magazines, or all but a handful of websites that is healthy or worthwhile to read much less acknowledge. You can safely filter out every piece of mass media and your life will be better for it.

>win THE unwinnable case of the century
>a literal miracle that he didn't spend any time in jail
>commit like 10 other crimes after this, among them, tax evasion and stealing satellite TV (despite being a multi-millionaire)
>get caught a few years later robbing a place (despite being a multi-millionaire)

fucking niggers, they can't help it

>End of Story.
Yes, sadly.

(((((Washington post)))))))
'Nuff said.

>After a decade of slow acceptance, white Americans revoked their acceptance of black athletes
yeah it took me a while but you were right all along washington post

Dylan Roof did nothing wrong. Also does anyone have his sisters phone number?

Even Chris Rock says he's guilty and he admires him

He was found guilty in the civil case though.

He had her blood staining the carpet of his truck. How the fuck he was found innocent is beyond me.

When they moved from Punjab to Canada?

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OJ simpson was found not guilty purely because the LA police department was racist as fuck. Everyone knew the nigger had done it so they didn't bother to do an actual investigation. Of course once media coverage blew up everything fell apart for the prosecution.

A coworker and I were discussing this toward the end of our shift today. He’s old enough to remember the Rodney Kang riots. He suspects that OJ was given a pass because, had he been found guilty, the nation would’ve entered into the mother of all race wars. That couldn’t be allowed to happen.

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>That couldn’t be allowed to happen.
Imagine how much better shit would be if we just ripped the bandaid off then.

>Jataveon Dashawn


My rage at the leftist MSM grows daily

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He suspects? Its common opinion, moron

That's the point. The news is now designed to keep your knee jerking, and not paying attention. They know no one takes it seriously anymore, or watches it for anything other than confirmation bias or ragetainment.
Don't get sucked in. Keep a clear head and keep sifting for facts.

No, its not, turd.

No shit
>Before the verdict, President Clinton was briefed on security measures if rioting occurred nationwide due to the verdict

>Excuse me? You can't be in here. We're the jury on a case right now and we're deliberating--
>You need to listen right now. I'm going to tell you exactly how your going to present your verdict. If you don't, then you all have a much higher likelihood of a fatal accident in the future.


>after he walked out of his room.

Lol, what the fuck? Why the fuck wasn't there an officer at post - at least a security guard?

Translation: The nigger couldn't get out of his own way and he set back our "magical negro" meme and use of sports to push pro-black propaganda by decades.

Niggerball. Not even once. Don't let your kids watch this shit.

>Washington Shit Post

Yeah, murder is way outside my comfort zone, no mater what race is invovled.
No wonder the fourth estate is dead and anyone left is a shill and a whore.

He's a fucking mossad hitman and nothing else. Nicoel wasn't the target and OJ is living in Florida loving life.