This is a black liquidator of Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster Igor Hirujak. Thanks to his effort you can now freely drink and and breethe the air in Europe. Say something nice about him
This is a black liquidator of Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster Igor Hirujak...
Other urls found in this thread:
what useful thing did he do, empty their chamber pots?
citation needed or fuck off
Sauce needed
>black liquidator
How much did he make smuggling artifacts out of The Zone?
What were the odds for having black conscripts in Soviet army in 80's?
Post pictures of him doing the Slavic squat and maybe that would be better bait.
According to he provided the passage of ships, maintained the bridge in working condition. And after one day off, they changed with another part and went to the station.
the image doesnt exist anywhere. fake image or youre a nigger yourself so fuck off and die
I believe the image is taken from his page on russian social network
Russian user you still there?
He is real boys slash id14744895
My buddy works for a health department in a big city. There is an old Ethiopian guy in the dept who studied in the USSR and then immigrated here. One day they pulled over this truck driver who claimed he could only speak Russian, and all of a sudden this nigger starts speaking Russian to him and calling his bluff. It’s funny to hear him tell it.
Thats pretty kek worthy lel
Looks like an average pidorashka
There were heroes at Chernobyl (although retard commie design and operation of the reactor), but this type of thread is just JTRIG consensus cracking.
The majority of heroes (swam through radioactive water, put out fires amid radioactive smoke) at Chernobyl were white. USSR covered up their numerous atomic accidents for 50 years because of dumb design and just not giving a fuck about poisoning their own people. Nice blackwash.
Fuck off, JTRIG.
...wait was he Ethiopian or was he a nigger or are these two separate people...?
He looks like an English nigger, more educated than an American nigger probably has a degree in engineering. Not uncommon but still an outlier.
>American education. Fuck
Interesting... Was educated in Italy actually, that's prob why I know Ethiopids are Caucasoid, not Negroid. Nice try though.
I see what you did there. Now I feel as retarded as I thought you were.