Trump: ‘We Need’ More Immigration to Grow Business Profits

“We’re going to have a lot of people coming into the country. We want a lot of people coming in. And we need it,” Trump said:

It’s not a question of do we want [more immigration], these folks are going to have to sort of not expand too much. And if we tell them … these are very ambitious people around this table. They don’t like the concept of not expanding. We want to have the companies grow and the only way they’re going to grow is if we give them the workers and the only way we’re going to have the workers is to do exactly what we’re doing. [Emphasis added]

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he's finally showing his true power level: 110% kike

even the dumbest of the dumb should be able to see it at this point



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He aight with me now.
It started with him berating the "illegal mexican muslim terrorist extremist".
Pretty much me personally.
I forgive him.
He changed his ways.
Don't trip over my shit.

No we don't need it. I'm tired of feeling like I'm in a foreign country every time I enter a populated area.

> an alliance of mostly globalist organizations and business groups have had access to the White House to discuss the national legal immigration policy. These groups include Koch Industries, the George W. Bush Center, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC).

he's just a dumb jew after all
what can one expect?


Legal immigration from non-shit hole countries is fine. Illegal aliens get deported.

How much was he paid?

Not even trying to hide it.
My patriotism has completely died at this point, this will not be America anymore.
Just a big 'ol labor camp and tax farm hiding behind a dead identity, I think I've come to hate this place more than the flag burning lefty retards.

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It won't be non-shithole countries. You know damn well it's going to be India, Pakistan, China, SE Asian shitholes, etc.

You must be new. Thats describes America since 1870, excepting the early post WW2 years. Read a few dozen books

Better than Mexico and Squatemala.

And our economy will continue to be a dystopian labor camp that exists soley to make things easy and cheap for corporations. But at least it's 'legal' and we 'still have the constitution', right?

Nothing is better, they're all a bunch of dead eyed turd world drones.

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Who are you voting for?

I mean you're right we should just cut off all immigration and suspend every dual citizen's passport.

This. As I have gotten older, I’ve began to really despise this fake culture Americans live in. Consumerism, taxes, and warfare have replaced real culture, vibrant historical cities, and peace. The US can not remain united as the brown invasion continues to amass down in the south. Fuck donald trump. We believed him. I believed him. His campaign, his “”values.”” NPCs continue to try to make their lives work, pacifying themselves on sports and beer, while everything around them slowly turns into a overdeveloped third world nation. I have to take care of my boomer father’s deteriorating business while he has it made in a nursing home. He and my mother are thare stereotypical boomer. They fucked like animals in their youth, divorced multiple times and destroyed every tangent of family with their self-fulfilling hedonistic lifestyles. When show them the policies, environmental issues, and political distress that their generation embraced, they just shake their heads and blame others, specifically my father, who couldn’t keep money to save his life. Despite all this my father served in wars that did nothing for our country, but I honor his bravery for that alone.
I wish I was born in the early 19th century when people were wise enough to see the corrupt Jews and their tricks and I could live to see real patriots like Henry Ford, Bismarck, and Hitler in the same lifetime. I hate this transitioning timeline from “easy-times/weak men to “weak men/hard times” era so damn much.

Well, anytime we get a based Natsoc candidate, you faggots just call them Mossad.

Kys faggot
When a candidate can be taken down/defunded for not giving lip service to AIPAC, democracy has failed.

>They fucked like animals in their youth, divorced multiple times and destroyed every tangent of family with their self-fulfilling hedonistic lifestyles
This, the destruction of meaningful connection between a man and a women for family and the general sexual dysfunction of a dying empire is unforgivable.
I can deal with a flood of beaners, I can deal with greedy banks but the dissolution of morals and general social dysfunction is the worst thing they could possibly allow.

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