>Furries are a bunch of degene-
Furries are a bunch of degene-
still are
Not surprised, that place is more sped than here.
furries will not be spared. just so you know
He will be gassed out of mercy after the ethnostate is formed. Furries are not human and are in deep psychological and physical pain which can only be cured by Euthanasia.
Shit edit
They are degenerates. They're our degenerates though. They're a good cloud of degeneracy that surrounds the pure raw information.
All Hail the Furrher ThunderCub2000
Sloppy job Mossad
Wat's dis? Iz dis bait?
Nice deepfake fbi
>its ok to be a sick fuck that fucks puppies to death and wants to fuck kids
>as long as they are on my side of politics
I would be surprised but than reality TV stars are a thing.
psyop 101
Take something degenerate by itself, pair it with something based
claim degeneracy is based because doing based.
>wtf I love furries now.
why is it censored on the bottom of the pic user? post the original.
The furries and the trannies with anime avi's got to go.