Why are americans so afraid of universal health care?

Why are americans so afraid of universal health care?

>"spending trillions on israel and pointless wars in the middle east? fuck yeah!"

>"using taxpayer money to fund one of the most basic human needs? Nooooo! That's socialism!!!!"

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The economy in Italy is so shitty that nigger immigrants don't find Italy to be heaven, and want to go even further north to Austria and France.

WE dont want to be like you
WE dont want your fucking laws Get over it

>wanting the hospital to be run like the DMV or the Pist Office
Yeah nah

Doesn't work in our system. Not everything is cookie cutter, Mario.

It is socialism, in theory. Let me tell you why that's a good thing

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they're just stupid

Why do foreigners with universal healthcare come to the US for life saving surgeries?

cuz they're rich and don't want to be on waiting list, so they go to a country where their money will buy them privileges

I have a job with decent health insurance at a reasonable cost.
Why should other tax payers pay for my shit?

Because of shit like this

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I don't think you understand man, this is a collapsing third world nation. Our leaders can't even figure out how to make universal healthcare work in California, where the supposed healthcare party holds a supermajority in every conceivable branch of state government. Healthcare in America is not a question of what Americans want, just like our immigration laws or foreign policy. According to CNBC, 70% of Americans support Medicare for all. But Medicare for all would require a functional government and times of relative economic health. And currently, we are not even operating at maintenance.

Basically, our government does not have the capacity to govern, and it uses what increasingly little power it has left to line the pockets of its elites. If you travel to Middle America or even stop in an major American airport, you will see that country is literally crumbling apart. Our leaders are totally corrupt and see the entire country as a game of musical chairs. Everybody is just trying to get theirs before the music stops, and I promise you, it will stop.

Many Democrats are promising expanded access to healthcare. They should, because healthcare is not just as matter of morals, but also it's a matter of Democratic politicians' continued well-being. The peasants are getting unruly and not adapting very well to their new Squatamalan living standards. Desperate, rootless people with expendable lives tend not to mind dying just for an opportunity to hurt their villains. But Democrats do not fucking deliver, because a) they don't want to, and b) they can't. Obama ran on a wildly progressive healthcare platform; he also barely passed the most mediocre health plan imaginable that was pen to paper written by private insurance companies. Naturally it did nothing but criminalize the uninsured while making our oligarchs and politicians more wealthy. And this was considered a major victory!

Universal healthcare is never happening. This country and its people are going to die

I'm sure your insurance has a limit. All kinds of stories out there where people will be confident their employment's insurance will cover them, but then turns out they owe tens of thousands still.

we can have universal healthcare, just give everyone a voucher every year they can spend on a bare bones plan. the goal of the left isn't providing better healthcare, it's about bloating the federal government even further and spreading its tenacles over all aspects of American life.

you can't just throw money at these issues, that's Zimbabwe-tier retardation. like welfare for example, let's say we decide to just give everyone in Chicago 30 grand this year to help out the economy there. I guarantee most people would immediately squander the money. if you grew up even sort of blue collar, you know from experience that poor people are poor because they make moronic financial decisions, or just don't work.

>dont want to be on a waiting list

All universal health care means is that you're not allowed to pay extra for better healthcare, and the healthcare you get is even worse than "stay at home and hope to get over it yourself" when the single payer decides harvesting you for organs is preferable to getting you back on your feet.

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It’s just a coincidence

>basic needs
So, free college and free shit is now a basic human need? Kill yourself, niggerfag.

I'd much, much rather my tax dollars go to pointless wars, to subsidize the Israeli military, whatever other trash bin our tax dollars go to, than give even a dollar more to FUCKING NIGGERS AND SPICS. I have great health insurance through my job but even then, I would rather be under crippling debt than give even a penny more to these genetic wastes than I already do

>be mutt
>free healthcare so i'll eat McDonald's and KFC the whole Day because its cheaper
>gets Hearth problema and diabetes
>free healthcare so i'll go to the hospital
>gets cured
>back to eating KFC and mcdonalds

>be american
>no free healthcare so i'll take care of myself cuz fuck hospitals are expensive

Underrated post which Boomer retards will ignore

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We know how the government runs healthcare. It's called the VA. No thanks.

Nigger pleasse

We’re not. We’re just skeptical it’ll be run by people with the best interests of the nation at heart.

I do think it needs to happen, but I want to know the exact details (including potential problems so we can prepare for them BEFORE they happen, if they happen at all) and have justified confidence in those running it.

It also needs to be framed better to gain support from more than just the Left. I think it might have to be someone from the Right—someone that the majority of the Right likes and respects—that institutes it in order for there to be confidence in it.

I've never waited more than 20 minutes to renew my drivers license or register a car. Most of the time, I'm in and out in 5.
>we're shit at running other things, so we'd be shit at running healthcare too
Have you tried not being shit?

because literally anyoen can walk over the border and claim they are an american and deserve all the benefits of universal healthcare


>duurrrr what is ID

The kind of post that makes me wish I could updoot on 4chins

>hits pipe


Is paying for others healthcare the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than Universal Healthcare. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are diagnosing, treating, medicating and caring for the population for at least 80 years solely so they can go and live a hedonistic and self destructive lifestyle. All the hard work you put into your life - becoming educated, getting a good job, paying your taxes, rearing multiple children who do the same. All of it has one simple result: Your tax dollars go towards keeping a bunch of pathetic welfare leeches and niggers alive for as long as possible and letting them reproduce en masse.

Got a job that pays 100k+? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random bunch of niggers who never contributed anything to society. They get to live a long and happy life due to your labor while you slave away every day and get taxed at 50%. He gets the benefits of your hard work and ambition.

As a man who pays into universal healthcare, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 50% of your income simply to keep lazy shitskins alive and happy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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You're just making up bullshit.
And you actually think Gov healthcare has no limit?

Because it’s crap.

Seriously you won’t be able to get state of the art procedures.

You’ll be relegated to getting the cheapest shittiest ancient tech.

It’s equally shitty for everyone.

Long long waits.

It’s like asking why don’t want a free shit sandwich.

>according to cnbc
>no mention of drug pricing, testing regulations far higher then europe or anywhere else in the world, focus on expensive innovation we share for free with the rest of the world, or overlitigation/malpractice protections that make our medical care so expensive in the first place
>gay blackpilled shit

this is the most reddit post I've seen in multiple months.

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Your anecdote has been noted thank you

If you offered a Republcian voter a choice between paying $400 a month for healthcare to an insurance agency, while his neighbor gets nothing, or paying $200 a month in for healthcare in taxes, but his neighbor would pay nothing, he'd choose the $400 every time. Even if his neighbor gets it for free anyway through other means.

It's not an anecdote, that's literally everyone's experience here. I don't I even understand how something can be run as shitty as the DMV without someone INTENTIONALLY trying to make it shitty. You can't even get to one in many places without driving four fucking hours back and forth to the nearest city. I live in a little podunk town in the bumfuckiest middle of nowhere and there are TWO locations within a 10 minute walk that I can go to take care of my license and registration.
Americans only think public healthcare is bad is because their government can't run things for shit.

But all their countries already have universal healthcare. Even Mexico.

it's not great here in Canada. I imagine a country with 100x as many people will have a much harder time. Especially with the illegal immigrants there too. Not contributing to taxes but getting the benefits of it.

Besides, it's not just the government's job to take care of people's health. The people themselves are largely responsible for that. If there were fewer fatties, smokers, drug users and people who partake in activites that can result in injuries of varying degrees, then the system would be able to handle those who have diseases or are injured in a situation they had no control over.

It's not as easy as "hey we'll just foot the bill for everyone, so do whatever and we'll take are of it." That's just plain ignorance.

As an amerimutt of 99.98% NW euro heritage I'm okay with universal healthcare. Per citizen, France spends less than we do and they have "free" health care. I spend just shy of $1,000 per month on fucking health insurance that denies half our bills.

same guy here. I should have mentioned that 3rd party insurance companies still exist and people do utilize them. You've gotta wait something like 18 months before your premiums actually kick in. I guess because they've had people sign up, get their medical whatevers taken care of and then ditch the insurance shortly after.

it's 2019 bud i'm sorry you can't do DMV services online or at a 3rd party location. now kys

Many red states are too poor to afford internet at the DMV office, let alone pay to develop a website.

Great post

Lies, (((profit)))-based healthcare just becomes an extra option, the way it should be. Countries with NATIONALIZED medicine still have profitable insurance markets you lying memeflaggot.

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>This country and its people are going to die
such drama
We need you for the ylyl threads

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This. America is supposed to be unique. We don't want to be like everybody else.

Cause we see how shit our veteran's health care is.

1/3 of the US budget is already social welfare you mongoloid

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>italy not cucking themselves with welfare is a bad thing

no one mentioned college, mutt. why do you muricans fight so hard to be jewish slaves

because when i turned 18 i bought a motorcycle and a healthcare plan because i wasnt some unemployed fatherless piece of fucking shit fuck off

>"spending trillions on israel and pointless wars in the middle east? fuck yeah!"
Most Americans don't want this though. Only those who have been brainwashed by the jewish-controlled media.

Our government generally sucks when it comes to any social programs. They're wrought with waste, inefficiency, corruption, and just plain ol dumb assery. We're way too large of a country with a diverse population with different needs & problems too.

Also, niggers. And fatties. No way in HELL I'm paying into a healthcare system towards those people. In an all white ethno state? Perhaps.

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>Why are americans so afraid of universal health care?

I don't trust my government and I think they're ruled by the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries. The last time we tried healthcare reform we got Obamacare and it didn't fix anything and allowed the drug companies and hospitals to keep screwing us to the extent that those industries actually spent $150 million on ads supporting its passage.

If we were going to get universal healthcare without bankrupting the country we'd have to confront the drug companies and hospitals and I don't think our politicians have the will or the integrity to do it. We have $20 trillion in debt already, we can't afford it unless our politicians actually do their jobs and represent the people rather than their corporate masters and sadly I just don't see that happening any time soon.

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