BREAKING: Iran tanker attackers capture by US drone

But Iran paid shill still in denial mode

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Other urls found in this thread:–U.S._RQ-170_incident

Potato Trump had to ditch the potato cam?

Ok, its a boat with some people on it. Is that it? Am I supposed to be convinced?

that's a pretty nice boat

There are more new photos

>brown faces
>white hands



Ok, so post the new pics. The image in the OP is an old pic with CNN logos shittily shopped onto it

It's these guys

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You’d have to be a fucking idiot to trust Iran and believe any intelligence over US intelligence. With that said no more jewish wars in the Middle East!


Okay, that's good enough, right? Lets do an Iraq 3.0 - kill another million people, go another trillion dollars in debt to the bankers, loose another 3,000 soldiers, make the oil Sheiks richer and expand greater Israel.
I mean, this is even lamer a pretext than Iraq.I want to see Colin Powel lying his ass off and hear the shrill cries that if we don't kill 'em all and torture them (gotta do an Abdu Grabass on the Iranians) then we're be glowing in our beds from Iran's nuclear bombs.

you jerk off to rambo


Why are they all looking at the camera? Obviously the US has a bit of a reputation for blowing shit up with drones, but it would have been in eye shot of the boat for a long time. Long enough not to have the goat fuckers all staring at it.

You could have 8K raw 5 hour long unedited footage and with full profiles on everyone on the boat while they are holding "We are with IRGC and just a mined tanker" signs up and people would still deny they actually did it.

>believe any intelligence over US intelligence.
(((U.S intelligence))) has been lying to us longer than you've been alive, user.

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Where is the footage of the boat sailing back to Iranian waters?

Did they run out of film or something.

How do we know they are state actors

And they're no the attackers, rather the group that removed the UXO

Also, that boat is SPOTLESS. Looks brand new.

What is this brainlet-tier shit, you're telling me they just happened to have a UAV on station to watch this go down? And they just let it happen? And then kept the footage hidden for days and days?

4h4 hours ago

It was from CNN few hours ago, just shut your mouth up, mullah paid shill.

Good questions user

Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?

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No. The correct position is to not trust Iran under any circumstance the country is run by terrorists trying to destroy the west; while also advocating against another expensive jewish middle eastern war with them. Israel and Saudi Arabia should invade, not us.

>just happened to have every square inch of the strait of hormuz, one of the most critical and tense places in the world. surveilled

>What is this brainlet-tier shit, you're telling me they just happened to have a UAV on station to watch this go down?

I'd be shocked if there wasn't a UAV up in that patch of the gulf at all times. The US is big on maritime surveillance, especially in the operations area of the Iranians,

lol gas yourself CIA nigger
nobody believes you

It met up with an unidentified tug going by the navy

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Keeping evidence hidden is not that outlandish. You play poker/chess with evidence to force your enemy into a mistake.

Why do you follow Jake tapper?

This is proof of nothing. It's a picture of unknown people with unknown items on an unknown boat in an unknown location at an unknown time.

I wish, we need more blood for Lord Bolton

I’m hoping we are selling the Saudis a bunch of arms with the expectation that they will use them to invade and topple Iran. Large scale middle eastern war between rival fundamentalists is easily the best outcome for us. We can cripple Iran bad enough economically to the point where the Saudis(and Jews) can easily win by themselves.

There was a P-8 on station that came in to help with the distress signal.

There was also a helo from USS Bainbridge

How is this compelling proof regardless?

>Iranian boat comes to investigate
>finds mine
>removes it to preserve evidence, prevent further damage.

The mine itself isn't even a variant manufactured by Iran, Pic related is however.

Because it was actively monitoring their activities stupid mutt. So they looked at it.

Attached: IranLimpet.jpg (715x400, 29K)

>And then kept the footage hidden for days and days?

Its called giving your enemy the chance to make a fool out of themselves. The Soviets did it really well when they shot down the U-2. The US thought the pilot(gary Powers) was killed. Turns out the Soviets not only recovered the pilot but the wreckage of the plane as well. They never said anything until a few weeks later.

Iran should release info on the mine they removed. The longer they wait, the more suspect they become.

They also blocked the USS Bainbridge from getting closer.


I'm willing to believe that this is an Iranian boat with Iranians on it that planted Iranian limpet mines.

Now someone explain why the Iranian state would do this in such a "getting caught was part of the plan" manner. Do they think the US thinks they are bluffing about shutting down the Strait and this is calculated to make the US take the threat seriously? I can't imagine why they think this will improve things for them. The entire US military industrial complex and most of our Jews have been itching for casus belli against Iran for decades.

I think the Iranians are just shit poker players and are going all-in on a 2-7 off suit.

>So they looked at it.

All at the same time for an hour?

>They claim attack happened at night, that's why the pictures are from a thermal camera, in low quality.
>Now it's suddently mid day.

Nobody will believe it now especially since they werent flying their flag which was odd

Keep sucking Iranian sand nigger cock Hanz. No one is surprising “German intel”(which is an oxymoron in and of itself) is saying Iran didn’t do it.

Seems like they want a very low level of warfare that won't cross lines that would directly threaten Iran.

Economic damage, disruption of SA through the Houthis and so on.

lol, fuck off CIA, you're a bunch of retarded faggots

>attack pre-dawn
>high quality iranian limpet mines have 50% failure rate
>remove when the sun comes up

>>They claim attack happened at night, that's why the pictures are from a thermal camera, in low quality.

I never heard that.

It was all during the day.

The U.S. military has the largest operating budget in the world and the most advanced technology but can't get a photograph of alleged 'boat bombers' of a better quality than an old flip phone camera.

Does anyone here unironically believe that this grainy Bigfoot / Lochness Monster parody picture wasn't staged?

Mein Gott...

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>low quality.

All the videos the military releases are low quality for a reason, they don't want people to know how good/bad the optics are on a given platform. They are low quality when they get released on purpose.

It just looks like lunch time because CIA cameras are so advanced they can show whatever time of day they want

oh shit, this is 100% proof
say no more

did they also found their iranian passports floating near the tanker?

Nice deepfakes

I don't give a shit either way. The whole middle east could be turned to glass and America as well for all I care. I'm so tired of this shit.

Or maybe the pentagon is a bunch of thieves who just steal the money

>I'm willing to believe that this is an Iranian boat with Iranians on it that planted Iranian limpet mines.

the crew of the tanker said they were hit with some sort of projectile. They never said anything about a speedboat driving up to their ship and planting things on the side of it.

>Keep sucking Iranian sand nigger cock Hanz

If you want to die for Israel, please spend your own time and money doing it. Thank you.

>>Iranian boat comes to investigate
>>finds mine
>>removes it to preserve evidence, prevent further damage.

I really doubt that

keep sucking cut cock you faggot kike. :)

Who cares? Jews learn to fight their own wars. It’s been 6000 years. Time to grow up. Whitey isn’t going to be here much longer to fight for you kikes.

>All the videos the military releases are low quality for a reason, they don't want people to know how good/bad the optics are on a given platform. They are low quality when they get released on purpose.

The glownigger mantra.

You don't know jack shit. Every country with a boat that can sail across a pond has eyes on Hormuz.

this, including "America". fuck this degenerate shit hole

Do you honestly believe Iran and Germany that they didn’t do it? You’d have to be biggest idiot. Of course they did. They’re like niggers they aren’t smart enough to cover up their crimes.

Is it fair to assume that America watches every single oil tanker going through that area?

>It was the kikes, case closed.
Anyone who believes this is true, I just ask a simple question. What does Iran gain from this?

Attached: 55FF6B42-3861-4181-8587-95043B4A0C2A.jpg (3264x2448, 1.37M) could they attack the tanker with a rocket without rocketlauncher?

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i'm not convinced they took any mine, the whole mine story could be fabricated. the boat and uniforms could be fabricated, we don't even know when or where the video was taken.

The P-8 was high in the air

The higher quality shot of the boat was from a low flying helo

How's the weather in St Kilda?

>What does Iran gain from this?

Pissing off the world and showing that they control the trade in that area, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

So, be nice.

SHUT IT DOWN. The goyim know.

The only time quality of their footage is low is when they claim it's evidence of X. They have no issue releasing high quality footage when the footage is insignificant.

Hey i just wanted to post in a CIA/CFR/NATO/Tavistock brainwashing thread. You niggers think youre going places.


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>the crew of the tanker said they were hit with some sort of projectile. They never said anything about a speedboat driving up to their ship and planting things on the side of it.

They saw the missile fired at the drone. Probably never saw the boats.

That won't change the official narrative,
No you fucking asshat otherwise they wouldn't of been able to concentrate long enough to remove a supposed mine.
There are more covert ways of doing this without directly implicating Iran, such as using Houthis to attack Saudi oil infrastructure. Everyone knows Iran supports the Houthis, but it won't directly implicate them, and the economic effects will still be felt with rising oil prices.

>They’re like niggers they aren’t smart enough to cover up their crimes.
Smart enough to steal your "state of the art" prototype drones right out of the sky directly from the CIA. Great fucking job glowfags.–U.S._RQ-170_incident

Soooo people? How am I supposed to know these are Iranians?

shoo shoo glow nigger kike

Fuck off boomer

I don't give a fuck about iran honestly and think they might be stupid enough to do this, on the other hand israel has a history of doing false flags and Netanjahu has had a boner for a war the last 20 years. You know, the guy who knew Jared Kushner since he was a toddler and slept in his bed and besides that used to be a fucking special ops soldier. Is so far fetched to assume that those guys might fake shit? It's not like anybody could distinquish iranians from israelis anyhow just in terms of skin color.

For what though? In all seriousness, KSA itching to use all those billions worth of weapons they just bought. NATO ready to blow loads, all while the kikes sit back and watch as Tehran is Shoah’d in 5 hours.

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>There are more covert ways of doing this without directly implicating Iran, such as using Houthis to attack Saudi oil infrastructure. Everyone knows Iran supports the Houthis, but it won't directly implicate them, and the economic effects will still be felt with rising oil prices.

Eh, tons of people don't believe Iran was behind this attack, so they're doing a good enough job.

They've most likely learnt from their mistake of this one.

>I'm willing to believe that this is an Iranian boat with Iranians on it that planted Iranian limpet mines.

that's your problem. none of this makes sense, because it didn't happen the way it's been described by the u.s. why attack japanese tanker when meeting with shinzo abe, when your nation is desperate for allies and economic partners. why stare at a drone, fire at it and miss, then continue on with a mission to attack a tanker while still be filmed by a drone. why do the one thing that would cause a loss of support among the international community, while america is desperate for a pretext for war. why attempt to raise the price of oil, as others claimed was their motivation, when they can't even sell their oil, because of sanctions?

No one is going to attack Iran over tanker attacks.

So, they have a massive bargaining chip here.

I know! It's so cool to see shit glow so hard.

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Thats a photo of sand nigger version of eod removing explsovie from the ship, the exact opposite of an attack....infact its risking their lives considering its an unexploded live mine

I’m really more shocked they use the orange type 1 pfds that you give to little kids when you take them kayaking.

Tons of mostly politically insignificant people believe Iran didn't orchestrate the attacks. Do you think Zio-cons really care about what the peasant class thinks? All major media outlets are still pointing the finger at Iran, and that's what matters.

You do understand we’re talking about Iran here right? These niggers are suicidal. They do stupid shit all the time.

What the fuck. Here's a photograph the CIA just released, showing an Iranian assault craft fleeing the scene of a limpet mining.

Just kidding! It's a toy boat. You could probably tell if you looked at it long enough, but what if the CIA had some advanced photo editing software, dozens of personnel trained in the art of professional doctoring, and a meme deep fryer? Glownigger holiday.

John Bolton probably had the shit shot in his bathtub with dollar store toy soldiers glued to it and is laughing his ass of as we speak. How gullible these idiots are.

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I suppose one of the arguments is that Trump wouldn't do a decapitation strike against Iran or anything along those lines when Abe is sitting in the room with the mullahs.

>Why would then do this?

Just a theory but oil prices are low and had been falling sharply , approaching a recent low. Prices were projected to go lower ( their had been talk of sub 2 dollar gas this summer) and its possible the Iranians were looking into the future and seeing barrel prices go low enough to put their economy into an untenable situation ( Venezuela 2 electric boogaloo) and decided they had to do something to arrest falling crude prices before they hit the point of no return. This move may have been calculated to ratchet up tensions and drive up oil prices while still being more or less deniable as to not risk a serious military response that they know despite their rhetoric, they probably can not deal with.

For economies dependent on oil exports, they tend to have a magic number on those barrels. As the price goes down austerity increases, but their is a point at which oil price gets low enough that the government will likely not be able to maintain control. This is basically what our last 10 or so years of energy policy has been building towards so we can expect more nonsense like this in the future unless someone puts a stop to the US sliding oil prices.

I am sure Russia did it. Or Tarrants Lads.


>this post coming from an American
Why don't you finish the ziowars you're still fighting before moving on to the next one son?