More and more we are losing the culture war and our rights. We are forced to hide more and more because no one is actually willing to stand up, while the media and the left have accepted they are in total way. We will just sit here and whine and nothing will ever be accomplished. I guess I should just ignore politics and try to live my life until the economic collapse. There isn't any point in fighting with people who don't care for their cause.
Are we destined to lose?
Get off Jow Forums and Twitter
Have white children. Enjoy the decline.
what does this mean?
Have white children. This is the single greatest attack you can perform on their ideology and agenda.
>demoralizing spam
>no supporting details, just “feels”
Faggots, I present to you the signs of a shill post.
What are you doing? What is anybody doing?
we've already won user
things are going to get real bumpy
but hold on to what you have & don't play into their games
all the world's a stage - it's just a big puppet show
I'm not sure if we are going to lose, but one thing is for certain that very hard times are ahead.
The next step is to start an actual nationalist party. With family values and putting the people ahead of the economy.
Only problem is most people would just do whatever the media says as soon as they start calling you a nazi.
But even after collapse ground work needs to be done for what we want to accomplish. Ie national socialism or whatever you want.
And/or we need organizations that protect white people interests like every other race group does.
The biggest problem we have is half of whites are against the other half and the women love thinking about all the strange dick coming across the boarder.
White people dont know what their culture is anymore all they can think about is slavery and how they were kings in Africa. How we shouldn’t have went over there and enslaved their kings to pick cotton for us here.
With as many foreigners coming over here I sorta don’t see how it isn’t going to collapse.
No matter what as a woke person you need to be eating right working out and reading and educating yourself. You MUST do all three of those things. That is truely the only things that are in your control and that you can take action on right now.
It isn’t easy for us to get build but you must do it anyway. Don’t workout to hard but you must do this if you are serious. And read and don’t eat like trash. Build discipline. Educate yourself.
How can we ever change anything if we can’t change ourselves and don’t really even know what we want before or after a collapse.
I am asking this legitimately user
People have been pushing for this for 20 years user, it never worked.
Oh yeah.
The #1 thing is STOP JACKIN OFF.
I know it’s hard and it feels like it’s impossible but do whatever you have to do to stop jacking off.
Whenever you usual jack off start doing something else during that time.
Put a porn blocker on your phone.
Sperm retention and whatever goes on with that is the source of your masculinity strength courage life force.
It’s very important imo.
>s p a c e
>no kit no clue
>glowfags qq
Have white children and a beautiful stay-at-home wife.
Revel in glorious, monogamous heterosexuality,
Christian values and a happy home life.
Buck the trend of degeneracy
Glow with the knowledge that you are just and righteous
Be proud, strong and proud of your people
Fuck globalists and their degeneracy
nah just get off twitter,
its jews stupidd
Is this another demoralization thread?
why does that male cow have an udder?
Beautiful. Let's make this dream come true!
IDK, aesthetics?
Youre losing kike, not us. Were you destined to lose?
Not all globalist are jews stupid idiot. Most are though.
>Are we destined to lose?
Honestly? Yes. Barring complete failure of the government or balkanization there are exactly 0 paths from where we are now to a nationalist government. I challenge anyone to argue otherwise because looking at it objectively there's no way to vote ourselves out of this one.
>try to live my life until the economic collapse.
No you should get depressed and kys desu. There will be no economic collapse. Too many checks and balances now-a-days for that happen. Might be recession but nothing like you're thinking of.
Best bet is WW3. Trump may start one ^_^
how would you feel if men had suckable tiddies like that?
We won the internet culture war and then the kikes panicked and went into full "SHUT IT DOWN" mode and thus the mass onslaught of internet censorship has begun.
Most non-boomer whites are becoming more and more racially aware and realize that their is a hostile agenda being carried out against them.
The problem now is that whites are not regrouping and organizing IRL and I'm afraid that that will be our downfall.
White NEED to start collectivizing and learning to work together/trust each other.
Don't even label yoursleves "militia groups" or "white nationalists". Just form "clubs" and go on "hunting/camping trips" and "hang out at the firing range".
I wonder who could be behind this post?
The majority of those "jobs" are wage-slave poverty positions.
Good, nationalism is a weak ideology
it is I the Jew who convinced you of my previous post. May everyone now copy my intellectual superiority and follow my orders. Tyvm.
You, kys too.
Having white children is the ultimate safeguard against this. But we're lying to ourselves if we just say "have white children" as if thats the only thing we should be preparing to do at this stage
he never ever should have been on twitter but getting off of Jow Forums is a positive step