The quality of posts is extremely important to this community...

>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

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There's seriously just a handful of people dragging down the quality of the board with blacked and incel threads. There's tons of quality posts.

>high-quality images and informative comments.
What's that??

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>tons of quality posts.
Yeah you need to fuck off back to r*ddit

If you want quality you have to go to R*ddit. This place is for edgy kids and incels.

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>anyone who enjoys being here is reddit

Best post I’ve seen all day here


Haha thanks for joining us tonight

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Which one are you, faggot? Either way, have sex.

He's already fucked off back to r*ddit you should join him and suck his cock more faggot


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>the results of the meta analysis are just in...

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>Not 50 words

yeah, that hasnt really worked out

R8 my traps

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What the fuck

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You are DYEL mode but your traps are ok at best, its like you only do shrugs and this is your post work out pump

I did like 80 curls too, hammer, regular and alternating. Then some pullups with a 10lb weight in my backpack. But yeah I usually do a lot of shrugs. did 120 today

Tips on how to get bigger delts,biceps, and pecs with only a pullup bar, two 20lb dumbbells and a backpack i can put weights in