Based Nashville shuts down monument to confederate losers

Based Nashville shuts down monument to confederate losers

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Based cuckservatives unwilling to lift a finger to defend literally anything but corporate tax cuts

I know right? These pussies claim they are gonna start a race war but cant even defend a statute. Guarantee you they will tear it down instead of fixing it.

OMG they were racist! Yeah, so were the majority of northerners too. I’m not a southern apologist either, i’m a union man but to act like the confederates were the only racist ones is pretty ignorant to history.

The confed. Constitution defends and enshrined slavery 3 times and they fully planned to.invade Brazil and Cuba after the war to expand the plantation system. It is completely logical to say that fighting the confederacy stopped the spread of slavery

Stop trying so hard

so fucking gay

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do you think this logo is racist?

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We need to kill every last nigger loving Northerner, STARTING WITH YOU

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So were union soldiers, and American soldiers in pretty much every war. Let's see them do this with WWII memorials

FBI, please go

Thank you for establishing slavery was wrong, its been well over one hundred years, so whats your excuse now?

woah now glownigger, not everyone up here loves niggers. We have seen what they have done to every major urban area.

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not surprised since all the cali fucks are moving there too

Based, Nashville, all of Williamson co, Hendersonville, Mt Juliet are all fucking Texans/Commiefornians. At least they’re gentrifying out the niggers

The death of the confed was basically the death of slavery in the US, no doubt. But the vast majority of southerners were just fighting to protect their lands and families, most hardly gave a shit about slavery. Plenty of northern leaders were horrible racists but happened to be born in the north where slavery was already abolished. Slavery was just how their economy was run and it was all most southerners knew, many union men were just lucky to be born on the “non racist” side. Maybe i’m wrong.

>Stopped salvery
(((Slavers))) and plantation (((owners))) just didn’t trade openly.

You realize you can buy a male African black in Libya for $5 right now.

FBINiggers are liquidated first on the Day of the Rope

You gave niggers the vote. You're niggerlovers and a pestilence.

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> We totally swear we are gonna rise up any day now. We are just waiting for our history to be erased and technically the CSA gave them the vote because they fought like total faggots and lost
Lmao the KKK couldnt stop jack shit. What a joke.

You're gonna die nigger lover, you and the rest of the Northern scourge. We need Racial Holy War against Niggers and Nigger-loving Northerners.

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Nathan Bedford Forrest was a closeted homosexual. FACT

Unironically based and union-pilled.

Republicans are just as pathetic as libfags

Find an MLK statue and spray He Was A Rapist

Enough of your pro-nigger lies

Nigger-loving Unionists are anything but based.

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So to fight the Nazis you must become one , they have already won.

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watchu doin cletus?

I LOVE seeing a normie stammer when I ask “yeah, why is racism bad?”

Ask WHY.

3 Northern states still had slavery until the war ended. Slavery was on its way out regardless with technological advancements and the realization that paying for cheap labor was end the end much cheaper than paying some Jew to ship niggers over from Africa.

I was just in Nashville a couple weeks ago. Very based and whitepilled city. These were probably people from out of town.

Doesn't surprise me sadly. More than likely wasn't native Tennesseans but transplants too. They also drive around the state just to attempt to vandalize monuments. I know my local battlefield asked the police to check on a monument in the area after one dumbass asked weird questions to locals about it then run off once they saw police.

I can't wait until they start taking down public statues of Indians, they couldn't even defend their land or knew the value of it.

I do that too, and they lose their shit.

They won't talk to you again though. Because as is typical with any libtard, once you wreck them in an argument they simply pretend you don't exist.

Tennessee actually provided more soldiers to the Union Army than a couple northern states. The southern unionists didn't like niggers any more than the secessionists though.

No one liked niggers and Hollywood pretending Lincoln gave a shit about them is laughable.



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If slavery is wrong, and has been for over 100 years, why do you wear the flag of traitor slavers?

The Union had slaves DURING THE FUCKING WAR. The war had very little to do with slavery and everything to do with the federal government becoming too tyrannical.