Jow Forums, what's wrong with him?

Jow Forums, what's wrong with him?

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Idk never seen or heard him

know people who grew up with Ben and they say he made up his own swear words because he was too religious to curse and wanted those GBP. They regret not bullying him more

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He's controlled opposition... he tells you what you already know, you agree, and then he tells you to replace yourself with brown people and die for Israel.
People fall for that.
All the Jew talking heads do this shtick.

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A rabbi bit the tip of his dick off when he was baby and gave him aids.

He's a jew but he roasts retarded feminists so Jow Forums likes him

Very tall, probably bumped his head too often

The real question is why we haven't invaded the U.S and turned the west into one giant Canada?

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his house of cards is collapsing

He is not a Christian. He needs to accept the Messiah.

Squeaky voice
Disconnected from normal people

hes not that bad of a dude, hes on our side,
and very short

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>Ethnostate for me, but not for thee, goy.

Neocon scum.
But i dont totally hate him because annihilates academic leftists.
But still....(((neocon))), into trash

Has he ever not told a lie

>Jow Forums likes him
How new are you, newfag? He is routinelly shat on here

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U do realize Jow Forums is not the only board on Jow Forums, right?
Also Jow Forums shits on pretty much anything...

>he's on our side
that's gonna be a yikes for me reddit

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Go ahead and try you dumb fucking leaf

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well what i meant to say was he is certainly more on our side than theirs, he redpills a lot of people to deprogram the masses at least

Knowles will own him. Wait. Watch.

Hes a Jew

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Entirely true.

He thinks abortion is wrong

He is stress eating

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He's a jew. Jews go to hell.


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And he is 5'4"

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severe jewish autism

Is he bald under his little hay:Y or N?

He's gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


The best part is that Ben is a grown man, I mean "grown" man whereas the kid is still getting taller. Im 6'1" and I may not be rich but I wouldn't trade places with any man alive under 5'10".
