I downloaded a copy of the insurance file when it was first released back in 2010...

I downloaded a copy of the insurance file when it was first released back in 2010. I remember hearing that the insurance file has since been replaced and no one is certain if they're downloading the correct one.
I just found a copy of us while indexing a lot of my old files and will hold onto this one.

Was a key ever released for the AES256 encryption? Did anything ever happen regarding this insurance file?

Attached: wikileaks2010insurance.png (586x29, 2K)

Other urls found in this thread:



i'd bet good money it's just random bits to begin with.


I'm doing some reading and can't find much on the 2010 insurance file. I found a tweet from WikiLeaks in 2011 saying they haven't released the key despite what some news agencies are saying.
Then they released insurance files in 2012, and 2016 that were much larger.

I have a copy of their smaller (and first?) insurance file.

Attached: 360.jpg (750x702, 21K)

whats the md5sum of it? is it complete? Does it match published checksums from that time?

This. Basically to confirm if it's been replaced take the md5 and compare it to some published ones. There are no keys but they may be on the block chain. Hold on to it and maybe one day it'll be useful.

I remember doing an MD5 on it way back to ensure it was genuine. Did it back on a Linux machine; does Window have something natively built in?
Also, when searching the WikiLeaks torrents page, it's been scrubbed. Some of the other insurance files are there though. file.wikileaks.org/torrent/


There was a big thread about this friday night. Its highly important. I imagine people are still working on this, but they must be totally offline due to hardware backdoors

Attached: 71B2915C-FE4A-4B95-92B2-B4C4BB4A4DED.png (1934x1058, 328K)

Figured out how to do it in powershell.

MD5 is cce54d3a8af370213d23fcbfe8cddc8619a0734c

Attached: file.png (624x149, 16K)

>SHA1 hash

lol derp. good catch. I haven't done this stuff in nearly 10 years. But if I google "cce54d3a8af370213d23fcbfe8cddc8619a0734c" I get a ton of hits.

Attached: 1554947568854.jpg (700x700, 209K)

WikiLeaks insiders hinted at the time of DAK that the keys were hidden in a blockchain somewhere - but the spooks then forked the blockchain.

And the threads on xyz about extracting meta info from the blockchain kept vanishing when they would reveal too much about which transactions to analyze and how. Very, very spooky to watch.

The people with the resources to kill Assange in 2016 also have the resources to track down and obliterate any of the repositories of WL key info. Assange's mistake was being too slow and cautious in his DMS implementation, though to be fair "the CIA will DDoS the whole internet to stop it" isn't necessarily an obvious or intuitive possibility against which to defend.

Attached: WikiLeaks DDoS.jpg (675x1200, 100K)

Checked. If you actually want the MD5, you can use
>certutil -hashfile insurance.aes256 MD5

run a CRC32 check and post back what you get

bump before xkeyscore

Attached: 1560107983227.jpg (475x700, 73K)

Attached: 1555003353676.png (844x649, 44K)


Attached: 07F4B78F-E313-41E4-9096-55F488647551.jpg (291x373, 74K)


You are welcome


I believe I have found the Wikileaks files being imbedded into the Blockchain. reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6nqz8o/i_believe_i_have_found_the_wikileaks_files_being/

Summary of how Wikileaks and Assange were compromised between Oct and Nov 2016 (From Endchan screenshot) ( reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6nthgj/summary_of_how_wikileaks_and_assange_were/ imgur.com/a/UFQhd

Attached: WIKILEAKS 2.png (1876x781, 145K)

MD5 is 94a032849b1f446e3a1ed06cf4867a56 on my file

Attached: seemsgood.png (1048x405, 74K)

Spoopy... ttt fren

The insurance.aes file requires a dictionary attack in order to determine the message it portrays.
It's trivial to set up a script to attempt to open the file using a dictionary of single words.
Various words work.
Known ones are:
'USE' (openssl enc-d -aes-256-cbc -in insurances.aes256 -out fileout -k "USE")
'ONION' (openssl enc-d -aes-256-cbc -in insurances.aes256 -out fileout -k "ONION")
'ROUTER' (openssl enc-d -aes-256-cbc -in insurances.aes256 -out fileout -k "ROUTER")
Are there more? who knows.
But the message is clear. If you want true anonymity, Tor is the way to go.
The resulting files are garbage files still encrypted (first 8 bytes read __SALTED, meaning it's still encrypted).
They can be successfully 'decrypted' with the same passwords over and over again, still garbage.

Remember when people thought Assnigger has a deadmans switch wall he has to rub feces on every night or the keys will be released. Gullible idiots.

I use IgorWare Hasher. really easy. igorware.com/hasher

no one asked you anything, shit eater

Seems something related to Afghanistan

Thanks, so "ONION" unlocks it, but the files inside are still encrypted.

Yeah I remember this. The Bitcoin Blockchain doesn't actually store text. The blockchain website can, but it's something done on the website and not actually in the blockchain. I assume the screencap is referring to the website and not the literal blockchain.

I'm not worried anyway. I don't have anything sensitive expect this file I guess.

Although if you boys are reading, make sure you get a warrant. If you no-knock me I'd hate to have to kill a few of you poor fuckers. And don't shoot my dog.

Attached: 1560736906792.png (508x720, 230K)

The timeline in that pic explains what was happening after DAK and how eerie the attacks were against anyone trying to learn how to find what WL had stored in the blockchain.

Nice digits.
At first i didn’t believe the whole blockchain conspiracy; but then i saw the conversations of the people developing the code and working to extract the key instructions; and how their progress aligned with internet outages.
I think wikileaks was compromised always, and JA was helping to catch leakers. Part of me thinks that this whole thing was a honey pot to ensnare gifted but threatening computer scientists. If its true that nsa can easily censor certain data uploads to the web en masse, then it makes me believe that there really is a deeper internet that is more uncensored that the upper classes are using. Our idea of internet censorship is conservative youtube channels being demonitized or removed - but the reality is that if the nsa is this potent, then the extent of censorship is way beyond our imagining

there was a flaw/feature with BTC where a small portion of the transaction record can be used to encapsulate data and a string of transactions are used to "upload" something to the blockchain that the mining servers ignore because they didn't have proper addresses but everyone with a wallet gets a copy of those transactions.

You need to watch for hardware backdoors too. The air gapped system is just one piece. The backdoors are another. Also, in one of the holding groups conversations from the archived chats, they discussed spying via power lines(!?!) ; haven’t wrapped my head around that yet.


A long time ago I was made aware of Peleus which was the cianigger/nsa joint venture to compromise all hardware, primarily CPU's. Then came In-Q-Tel which completed the job for everything else in tech.
I'm aware of side-channel attacks where one circuit is compromised and affects another in the vicinity but for power lines all I know is about modems that use them to communicate beyond that is a mystery to me

Yeah i know about that. it can be done. I have several laptops,Tails, and a faraday cage, so I'm plenty airgapped if need be.
It sounds like everyone's already tried opening this insurance file with no luck. So I'll just continue holding onto it for whenever the key is eventually released.
I remember that. The mempool was flooding or something and it had to be patched since it was getting spammed. I remember fee-less transaction were being pushed, but I don't think there was a way to add actual text to the txs.


Did you follow this?
Pic related?

They didn’t elaborate in the discussion how power lines were used for spying. The only thing i could find online potentially is 50hz hum? I have no idea

can you post the SHA-256 of it for me? I have like four versions of the file in cold storage but I don't know if any of them are the 2010 version for sure

in linux: sha256sum filename
in windows powershell: get-filehash -algorithm sha256 filename

MD5/SHA1 is deprecated stop using it

Old NSA trick- Differential Power Analysis; use a pure sinewave UPS to avoid it

OP, the key may still exist somewhere, but nobody knows for sure. If you want to go questing for the Grail: Ask on Jow Forums for the "Great Wizard of leaks" pasta, and then go on Jow Forums and lurk until you learn enough about crypto to download the entire Bitcoin Classic blockchain.

Julian Assange hid his deadman keys in the blockchain. On the day that they would have released, the NSA brought online enough computing power to hard fork Bitcoin - so the real keys may not have even made it to the network. Some people claim they have gotten close, but the information is for sure subject to automated recognition.

MD5/SHA1 are perfectly valid for simply determining integrity...

Thanks, i wanna read about that.
The other interesting thing I read about in one of the conversations was that japanese holding groups used meshnets on PS3s. My computer literacy is limited, i’m guessing those had no backdoor vulnerabilities like the PCs do; but they went dark according to the chats nonetheless

read up on hash collisions you stupid nigger

Cell is IBM silicon...RISC-based and pretty esoteric from an attack surface perspective. Definitely harder targets than x86 Intel platforms, makes sense to me.

>On the day that they would have released, the NSA brought online enough computing power to hard fork Bitcoin - so the real keys may not have even made it to the network

Most people simply have no concept of the amount of computing power at the disposal of the NSA/CIA.

From my understanding its already been done. The instructions to get the keys are derived from the blockchain, and the means to obtain it is in the picture i posted above. The proclaimed issue is dissemination of the info.

It seems that whenever a group of people gain access to the files, they are cut off without even a chance to upload. Not sure if there is another vulnerability that nobody has considered, or they were just at the forefront of the learning curve; maybe somebody just needs to take pictures of the contents on their computer screen and then upload those with a separate device.

I’ve been wondering if all of those sealed indictments are related to this whole thing. If those are holding group members. That meme started roughly not long after the whole debacle

I can do it tomorrow. Or if this thread is still alive in the morning I'll check the sha256. I went to bed and am phone posting now

>From my understanding its already been done
I suspect enough copies of full pre-fork ledgers are floating about that the key info is available. The problem is that to have been clever and subtle enough to have been embedded without detection the key info will be non-obvious to extract.

And life suddenly gets really fucking hard when one is cut off from the rest of life and one has to do-derive-code everything oneself.

The spooks of other large nation-states have surely worked on this problem. It's interesting, in a Tom Clancy way, to speculate why they've been utterly silent about this.

having trouble confirming that this password works for the insurance file.

sha1sum : cce54d3a8af370213d23fcbfe8cddc8619a0734c insurance.aes256

gpg --output z.7z -d insurance.aes256
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof

$ openssl enc -d -aes256 -in insurance.aes256 -out insurance -pass 'pass:ACollectionOfDiplomaticHistorySince_1966_ToThe_PresentDay#'
bad decrypt

can anyone else confirm??

>the spooks of other large nation-states
If there is a single tier of truth to this conspiracy, then the reality is that they’re already in on the con and are rather defending its contents from their own respective populace. The governing body of the world is more monolithic than realized, and those content’s existence and exposure would corroborate that they are a cabal against the global masses, and nation-state vs nation-state competition is largely just theater and hijinx

>nation-state vs nation-state competition is largely just theater and hijinx

That’s been fairly obvious for some time

You’re right. But i’ve only been at this hightened awareness for about 2.5years now. I still grapple with the incredulity of it.

I would like to see one damaging screengrab successfully recovered from those insurance files. Just to watch the pivoting effort of the collective news agencies

sign it with a sha256 hash and release it publically so we can compare it in the future OP

Attached: cap.png (1876x781, 132K)

Much agreed.

I suspect all the world's governments and ruling families would agree it's in their collective interest for them all to suppress the WikiLeaks insurance files.


RIP Julian

Memes are the key. Make the whole world aware that the key is in the blockchain so we can have as many eyes on this problem as possible.

Attached: RAREPEPEcover.jpg (800x600, 210K)