Alright so here's the thing:

Alright so here's the thing:

Politicians, world leader you think are on our side (like Putin), FBI and CIAniggers, Interpol, Mi5 and others within the Intelligence Community... they're all part of the Plot against us. Hell, even Trump turned out to be an Israel First puppet. These people are either willingly part of the agenda, they're blackmailed, they're afraid of what it might mean for the world should anyone disobey, or as in the case with CIAniggers, they care more about their careers than the good of their Nation. That's the blackpill and you must swallow it. But here's the redpill...

It doesn't matter. Our enemies, though they seem powerful, are few. And they are actually quite weak. All it takes to defeat them is mass redpilling the nations. When the People realize who it is they serve, and that they are slaves destined for extinction, they will no longer complacently obey. They can not obey. Their own moral conscious doesn't permit servitude. When you see some glowie promoting Siege, shooting up Synagogues, or violently over-throwing one's respective Government, it's a distraction. They don't want you using propaganda to spread the truth in an effort to re-educate the public.

The only thing our Enemy truly fears is an awake and angry populace.

Your sword, Anonymous, is the Truth. And your shied, non-violence. Never forget that; do not fall for their tricks. The beauty of our cause is not revealed in the ugly pervasiveness of hatred but an over-powering love for one's Self and folk.

Do not forget.

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Awakening the populace would just restart the cycle of jews waiting 50-100 years for the next generation to forget about their jewery. Claim victimhood again and then restart the subversion tactics to kill off whites.

I think the innocent part of my heart truly desires a liberatarian approach, where we halt jewish corruption without mass slaughter and genocide. However my pragmatic mind, the mind that rationalizes our best path for survival seems to fall along the line of permanent genocide. If there are no more jewish people in the world then europeans would have at least a a few thousand to potentially millions of years to flourish and thrive before another leech population begins to do the same things as jews did.

Think with your brain, not your heart; for your heart will lead you down a bloody kneeling path of glass represented in mercy and tolerance.

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>Awakening the populace would just restart the cycle of jews waiting 50-100 years for the next generation to forget about their jewery. Claim victimhood again and then restart the subversion tactics to kill off whites.
This was the case prior to the Information Age, but now everything is documented indefinitely. Not only this, but everything spreads to all parts of the world in an instant. When the Truth is spread and catches aflame there will be no putting it out this time. This is the final time we shall play the game.

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Information can be altered, as shown by many holocaust photoshops. Jews have always taken control of countries initially by firstly taking over the media and cultural establishments. Which allowed them to revise history and shape the populace's minds like clay.

Also, lets say that theoretically we magically keep this information pure to the point where jews didn't revise it.

There would still be the problem of information relevance. Many events that were prominent back in the 1930's such as weimar germany hedonism, 1910-1920 cultural marxist jew revolutions in germany that caused mass suffering, etc. Are hidden on very obscure websites on the internet.

So even if the info wasn't corrupted, there is a good chance that this info would be burried under literally millions of other archival links.

It would be much more simple and less risky to just exterminate jewish people or create a permanent ethnostate that will never accept any jews into the country or communication with them in any form (the following plan can easily be destroyed if jews manage to corrupt a couple of focal points in the future power architecture of 4th Reich Bureaucracy. One pillar falls and the whole system collapses and then 50 years later we are in the same place as before. Mixed race couples everywhere, low white birth rates, hedonistic enthrallment, and violence and crime at a very high state.

Also taylor is unironically the rare 10/10 waifu and I would go into the bloodiest most horrific battle in the universe in order to waifu her.

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You're right to say that information can be obfuscated and memory-holes, but this only works when a handful of propagandists are active. This also does not work when a propagandist, versed in rhetoric, debates his points on television for millions to see. I'm not saying to spread Pepe memes but to step-up the propaganda game.
>Also taylor is unironically the rare 10/10 waifu and I would go into the bloodiest most horrific battle in the universe in order to waifu her.
Again: you're right. I would crawl through a mile of broken glass naked just to smell her feet.

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your appeal is full of intradiegetic cues and seems disingenuous. Jow Forums doesn't deliver the full redpill.

>Jow Forums doesn't deliver the full redpill.
wtf does that even mean? the entire purpose of Jow Forums is to deliver the full redpill.

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how are you still alive

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They can not kill that... which has no life.

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Jow Forums rarely speaks about group psychology. Jow Forums does not speak about early education. perhaps most telling is that Jow Forums does not encourage or facilitate political organization.

Jow Forums is just a foil, a straw man, a ruse.

Remember the viet cong user thay fought against the most powerful force in the world and still won

I might be able to get behind you on the propagandist theory. If we can completely cut off future jewish generations from their subvertive disgusting cullture (similar to how they have compeltely cut off europeans of their beautiful interesting roots). We might be able to create a non-harmful population that doesn't subvert and will just stay in their own country. The problem is that a lot of their historical texts, history would have to be completely revised (it would in general be a huge effort that might work, but might not (it only takes a couple of hidden propagandists to make cult like jewish followings waiting for a lull in the nationalist culture for them to raise their ugly heads again and start to subvert again.)

Ultimately at the end of the day, even if we can do that; we also have to look into the concept that jews are genetic influence to subvert and destroy host nations. I'm unsure if this is the case currently, but it seems a very large possibility, considering there are examples of jewish tribes all over the world interacting with host nations in very similar ways (isolation from each other usually create branch offs in culture in most populations.)

Also another argument I would propose, is that jews are just better at propaganda and manipulation than europeans. I think europeans are substantially better at jews at War, Invention, Philosophy, Music, Art, etc. However I have intuition into believing through thousands of years of history that jews might have a genetic edge when it comes to social engineering.

Overall these are just theories, but I appreciate the conversation overall.

Again: you're right. I would crawl through a mile of broken glass naked just to smell her feet.

I'm not a footfag, but I concur.

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>Jow Forums is just a foil, a straw man, a ruse.

and so are all those internet personalities who get promoted here. none of them ever come close to hitting the nail on the head.

>Jow Forums is just a foil, a straw man, a ruse.
That's an interesting take. I mean... the chans are owned/controlled by feds, but are they Jow Forums? I believe Jow Forums is the lurkers. Sure there's a lot of transient traffic, but imo Jow Forums is those anons and oldfags who are emotionally and intellectually committed to the spirit of Jow Forums. It's them I'm interested in.

Remember that the viet cong won because American troops were demoralized at home by the citizens who opposed the war. Behind every action, whether successful or a failure, there is propaganda.

I don't advocate murder and genocide because I'm neither Jewish nor a nigger, but something must be done. We may disagree on the Final Solution, and that's perfectly reasonable, because we are nowhere near the conclusion. If anything, we are at the beginning of this war. I believe propaganda is the cornerstone of all wars, whether waged traditionally or politically, and that the purpose of Anonymous - his soul destiny - is to learn how to be better at propaganda than his Enemy.

Agree with this.

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>Your sword is the Word.

You know where this quote comes from, right Moarph? I'm not trolling I actually agree with you.

>You know where this quote comes from, right Moarph?
Nah man, just thought it sounded good. Where's it come from?

>Politicians, world leader you think are on our side (like Putin)
Get off this board you retarded boomer

I'm speaking to the Nazbols here. Appreciate the feedback but with all due respect if you ever talk to me like that again I will freeze my own shit in a condom and rape you with it in the ass.

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>That's an interesting take. I mean... the chans are owned/controlled by feds, but are they Jow Forums? I believe Jow Forums is the lurkers. Sure there's a lot of transient traffic, but imo Jow Forums is those anons and oldfags who are emotionally and intellectually committed to the spirit of Jow Forums. It's them I'm interested in.

Jow Forums is bullshit for the simple reason that nobody discusses the almost certain collusion between major political parties in america. Jow Forums does not discuss the psychological trick upon which our two-party system is based.

>Jow Forums is bullshit for the simple reason that nobody discusses the almost certain collusion between major political parties in america. Jow Forums does not discuss the psychological trick upon which our two-party system is based.
There has to be a reason for that. Regular anons are oblivious and shills who claim to reveal the truth are disingenuous. Perhaps we need to make moar threads about that topic?

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It's interesting if you've said this and don't know where it was originally said.

This is where it comes from:
Ephesians 6:10-17 (KJV)

>Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

>Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

>And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

That's interesting. From a PSYOP operative point of view I agree with the quote.

>>Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
We aren't "wrestling" against flesh and blood... this is what the Brenton Tarrant shills want. We're fighting against "powers" and "principalities"... which I guess means ideologies. So that we can defeat what I believe is sincere evil in the hopes of achieving legitimate world peace.
>that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The remaining verses seem to repeat the former so no need to comment on those. Not a Christian but that's pretty interesting broseph.

the reason is that almost everyone here has ulterior motives.

why talk about anything else? it's the lynchpin that holds their entire narrative together.

>the reason is that almost everyone here has ulterior motives.
That makes sense. Even the typical user has an ulterior motive: to shitpost and past the time in his own boredom. We will never convince the shill to side with us but it may be possible to convince the user to give up his self-defeating hobby and commit to action; to motivate him. What do you think?

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>The remaining verses seem to repeat the former so no need to comment on those. Not a Christian but that's pretty interesting broseph.

There's actually a very important symbolic meaning attached to each piece of the Armor of God.

The belt is the truth, because if your garments are bound together by truth, you cannot be stripped naked and exposed.

The breastplate is righteousness, because the man who dies of a wound received living a righteous life, does not die, but receives eternal life. It is always protecting you.

The shoes are the Gospel, because it will carry you as far as you need to go.

The shield is faith, which allows you to deflect all spiritual attacks.

The helmet is salvation, because it protects you even from enemies coming behind you, from enemies you cannot see.

And the sword is the Word, because it is feared by the enemies of God more than anything, because it can be used to vanquish all of them.

Thanks for redpilling me on the verse, user.

all things I can get behind

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>commit to action

you won't make much a difference if you're ill-prepared for the various psychological tricks tptb use. your efforts will be shunted into some meaningless endeavor while the bastards get off scot free.

I've enjoyed a degree of success. What about you though? Tell me about your endeavors and results?

Then you are a Warrior of God.

To carry you as far as you need to go, you need only to receive the good news. That God so loved the world he sent his only Son to die in our place, murdered by the Synagogue of Satan on a cross which we would have otherwise all died upon, and that all who believe in him will be saved.

I dunno about Warrior of God. You flatter my ego too much. I'm just here to piss off the enemies of my People. And desu I can't get behind today's Christianity, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant. Not that I promote Paganism or another religion, but I've seen all dogma to be corrupt and inferior to the Truth. Does that make sense? We can discuss Religion as long as you don't take my opinions personally

>And desu I can't get behind today's Christianity, whether Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or Protestant.

Neither can I.

The only thing I get behind is this book, pic related, which is no creation of the modern age.

It is not my goal to flatter you, but to speak the truth, and to offer my hand in extension as an invitation across this final threshold. Because on this board for many years you and I both fought and argued with each other, sometimes on a daily basis.

I confess I have called you many names, as you have done the same in kind to me. But take a leap of faith and cross this threshold with me, and I will only call you one name: my brother. For we have both been created by the same Father.

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Are you of European lineage?

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Yes, I am 100% Northern European, primarily Norwegian. I have 0% Jewish blood.

You need not abandon race realism, or your position on the JQ, to accept Christ. Ethnonationalism is entirely compatible with the teachings of the Bible, indeed, it was God himself who divided the nations and gave them many different tongues after the Tower of Babel fell.

You need only to abandon hatred, not a realistic position, but overpowering feelings of wrath or hatred. Because when you hate the people who have wronged you, what you are doing is allowing them to commit the same crimes against you over and over again, in your mind, in your heart, and in your spirit. When you abandon this negative energy in favor of the shield of Faith, deflecting any attack knowing you are being carried forward by the Lord to exactly where you need to be.

This is what Christ meant when he said to forgive your enemy. Not to accept them as a friend, not to allow them to continue to persecute you. But to release yourself from the negative emotions they have caused you, to stop allowing them to continue you to inflict wounds on you in your mind, your heart, and your soul. So that you may dedicate the fulness of your energy to the work that must be done, which is to build the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.

The redpilling of the masses won't happen until there is economic collapse though. Until the bread and circuses have been taken away, people will do nothing.
I know that sounds like
> I'm a 14 y/o redditor and what is politics
But it's true

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>Yes, I am
Then we are brothers no matter what, and neither God nor Devil can separate us. See, if I assume that the Christ is the real-deal, and I see his institutions filled not with doves but ravens, then in this fallen kosher world I can be nothing but another demon until the world is raised to a new level of consciousness and what is dirty is made clean, or what is old made new. The powers that be haven't and will not elevate me to be some leader of a cult, nor they you, but only to expose the wreckage of a "pristine" world. There is no Christ in me, Christian-user, only anger.. at least until the grapes of wrath are stomped and made into the sweetest wine. My redemption is tied intimately with the salvation of my People. And that is the truth. We don't have to agree on everything, or be in the same place, if you are Aryan and I am Aryan. This is why what I speak is true universally, why I mustn't tie my rhetoric or a religion or political stance, and why it applies to all men, whether Christian or Satanist, righteous or unrighteous; I have to speak to them all which means I can not be bound by anything: I am the Lawless One. Keep doing good and most of all work to re-educate the People ^.~

I don't disagree.

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Yet what you say was already known by the early Church fathers in the 1st Century AD.

From the Epistle of the Apostle Barnabas 2:1-3

>Since, therefore, the days are evil, and Satan possesses the power of this world, we ought to give heed to ourselves, and diligently inquire into the ordinances of the Lord. Fear and patience, then, are helpers of our faith; and long-suffering and continence are things which fight on our side. While these remain pure in what respects the Lord, Wisdom, Understanding, Science, and Knowledge rejoice along with them.

As the Baneposter would say, it is always darkest before the dawn. Redemption will not come until the fulness of the Elect are brought into the Church, as we see in Romans 11:25

>I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers and sisters, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentile Elect has come in to the Church.

The very moment the fulness of the Elect are brought into the Church is when Christ will return. So what happens when Christ comes back? Well if we turn to Revelation 11 and Luke 21 we see that "all of Israel will be trampled underfoot by the Gentiles" and if we turn to Revelation 3:9 we see that Christ says "Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee."

So what we see from these verses is that there is a dichotomy between the Jews and the Gentiles, this causes conflict, this conflict has caused the Jews to harden themselves against any attack, and this hardening will be overcome when Christ returns, which will happen when the fulness of the elect comes into the Church (which is the membership body of Christ, not a building or a denomination) and is able to turn to the Synagogue of Satan in Israel and boldly declare "I fear no man, only God" (Hebrews 13:6)

>Yet what you say was already known by the early Church fathers in the 1st Century AD.
Then you should know that I'm legit, and you should understand these motives on a deep level, that we are brothers no matter what, and that when I call you should hear, or else treat me as Wisdom who calls in the streets but is not heard ^_^

Proverbs 1:20-33

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>Needing a condom to collect the shit because you are no longer man enough to form solid turds

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No one thought any of those are on /our/ side retard

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Could have been an okay thread but it’s full of polacks.

> but it’s full of polacks.

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