Jow Forums = "We must save the White race and unite Europe"

Jow Forums = "We must save the White race and unite Europe"

Meanwhile same Jow Forums:

>Italians aren't White
>Spanish aren't White
>Slavs aren't White
>Irish aren't White
>Portuguese aren't White
>Greeks aren't White
>Finns aren't White
>Romanians aren't White
>"Let me think of 10 others that aren't White"
>"Here's who's White...."
>"Stop fighting for White causes"
>"Why are White people dwindling?"
>"Wait, where is everyone going?"
>"Nobody cares about us anymore"
>"Fuck White people now"
>"Let's just find Asian Waifus"
>"Women are just trash anyways....especially White women"


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Other urls found in this thread:

And you're adding to it.

we breed whoever we want. all asian girls deserve handsome white men and adult sized dicks

He's a Jew.

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>adding to it

Jow Forums is complete Kike shit these days anyways. What the fuck would I be adding to or taking from? You know this place is complete shitposting nonsense now.

Any post with Spencer is a slide thread.

Thanks, I forgot

> "Anyone who actually stand up for Whites/ automatically a Jew and should be banned and shunned. Any defense of European genetics is secret glownigger Kikery. Do nothing. Sit there and make more threads about Italians!"

He doesn't stand up for whites.
He stands up for Israel.

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lol we don't want to "unite europe" we want to be left alone in our own countries without hordes of immigrants coming in and making it shitter more violent more dangerous smellier uglier dirtier etc

le spooky official looking out of context quote picture to make him seem like a zionist

fuck him and anyone that associates with him

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The whole "X-aren't white" thing is D&C cancer from /leftypol/, it's the exact same continuum argument that Sargoy of Blackdad tried to use on Spencer.

Unfortunately it seems to have worked, I'm honestly so disgusted with the board lately that it's not worth coming here except to laugh at nigger jokes.

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Jews are the ones who promote the idea that "all europeans are white" to have real whites mix with mongrels.

On Jow Forums now, everyone is NOT WHYTE....and everyone is a Jew or a Glownigger. So what is Jow Forums actually? A fucking circus of shitposting with no real purpose.

You gotta wonder, why come here then? If it's just demoralization and /Leftypol/ trolling, what the fuck is the point?

The whole "x aren't white" actually came from the original racialists from the 1920s. This whole "all of europe is white" only started in the 70s.

>Jews are the ones who promote the idea that "all europeans are white" to have real whites mix with mongrels.

Okay then, if you're "pure White" then why don't you define the lines? Who the fuck is saving YOU? Denmark? Sweden? Germany? All the nordic nations?

If only NORDS and Anglos are "White, then you got some work to do....don't you? Better start.

white was always a retarded category

a lot of native europeans are olive skinned and dark haired

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Only Nordic people and Scandinavian people and Celtic people are white.

Jow Forums isn't about politics its about eugenics.

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uh huh...

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>Only Nordic people and Scandinavian people and Celtic people are white.
Nice memeflag Moshe.

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>Only Nordic people and Scandinavian people and Celtic people are white.

Then why don't you tell everyone ELSE to fuck off and start your own movement? Let's see how that goes and how many allies you have in the end.

Shall we?

You idiots will be on your deathbeds arguing with yourselves in your conscience about whether Italians or Portuguese are whiter and if Cypriot people are marginally white, semi white, or outright white. This unhealthy obsession you have with a socially constructed generalizing label like white (or black, brown, etc) is the bane of your existences. Find girlfriends and hobbies, or even something else to worry about like Yu Gi Oh cards, you miserable losers.

We have our own movement

absolutely correct all of those aren't white the actual white people that matter are the nordics

i wish this singular person that is pol would just get his shit together

oh......okay....good luck with that. Keep me posted.

>find girlfriends
You need to be Jewish to have a girlfriend in todays society

This is our hobby

>you losers
Says you, loser.

/pol is satire. Kys if you take it serial

At this stage, that's very difficult with outside assistance

>absolutely correct all of those aren't white the actual white people that matter are the nordics

Hmmm, which make up like 10% of Europe and America, by the numbers. Okay, well, good luck being "True Whites"


You really don't go outside, do you, depressed recluse?

>OP sees crazy anti white trash and concludes that whites must be dividing and self destructing

Are you really that bad at differentiating between the average white user and the Jewish shills?

Again, Jow Forums is not one person. If you are European or are descended from Europeans you are the definition white, end of story. Quit taking shitposts as gospel.

I do go outside, you clearly don't. Or you would see that girls only like guys with money and power aka Jews or rich rappers.

You are white trash.

this faggot glows

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You forgot that amerimutts aren't white, "bro"

This is a place for shitposting. You don't come here expecting reason.

>Are you really that bad at differentiating between the average white user and the Jewish shills?

Nope. I see it all. Just showing that Jow Forums is a demoralization board for ANYONE of European ancestry.

pol isnt one person, theres no consensus.
this site gets countless thousands of people posting daily who all disagree with each other.

>Quit taking shitposts as gospel.

300 replies on every fucking "YUR NOT WHYTE" thread made. user, I'M not the one with the problem here.

Nords are useless outside of sex

If you can't understand sarcasm or someone just being facetous you should stop coming here

>built the greatest civilizations
>rule the world
>no use outside sex.

stop trolling, no one thinks nonnords are white

Europeans trashing other Europeans, yeah, that'll teach 'em all.

Just because we're both "Europeans" doesn't mean we are even close to the same. You sound like the leftists saying "b-but were all hooman"

How many times are you JIDF kikes gona make this thread?

Jow Forums doesn't even know how people from these countries look like

>"Let's just find Asian Waifus"
hey im game

>Just because we're both "Europeans" doesn't mean we are even close to the same.

Okay, good luck with your Nordic movement.

White means Germanic

Jow Forums is a contrarian board
and 'White' in America and the rest of the world always meant blonde hair and blue eyes

Oh, one country now. Okay, good luck with that...."white guy"

Another memeflag with a hot take. You can tell he's an authentic Jow Forums user by his use of the NSDAP flag. (which is exclusively used by Jewish shills)

Yet another memeflag posting nonsense.

Reminder that xenophilia is inherited from the mother's side.

>Jow Forums is a contrarian board

Then Jow Forums is shit because none of it adds up to anything

Germany, England, Lower Scotland and Scandinavia are Germanic

Im a nationalist and couldnt care less about other countries

No one is saying we should unite Europe, there are sub-races in Europe,and maybe they could unite.

>Germany, England, Lower Scotland and Scandinavia are Germanic

Okay, good luck with saving your "White Race". Get busy.

>No one is saying we should unite Europe, there are sub-races in Europe,and maybe they could unite.

Okay, good luck "saving the true White race"

Trump is already saving it.

Scandinavians came from Russia quite literally, it's even written in their Sagas.
(left pic)
Google search Stora Svitjod and Snori Sturulsson.

Germans came from the same vaguely "Celtic" melting pot as French people and unrelated.
(right pic)

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I don't care where they originated, it's their GENES that matter. The fact is they have the best genes, and the people who currently reside in Russia have inferior genes.

There were Nordics in North Africa 5000 years ago, they were just as superior as Scandinavians today, doesn't mean North Africans are of any worth.

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You're so fucking stupid

Our ancestors knew which parts of the world are white - Northwestern Europe.

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You glow

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Jow Forums isn't white you dingdong

We know that Southern Europe isn't white.
We know that Eastern Europe is untermensch.

What's the problem at this point?

Listen idiot britbong niggers make no distinction between Irish, French, German in their eyes you are all white and therefore the enemy. Join or die

If you think slavs/romanians are white you are a shillThey are by far one of the most infirior races in the world, and you are a shill if you want to make anyone belive this bullshit.
The other races you listet there are not in the same category, learn to differentiate, Spanish, Nord Italiens, Irish, Portuguese, Greeks, Finns are White.

other way around, Jews promote the "everyone is white" idea.

Literally the most retarded take on Spencer I've ever seen. He's saying he wants to do for whites what Zionists did for Jews AKA create a fucking enthnostate. Stop posting your room-temperature takes.

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To become so demoralized you buy a delicous doll bride.

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Exactly. And on top if it's true. There are 1st, 2nd and 3rd tier whites. What's worse is that some here say that we should unite now because of browns but once that's handled we can go back back to purity spiraling. So that means italians and slavs will go back to not being white. I am of slavic origin and find this worse.

White race is a meme, Europeans look down on each other and it has been evolving for centuries.
Hitler DID consider Polacks subhuman.
Nationalism is real though.

The longer you stay here, the more your realize this isn't a redpill board, this is a blackpill board. Everyone here is cynical, depressed and generally just apathetic. I bet half of people here would benefit from staying away from here for a couple of months and then go back.

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> implying any of these shit threads are created by non-Jews

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Oh I always Sage and ignore those threads

Jews are the ones trying to unite whites with meds and slavs.

Good for you, i sage any anti-israel thread.

Japan is honorary Aryan, r-right?

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>Meanwhile, the same Jow Forums
>Jow Forums is a single person
>Not a bunch of panicky Kikes, Boomers, and literal feds desperately trying to d&c to prevent even the slightest uprising.
user is a flaming homosexual and Richard Spencer had to fuck him at some point.


If each of these peoples wanted to save themselves, they could organize on national basis and do what needs to be done. No need to unite.

What are Slavs anyway? Underevolved apes?

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this is the greatest post ive seen in a while and it explains everything thats wrong with Jow Forums

How are greeks white? They are pretty much turks.

congrats you failed the shit test ya norman, fuck off to t_d, you're not white


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>Slavs aren't white
Do you make exceptions?
For example Czechs and Slovenians like to LARP as German rapebabies just so Westerners will be thinking they are white.
Pathetic but they still have a point.

Spencer is very handsome t b h

It's Poe's law, nobody even knows anymore what's going on.

I wonder who hides behind this memeflag.
Show me where you're from and let's see how superior to slavs are you.

I wonder how many Redditors browse this place