Our girls are right

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nuke the gooks

I'm confused, a kike is opposed to sending goys to war with Iran?

She doesn't think. She's a bot. Her program is to post whatever is anti-white-male at any given moment, and then remind you of the six million.

American Jews are quite different from Israeli Jews. At least in foreign policy. American Jews tend to be very leftist. Israeli Jews tend to be quite conservative. Ultimately they are both Zionist

>Blame Trump!

These bitches don't realize the Neocons have been trying to start a war with Iran for DECADES now.

They always send someone to the other sides camp, its an excellent strategy.

So these morons really not realize how retarded they are trying to talk intelligently about politics on their Hollywood blue check mark a counts? It's like a group of slutty soccer mom's talking about NFL stats. Retards on/pol/ at least have the foresight to spew their retardation anonymously.

As if these two "women" even have the slightest clue what's going on in this country (they repeatedly prove to everyone they don't)
>quoting anything from Sarah Silverman to be taken seriously
Not even bait at this point. You threw your whole fucking rod and tackle box in the water there junior...

I thought that sudi bitch was anti jew?

But white men are the worst enemy this world has ever known, so strong even Jews and Palestinians would join forces to resist!

>two sand niggers
isn't this victim blaming?


>trump wil start a war in syria
>trump will start a war in korea
>trump will start a war in venezuela
>trump will start a war in iran
# of wars started by trump: 0

She's been fucking Jimmy Kimmels big uncut Italian goysausage for years like most jewish women she hates jewish men.

Trump should start a war with Japan, then the next hour call it off and send a shit ton of after-war aid to them. After all, the war affected their birth rates and all... plus we want to protect their culture from our brutish attacks.


And as someone who once constructed classlified briefs for CENTCOM and joint chiefs, Iran likes to break promises constantly, so dealing with them is like herding cats. Obama was a giant pussy and pushover with Iran and DPRK and the REAL intel folks know it, not faggots like Malcolm Nance, (how that moron isn't in Leavenworth, I'll never know)
Literally everyone except Iran wants Iran to de-nuclearize. Why? We ALL know damn well, the plant in Bushehr is not for peaceful energy purposes.

The literal first thing they would do is target Israel, (to which now I'm realizing how much Israel fucking deserves it, as they are no ally to anyone)

But still, a nuclear capable Iran is not in anyone's best interest. And being tough on them works better than being a passive little pussy like Obama or Kerry. Trump is just demonstrating backbone (not a MAGAt, didn't vote that cycle) And anyone with REAL intel experience knows it (once again, Malcolm Nance is a joke in the Intel Community)

Either way, you should never take advice from an unfunny jewess edgelord, or some muzzy cunt who got her seat by no other virtue than being brown, having a vagina, and not being Christian. I wouldn't consult these whores for cookie recipes, much less political advice...

t. former CENTCOM analyst who got fed up with their bullshit too

No president is perfect, but this one has done more for the American people than anyone since JFK.

Classic both sidesism.

The only reason these Jews got famous in the first place was so that they could tell goys what to do.

Hes a merchant