Somebody kill my cat. I gonna tear apart that person any recommendations on how to make him suffer?
Somebody kill my cat. I gonna tear apart that person any recommendations on how to make him suffer?
tiralo a la calle negro culiao
I bet it was more useful as food than some dumb faggots pet
Drag his body to the zoo and give him to a big cat.
make them eat their own leg meat that you bbq with them tied to a chair
Go full John Wick.
put it in a bird sanctuary
Remove their finger/toe nails with pliers.
>any recommendations on how to make him suffer?
Let a SJW adopt it
hammer some wedges under his toenails until they pop off
Thank him
Sleep deprivation torture.
It's worse than any physical pain imaginable.
You need the advise of savage niggers. Where's Brazil when you need them?
KYS. Then you won't have to worry about it faggot.
Man owning a cat > Larpers
Kill yourself faggot
Whoa lol
calm down gypsy. its just an animal. you can literally adopt tons of them, and none of them particular unique from one another because they're stupid animals and function on instincts alone, not emotions or feelings.
>car battery
>jumper cable
Alright hannibal
I think this shitskin meant to say someone killed his cat.
then hammer his toes flat, then drill holes in the bottom of his feet, burn his legs, air compressor in his dickhole, save the top half for tomorrow
it's just a rat, you whiny cunt. i bet you cried too.
sorry to hear about your cat user, if you know who it is I’d torture them to death, or like kill someone they love in front of them or something. It’s only fair.
kys spic
You are a ghost. You can kill the perp and as long as you are not caught on camera and there are no witnesses, you run no fear of getting arrested.
People are so brainwashed that they really believe random murders without obvious motive are traceable.
Afterward just keep them in a hole and only give them magnesium citrate to drink until they shit themselves to death.
Ive done this to myself when high. Doesnt gurt at all just feels hot
Greek women were made for BBC
Dude wtf that’s disgusting. Hope you rip off their head.
There was a guy in the news last week who’s dog got killed by an alligator in Florida. It was too much for him to handle and he killed himself the next day. Losing a pet is hard.
>because they're stupid animals and function on instincts alone, not emotions or feelings.
That's so untrue, fuck you user
>Somebody kill my cat.
par for the course vieja.
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honestly, just shoot the guy who killed your pet.
anything will do.