Despite being raging racists, do you guys still befriend non-whites? If not, how do you treat them?
Despite being raging racists, do you guys still befriend non-whites? If not, how do you treat them?
I don't really deal with niggers that much.
You're asking as if it were white people on Jow Forums
Humm... last non white I talked to was a H1b engineer who told me to violate US federal regulations. Another H1b non white said if he got caught, he'd beat a path back to Columbia.
I threat them just fine. I just think they should go back home and don't belong here.
>he thinks we're White
lurk moar newfag
Race isn't a real thing, most these people are either
A. perfectly normal people with social lives that love to troll on here and enjoy the satire
B. total losers that leave their houses and have no friends, period, regardless of "white and nonwhite" statuses.
Inb4 I get called JIDF or a Jew or a troll for stating reality.
I’m friends with one black guy we mostly just smoke weed watch anime and play chess
Shut up kike
Depends on how they act. I work as a receptionist and had to deal with this brown dude. Not sure what his race was exactly to be honest, but he was super friendly, so I didn't think about it. Then there was this big black guy that bent me over my desk and sodomised me with a cactus and set me on fire. It goes without saying that I called him a fag and a nigger (in my head).
I treat everyone that deserves it with the same kindness
Only on the internet, mostly because idgaf if they're a different race as long as they are miles away from me.
I’m a Christian. Don’t associate them with me
One is my best employees is a black guy. He doesn’t like trump anymore cuz he says he’s a Jew lover
I kill every nigger I see.
Does your one black friend know that you browse a white nationalist forum?
Disprove literally anything I said, you virgin
You realize were all just memeing right? We don't actually hate non-whites
Naming the Jew isn't racist, user.
Christianity is Semitic
Do you know kikes aren't Hebrew by blood?
>A. perfectly normal people with social lives that love to troll on here and enjoy the satire
Ummm... this is true.
>Despite being raging racists
>That file name
I'm an equal opportunity hater faggot.
I hate everyone regardless of the race, color, creed, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, social status, or disability.
OP sucks dicks.
Absolutely avoid niggers, wouldnt even help for a flat tire
Asians meh, stat away but might help change a tire
Latinos same
I've been beating gypsies senseless since I was just a child.
i'm generally disappointed in most non-whites once i get to know them. they screw you over and take advantage of you. they're like the wild animals from animal farm. all take and no give.
Nice gif
God loves you and I love you
I’m coming to the conclusion that most Jow Forums users are from the Deep South or in middle America.
>I work as a receptionist
Show tranny tits and cactus ravaged boipuss or gtfo.
that's an interesting thought experiment. i'd probably help a latino but i'd drive straight past a black or asian. couldn't tell you why. i guess they seem more approachable.
yeah my best friend is from some shithole south of mexico
IRL I take people as I find them and return the respect they give to me.
On the internet however I am full blown 1488.
Why? Because it's fucking hilarious you kike nigger faggot.
I dont hate anyone dude. Ill befriend anyone who will befriend me, I treat everyone equally.
Of coarse I'm able to differentiate an individual from a group.
I still don't trust non-whites though
Really? Asian (China/Japan) are highly educated low crime rate people. Latinos and Blacks pose danger.
>having a brown long distance best friend
Your life sounds sad desu.
My wife is Asian
I'm sorta friends with a black dude who's a manager at a distillery near me, pretty good guy.
It's practically impossible not to interact with non-whites in Brazil, but I really don't have a problem with black and brown people who act like normal human beings, the problem is niggerish behavior, and even whites act like that. Also, I love fucking a negress.
Yea I’ve tried to redpill him on the kike role in the slave trade he tries to cope by telling me jews are white
Treat everyone with respect unless they prove unworthy. Then ignore and move on. But being ptsd i will defend my person with lethal force if u touch me
I am not a racist i have internet friends with ethnic background
i don't like chinese people. they suck.
Have 1 black friend he is very civilized and hard working, not a nigger at all, other than that all whiteys
friends are for the weak and for women
Nope. In fact I go out of my way to inconvenience boomers and minorities every possible chance. Even petty shit like not holding doors or letting them merge.
>Despite being raging racists, do you guys still befriend non-whites?
My business partner is black, but he is extremely rare because he has a master's degree and a dad
Kek, I love it when favela monkeys pretend to be white on Jow Forums.
There is only one non white friend I have and he is half white half black and we have been friends for 14 years now and I treat him with respect as he has had my back in quite a few fights
No nonwhite friends, but I’m nice to everyone who’s nice to me.
Of course I befriend non-whites, and so would >90% of us, despite what you've been told.
never relax
Race is a genetic construct only (((sociologists))) dispute this
no he lives right by me but he was born there and came here when he was 2 or 3. Also my life is fucking great but I would be concerned about someone friends with some spic still living down there too.
Virgin Boomer: I can't be racist, I have a Black friend.
Chad Millennial: Of course I'm racist. I just happen to have a Black friend.
I really can only talk about how thirteen do fifty and call gentlemen of african descent eighty-five's in front of my asian friends.
>oh... except the first and last part.
Sadly, as a black man who uses nigger in a racist way towards other blacks, I only associate with whites. Most black people are simply either to ghetto or retarded for me and I can't stand them
I'm racist. I judge people by the color of thier skin. However, if they show that they are good people, I warm up to them. I have a black friend, and there's one I'm friendly with on a co-worker level.
I don’t befriend anyone
Be friendly towards is all your getting
It's funny how a brazillian is making fun of an american for being a mutt
Your flag disproved everything you said, go larp elsewhere (((reddit))).
I’m not racist I’m here for the super Autism 4/chan the hackers information
I’m just a faggot larper. I’m actually a radical centrist who believes the only reason we have problems is because no one is willing to compromise in order to save face with their in-group.
How could you not support a wall on the southern border? Why should South Americans and Mexicans get the easiest shot at coming to the US while Eastern Europoors and Southeast Asians are stuck drinking vodka or eating rats with no hope of living here? We waste enough money funding border security that an actual decent wall would pay for itself a thousand times over.
At the same time, actually hating niggers is gay and honestly weak as fuck. What is anyone going to do about it? Is the government going to round them up and ship them back to Africa? Nope. If you rely on the government to give you a fair shot at women, work, and fun because muh dik you have to actually increase your value, not wah about it. If you’re better fucking prove it. I’m ultra white btw
>Inb4 reddit
As fucking horrible as some of you guys here are I assume, there’s a handful of useful retards who do good work finding and archiving information like no where else on the internet
you're wrong because "loser" has connotations of insecurity
i'm pretty much friendless, yet i'm secure to the point where i'm ok with myself being a friendless virgin (i have the respect of myself and others)
also, race is very real and anyone who says otherwise is retarded
much better to be friendless than retarded
I give everyone a chance and am friendly to and somesometimes hang out with other ethnicities. I'll take a black conservative over a white communist any day of the week.
This tbdesufamalam
I don't consider strangers to be potential friends.
They are enemies I haven't made yet, because I'm a slackjawed yokel in the south or flyover country, you supercilious, slumming tourist.
Duh, Jow Forums is a Decentralized Intelligence Agency
Polite. Cordially even. I'm pretty big and in moderately good shape for my age. They don't fuck with me.
Just because I don't like them doesn't mean I can't be friendly.
Some are even friends.
Like how my dog is my friend.
Dude, you don't know what you're missing. The feeling of my benis penetrating black flesh is otherworldly, beyond words. The contrast of our skin, the heat, the passion... Feels like a conquistador, man. I think about her every day, it's been three years already...
How can you as a black man browse this board, full of violent neo-nazis who hate your guts and want you deported to Africa? I can’t imagine it.
I have no friends, but if I did they wouldn't be non-white. Whenever I see one in class or public I just try to ignore them. Most of the time they're loud and act mentally retarded. Just being around them infuriates me, but I just keep it to myself so they don't chimp out and make the situation even worse for me.
Most of my friends in life have been non-white. This is party why I know brown people are incompatible with participation in America and the West. Also, just because I want to live in an ethno-state doesn’t mean I disrespect people who exist because of the status quo.
Yeah, I'm honest with them and make fun of them while they fuck all the white women I know so it's fair trade off
Out of my 5 closest mates, 1 is Mauritiannigger, 1 is coconutnigger. 1 is Australo-Niggerus. All are top blokes who hate Niggernogonians.
-_- I’m not new here I just need a list of dual citizens in the Us gov to Israel, lists have been posted so many times, the one time I ask, nothing
i dont care what your skin is or where ur from or whatever.
just act american. uphold american law and dont ruin our way of government.
We embrance the mutthood and they despise it. It is natural to provocate them with it.
you're the real problem. stop inciting hatred. stop telling people that other people hate them
Honestly I work with some cool/hilarious black people and latinos that are based, and come to think about it growing up and even today most of my problems with other men have been from members of my own race. Really makes you think.
Do you play didgeridoo and smoke weed with your abbro? God, that's the life I want.
Cut the neo Nazi shit, kike. Lots of people were against miscegenation and jews long before Hitler. And no one hates redpilled blacks. There’s just hardly any
what's it like living where there is no trace of good sense?
No wisdom from your ancestors, just marxist automatons.
As another mixed person I know a lot of you are normal fucking people like the Pastor preaching about killing gays, I probably pass people every day who are really bad people, but I have a plan for my life and what I want to do, and this board is beneficial to me like it is to the glow in the darks, except I don’t need to know who you are, I need your ability to get info
Because I agree with most of their statements. All I can hope is that my racism towards blacks and other races will save me.
I have a friend of almost every race except persian or arabic, but they are all misfits in their cultures just like I am in my culture-starved wasteland habitat, so I don't really have to wrestle with disliking (race x) in general while my close friend is also (also race x) because he feels the same.
You’d have a hard time finding anyone who hates an educated, working black man who supports his family simply for being black, kike
then again, perhaps it's just that my impression of latinos hasn't yet been completely spoiled yet.
Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites
The worst racist is the one who hates his own race. Nigga, do something to make the USA niggas better, like my niggas Immortal Mindz, Jesse Lee Peterson and other IBMORs.
I have had probably about five friends who were at least half black, maybe 10 East Asian friends, five Southeast Asian friends, two brown Mexican friends, and one Pakistani friend. I dated one black person, one East Asian person, and I had sex with a brown Mexican person a few times. I treat non-whites well if they are not jerkasses. That's how I am with white people, too, actually.
Idc of who you are as long as you behave you don’t become a slur. If I’m around blacks and they’re loud and aggressive than niggers. If I’m around blacks and they are respectful and just being normal. Then they are fine. If I’m around other whites and they are being loud and aggressive then they are white trash. If they are polite then normal whites.
White trash and niggers are the real problem.
Outstanding citizens black or white are the future.
I am remarkably kind to niggers.