Bring back the Draft NOW!

Its time to bring the draft back and make America great again. Imagine doing something meaningful with your meaningless lives instead of whining on an internet forum?

Sometimes you just need the push to defend your freedoms and country and everything else will fall into place naturally.

Any citizen who disagrees with this concept or the draft I would say is bordering on being unpatriotic and possible treason.

Attached: Bring back the draft.jpg (610x705, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:

good luck paying all those new soldiers and all the equipment without taxing the fuck out of people

>doing something meaningful
>teh military

You first faggot.

>Imagine doing something meaningful
>Wants me to fight in the middle east to protected kikes
naw f󠀀a󠀀m, I'd rather not.

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>drafting Millennials and Zoomers
How much will a Mobile Safe Space Command Center cost the taxpayers?

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Okay what are we going to use roughly just low balling here 3 million soldiers for?

Sure, if we restrict the vote to people who have served in the military.

Draft Our Daughters.
Natalie can be first in for the draft, followed by every single last one of the 10+ million jews in the US.
That's democracy.

I already do something meaningful and productive with my life unlike OPFight for ZOG no I'd rather see ZOG hang.

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No, you dumb faggot. The only reason the US military went from sucking the ducks of rice farmers in Nam to eradicating the 4th largest army in the world in 100 hours is because we kicked out all the faggots who would rather suck dick than willingly do something with their lives. Bringing back the draft is a leftist psyop designed to weaken the American military and kill the public's resolve to fight by ensuring mommy and daddy won't vote for wars that put their precious little cummy-bois in danger.

stop whining

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>woman calling for a draft of men to fight and die for israel

Fuck that bitch

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>bring back citizen soldiers

Thats what the second amendment is for, why are NeoLiberals millennial so FUCKING retarded

Roads, new schools, new drainage, new sidewalks, youth education, policing/court paperwork, meals preparation, breeding sand-nigger women, enforcing our borders, stacking pallets and unstacking pallets and then restacking those pallets again, marching in large circles, marching out and marching back, doing pushups, digging holes and sleeping on the ground.

I did.

Your turn.

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phoneposting burger.

Strange, what happened in between WW2 and Vietnam, when draftees literally stole land from the Aryans?

Lmao doesn't matter. I have a massive pot belly and man tits, so the army will reject me in a heartbeat

>why the fuck everything gotta cost money???

>fat guy jokes about heartbeats
not a foreshadowing "quivers when walks"

I think it'd be funny to watch you cry in front of a group of people, user.

girl at the front is so pretty that i forgive her for wanting my extinction, and by definition, the extinction of all white females too.
that's it, i'm going to kill myself. hopefully she'll find out about my sacrifice.
pass the message on /bros/

no, they'll just hit you with soap bars in socks until you kill yourself.

She just needs a strong white man who will breed her and get her to dismiss her silly feminist bullshit

Almost all of these are things not related to the military. Please don't be stupid.

no we won't, but we will be splitting up any candy bars we find hidden in his gear.
boot is designed to help you go from fatass to badass, and once you start to understand how easy it is to stay in shape, the idea of seriously going back to being a pimple assed pasty fatty will never be enjoyable.

>Your turn.
>serve israel.

Heh, no thanks champ. Thank you for your service. A true warrior, lil buddy.

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The US instituted CCC program during WW2, and most of that was exactly what I described.
There is no reason that a draft and service has to be purely combat related, though to be sure, you should be taught how to fight, even if you don't want to ever use it.

I can’t be drafted. I have bone spurs. Also my dads rich.

I agree with your sentiment but you do not need to enter the military to get Jow Forums. Just need to practice some willpower.

>hurr durr, I post this every time cause I think I'm going to convince people that learning how to fight is a bad idea...
they're gonna train every Jow Forums user, including the klan boys, how to kill efficiently. Shut the fuck up and get your ass back in line.

The problem is, it will be done with typical American tight-fisted halfassery.

The lower classes want adventure and glory again. The higher classes are not currently selected for honourable characteristics but mercantile ones.

I fully agree with military service with two caveats.

One is that if attuned properly, this service could replace senior years of high school and gap year and bridge into ‘humanitarian’ or ‘public works’ deployment across their own country or allied countries in trouble to provide engineering and other works.

The other is that conscientious objectors, purple haired SJWs that are going to freak out anyway and people who shouldn’t be given firearms training need an alternate pathway that speaks to their aptitude. So similar but a Green Corps or an Aged Care Corps etc.

If it doesn’t lead to a formal entry level qualification and field experience and provide discipline and education and stream the people who aren’t suited into other productive avenues, it becomes another meatgrinder that politicians will refer to in the affirmative.

It also forces layabouts onto some kind of path. Upon graduation and completion of a gap year placement, cadets could extend for another year and diploma level in a practical field and be streamed into the army proper or leave will college credit that ONLY counts towards vocational degrees.

it's too late.
i've set an egg-timer to release an anvil that will tighten the noose around my neck when the thread expires.
good luck with the apocalypse.
also, you're right, and more young dudes should know that women bend to the will of their man, even without any direct instructions. they want to know your will and your views, because they make them their own in quite a short amount of time.
pity the world is so fucked now, i sincerely hope it is a short term fad - history would suggest yes, but we are living in an unprecedented time in history, by sheer population size for one, second to that the mass-media and instant communications.
it is unpredictable and dangerous.

Wasn't the CCC a voluntary thing though so the people out of work can make some cash?

i've never not been Jow Forums, fortunately, but i am going to take a bar of soap and a sock with me and you can't stop me.
if you try to stop me, we'll soap sock you too.

I'll volunteer to any opposing side just to spite.

>i've set an egg-timer to release an anvil that will tighten the noose around my neck when the thread expires.
what, no blueprints of this machine for perpetuity?

Only if we turn our armies inland and start expelling foreign invaders
Only time I will ever be ok with the draft

No, it was alternative to front line combat. And they worked twelve hour days without ceasing. >i will soap sock you
Is that some homo talk?

It’s not just that - it’s keeping a core of youth away from degenerating influences in an environment that will harness their energies productively. It would be nuts to send kids to fight unless the US was under direct attack, but having a labor force to do civilian tasks that can use military skills and the investment in polishing teenagers - who are essentially contemptible turds to the last man with some kind of Civnat narrative could be worse.

watch the classics.

im confused. I still keep my draft card in my wallet. did something change?

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Lets add a provision that requires the children of the politicians and wealthy to go first, combat infantry only

Soap socking should be our version of milkshaking.

Love clean socks, me.

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>that gif

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What are you doing deciding what is best for US youth?
I mean, esoterically i get the idea that all men are mine, but dude, Iran is still saying they want to kill the US, and since you're basically the same as us in your government and naked women on the street thing, aren't they just calling for your heads too?

>that flag
>that post
So it's true what they say about British women and their repulsiveness
Imagine having such low standards

This smells like an American pretending to be a Jew pretending to be an American.

I'm checking on several sources such as and Britannica and they both only say the ccc "provided young men jobs" but mention no draft. The wiki says outright that it was voluntary but wiki is wiki.

>and if you want it

All in all I would be wary of the government to turn on the draft when we are not at war with any major nation. The war on terror does not count in my opinion.

use liquid soap and make it happen.
dubz means it is an OP and you have to do it in parliament while wearing a bhurka.

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>Your turn.

I had nine enlisted and 14 as a zero.
I couldn't be more done.

>negative d&c post
like clockwork

Fuck off. Fuck Iran. Fuck the USA. Fuck the president. Fuck the military. Fuck the troops. If you draft me it will just drain your resources and you will gain nothing from it because I refuse to participate in mindless killing.

No thanks, I'd rather not join Israel's foreign legion

that's pretty quick meme work user. can you make one with love-tits the fatass who was bragging about having rolls keeping him out of the military?

This, i want nothing to do with dying for isreal before i have kids.

you won't have a choice.
think of how many men have said that over generations, and they all did it, they did exactly what they were told.
the whole military system is built to deal with you, only 2% actually want to charge towards the assigned enemy and really shoot them.

plus, you'll be soap-socked.

>die for isreal
>living to marry and make while children
Let me see your flag you goddam kike, OP.

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I always heard it was an alternative to prison if you were drafted and wanted to be a conscientious objector or were physically or socially refused.
They told me my aunt's grandfather served instead of going into the draft on account of being old-order mennonite.


Yours is the most pertinent question. But American education is shit and you’ve got a bunch of NEETs who need to learn ironing and get some Fresh Air and a bunch of bum fingering SJWs who could use an early morning alarm and some community service to put their values into action. I propose it as a civil defence thing only. Sending kids to some shit pointless war is quite mad. Please don’t attack Iran, Iraq 2 destroyed US legitimacy on these matters - you need to save that card for a future prospect where you’re in the right.

They might have had that as an option maybe and those cases are probably far and few between.

I think you got the right idea that our young men do need jobs but installing a draft probably isn't the best idea. If the US wants to reopen the CCC with voluntary recruitment then I'm not sure if I would oppose it or not. On one hand it could help a lot of young men but it could also get fucked up with beaurocracy and interfere with local businesses and contractors.

The last time I checked we were doing nothing to stop mass immigration. Why the fuck would I want to get stationed half-way across the world to defend some other country when my own nation is being invaded?

>all those mental gymnastics ftom prople who wants to see ww3 (as ww2 replica) but will make a thousands excuse why they don't want to be drafted

This. I typically see the “reinstate the draft” talk from boomers who fled to Canada during Vietnam.


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I will sit still and refuse to move or respond to any military officers until they discharge me. I can take a beating, and I would surely reveal any unpleasantry to media sources.

>where you’re in the right.
According to a US Congresscritter, Iran has essentially announced they are going to break the treaty this year.
So, what does that mean if that is true?
At what point do we
>get in the right
on a nation who wants nukes, is almost to the point of having functional nukes, refuses their own women the ability to walk in public alone, and has been celebrating our national destruction for 40 years?

Absolutely retarded.

Conscription is fucking dumb. It forces militaries to take money away from investing in force multipliers to herding the gaggle of useless fucking conscripts around.

A modern military needs the best people operating the best equipment. It's been shown time and time again that small forces can achieve vast superiority over much larger forces through precise attacks and superior technology. A tiny army is never going to be able to conquer an entire country, but the US doesn't have a tiny army anyway.

People who support conscription are fucking stupid.

It's even worse in ausfag land because our army is fucking irrelevant anyway. We are a fucking island. We need BOATS, not boots.

they will attach a new 3000 series exo-skeleton to your body and drug you so you are paralysed and can't escape it, then send you walking towards the enemy.
it has all been prepared.

>Any citizen who disagrees with this concept or the draft I would say is bordering on being unpatriotic and possible treason.

Say people who have no fear of getting drafted, such as women and retards. Freedom or patriotism dont mean you go die inna sub-tropical ditch for (((MIC))).

Given that the US is now energy independent, and situated quite some way from Iran, and Iran has basically sanction-insulated its economy and is allied with other Shia states, and Russia, why is this an American question?

The best trade I can give you is one of your own. I wish I had anything that compares to that rare piece.

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I don't know about the draft, but I think they should bring back the CCC.

... young people with no direction
... get them outdoors, help them to build physical strength.
... finding themselves while helping their country
... building strong spirits, a work ethic, and a sense of purpose.

I don't see it that way. I think they actually do want a draft and they want to see women in it. Who is that kike bitch on the Supreme Court? She wrote decades ago about forcing women into the draft and end the celebration of mother's day to blur the gender lines. She claims she wants all this bullshit for true equality, but it's really because she's a communist kike. Then there's that other kike bitch Senator who had a China man working for her for several decades and she just let him float back to China after stealing decades of information. I'm sure that was a mistake.

Because they're testing missiles and trying to get nukes, all while telling each other they're going to destroy us someday.
When do I get to take their word for serious?

The CCC was created during the depression, not WW2

If it comes to that, why wouldn't they just use automated infantry?

Is that right? Did it continue through the war?

Look up the white feather campaign. Literally nothing has changed with these cunts.

they want to kill off all the white males who might otherwise be a threat to their NWO.

>National service as an evolutionary strategy, compensating for parental absence, a degenerate culture, low paying service jobs and a lack of a national narrative

Sure. Let’s keep letting children eat junk, kill pixels, wank themselves to death or become ‘influencers.’

You use the process to produce better citizens. For civil defence only.

can you spot the hidden face in the image.

What do you think is the reason for this?

>he thinks Americans with guns are willingly going to let themselves get drafted to fight a war they don't want to partake in

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That's absurd. Anyway, fleeing the country is always an option.

We need something to shield the important bits.

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Apparently it was started in 1933
>President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Civilian Conservation Corps, or CCC, with an executive order on April 5, 1933. The CCC was part of his New Deal legislation, combating high unemployment during the Great Depression by putting hundreds of thousands of young men to work on environmental conservation projects.

they've already prepared for that.
anyone fleeing the country will be just shipped/flown directly to the warzone and parachuted in with a gun taped to your hand.

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No, the CCC was part of the long list of NRA programs that Roosevelt brought in when he took office.

It was a make-work program, but it also had a purpose. All of the NRA programs had a larger positive purpose, even the odd ones like when they gave artists jobs to create public art.

When the war came, the programs were no longer needed and the men were needed for the war effort.

Attached: NRA.jpg (250x325, 28K)

Jews are underrepresented in the military per capita. This might actually work.

A fucking great idea for all the weirdos who won’t be as useful in a military scenario. Actually give them a purpose and some skills and training. Smart countries do this.

It's not my concern. My concern is that if they get those nukes, as a nation who lives by telling themselves they're gonna kill off other nations, they're gonna start making attempts to prove that promise.

They don’t ‘live’ by that sentiment. They live in an area of geopolitical struggle with the Sunni world.

Careful there. You might end up training a lot of people who hate the government

So they can get the U.S. off their back and when Israel does something stupid they will be nuked for a legitimate reason. You have to keep in mind that Iran has not done shit to anyone. They do produce radicalism and their government is fucked up but they are all talk like North Korea. That's all they have since they don't have nukes yet to tell the U.S. and all the other globalists to fuck off. And that's what happens every time. A nation gets nukes and the U.S. stops fucking with them. I don't think Israel will stop though. They think they're all geniuses and can spin the truth using western media to get away with ground invasions. If they try that shit when Iran has nukes they are crazy enough to use them if it's justified.