Attached: FB_IMG_1560825623942.jpg (720x960, 57K)
Only you can change the path we're on
Anthony Barnes
Other urls found in this thread:
Evan James
https ://m.face m/story.php?story_fbid=2 1615405373 08559&id =6490333 25225962
Connor Roberts
Ethan Wright
Excuse me what the fuck is this
Evan Nguyen
A faggot playing with a little boys ass
Jaxson Morales
drag queen story hour
Julian Gutierrez
looks fine to me
Logan Smith
This link doesn't even work...
Carson White
A jew being jewish.
Austin Moore
Remove the spaces
Chase Hughes
Juan King
Nathaniel Turner
tldr jump off a bridge christfag
Lincoln Cruz
Disgusting wretched fucks
Caleb Gutierrez
Kys pedo
Dominic Rogers
He seems happy
Ryder Rogers
no u
Joshua Ward
What is that white woman doing?
Ryder Hill
Remember Sodom and Gomorrah, guess what happens when the whole world becomes Sodom.
Lincoln Adams
how did they manage to fit in jesus and church into this travesty? fucking christians I swear they'll push their agenda everywhere just like lgbt faggots
Christopher Turner
Die you degenerate scum.
Asher Watson
yeah I do remember bible fairy tales about god exterminating all of earth population because he didn't like the people attitude, doing miracles left in right, talking to people yet none of that ever happened in modern time
fuck off christfags
Carson Gutierrez
At some point we are going to have to kill these people
Owen Gonzalez
Because they're Christians who are trying to stop other Christians being tolerant cucks so they start killing these demons
Sebastian Davis
Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites
Jaxson Hernandez
exterminating most of earths population seems like a good idea at this point
he was onto something
Benjamin Murphy
Which one of us are you talking to?
Cooper Barnes
prepping the patient
Cameron Sullivan
All of you
Aiden Thomas
>Only you can change the path we're on
would make a good motivational poster.
Ryder Diaz
No, nothing is going to happen, impotent white boi
Cooper White
>stop other Christians being tolerant cucks so they start killing these demons
it's in the christian doctrine to accept everyone the way they are and one shall not kill
if god does really hates fags he will personally move in and exterminate them, all what christians have to do is wait I'm sure it will happen one day along with judgement day, I mean it's been only 2000 years
Lincoln Martin
Until it does
Henry Wilson
It's coming. The world is fucked.
The insane leftwing escalations are just them trying to slow down the process.
Chase Gutierrez
>it's in the christian doctrine to accept everyone the way they are
100% bullshit, try reading the bible fedora tipper
John Torres
You're a evil shit if you tolerate OP's pic
Brody Parker
When did this come out?
Holy fuck.
Aaron Powell
it literally is? turn the other cheek faggot christianity is all about suffering and accepting the shittiness of your life and then being rewarded with a safe space in heaven once your struggle on earth is over
Brayden Gonzalez
>it's in the christian doctrine to accept everyone
i am not clicking that shit. what the fuck is wrong with that kid's anus why is it black?
Tyler Ramirez
check the link retard
Jack Young
>rewarded with a safe space
nigger you exposed yourself as a shill. nobody here uses the word "safe space"
Levi Powell
based wokeboomer
Benjamin King
Link doesn't work check out screenshots here.
Isaiah Howard
looks like a piece of paper coloured in black
Jonathan Bennett
shill of whom? atheist judeomasonic lobby that is pushing it's agenda on Jow Forums out of all places? take your pills grandpa
Lucas Young
Can we?
Daniel Sullivan
Nupol won't recognize this truth.
Nicholas Carter
Whenever hearing about drag queens reading to children events, or any drag queen events at all, attend in clown makeup like these lads here.
Parker Thompson
Neck yourself Satanist, save yourself the pain.
Asher Hill
What kind of dumbass kids are letting people do this to them and where are their shit for brains parents?
Ethan Edwards
does this count as cp??
Landon Davis
If that was actually a kid it would get deleted, just a twink
Leo Green
wow what a retard
you can always convert someone to a different religion
you can never change a nigger into something else
I bet the original poster glew like a motherfucker
Tyler Sullivan
>it's in the christian doctrine to accept everyone the way they are and one shall not kill
you've never read the full doctrine.
Levi Wright
>turn the other cheek
that means, "hit me a second time to get your fill before i devour you."
better learn to read better, russian jew.
Daniel Ramirez
not cp because it's censored.
this is investigative journalism.
David Moore
Ayden Evans
>that image
Look, I can fully understand supporting someone's decision to do what they love...
BUT, where... is the fucking appeal in an ugly man wearing 4lbs of make-up? Wipe away all the ass-kissing and virtue signalling on behalf of fags and HIV carriers everywhere... and leave just physical appeal... Seriously, how can any creature with functioning eyeysight find any appeal in these rejects?
Someone explain it to me...
Kayden Harris
You're never going to find out because this stuff is manufactured in a GRU shop in St Petersburg. Not even kidding. Check it out: you'll *never* get the story behind this picture because you're not meant to.
Joshua White
>you shouldn't take it literally! it has a deeper meaning!
yeah sure it does and bible doesn't really say that earth is flat and like 4 thousand years old, heaven is not rly located in the sky as the bible says and god didn't really use clay to create people it's all metaphors we should not have taken seriously
(but we did for centuries until scientists debunked that shit and then clergy came up with cope explanations)
Xavier Hernandez
Christfags only care if you follow their jew. You give everything to yahweh, you put yahweh above your family, above yourself, above your ancestors. Everything. Sickly disgusting abrahamic filth
Leo Barnes
And one day, for no reason at all....
David Bailey
Fuck off Ivan. Your country is responsible for a good portion of evil in the modern world. Turn away from the satanic tenants of communist atheism and accept Christ before it's too late.
Hunter Taylor
That ass/body seems rather from a teen or maybe even some 20 year old. Doesnt look like a childs. Fucked up image and trannies still deserve death tho.
Joshua Powell
Good evening Agent whatever your name is. Your ploy to incite violence is evil and obvious.
Henry Rodriguez
>american telling Russian they are responsible for evil
Hahahahha we are pretty equal or have passed the Russians at this point you dumb christcuck. Christianity is literally spiritual Bolshevism.
Leo Jackson
Even in a thread about trans abusing children you still got pagans stirring up shit.
Evan Gutierrez
Trump was elected 2020
David Young
Anthony Ramirez
based af
he'll be censored soon
Joseph Walker
Please ignore the uneducated cucks who don't even know their own religion. Prior to the idea that the bible should be taken literally, it was always understood to be metaphorical stories to represent real events from our ancient history. That's why the stories in the bible all correlate to legends from other cultures. It's basically the kike version of history. It's a good introductory text, the only exceptional material being the non jew account. Of the life of Jesus and the importance of the Christ consciousness to humanity's well being.
Matthew Myers
fake and homofaggot
there a millions of photoshop tutorials you dumb cunt
Nolan Phillips
>Christians come in sperging about how if you followed their jew harder this wouldnt happen
>people post how theyre retards
>hurrr muh pagans
>comparing jewish symbolism to European ones
Owen Harris
There already are no European pagans you dumb sack of shit. It's been a dead religion for centuries. Larping by a few hundred losers doesn't count as a real religion. All of the traditions have been completely LOST, it's all gone FOR GOOD. Get that through your larping head.
Alexander Miller
>jews pride themselves in their race
>bible says we are all of one blood
>jews push racemixing
Brody Phillips
Michael Barnes
Doing this with just "MUH JESUS" makes it ineffective though. That's the problem, everyone just dismisses them as Christians being typically "hateful" towards "different people"..
They need to appeal to secular reason as well. Appeal to Christians and non-Christians and anyone else as well. Stop making it a "our little cult vs their little cult" and make it "in the general interests of humanity"...
Owen Flores
This is how kiked we are. We got a picture of a tranny slapping a kid's bare ass, and all of you are fighting over bullshit.
Blake Turner
Jacob Cruz
Blame the christfags who have been in power for ages and then complain that if only we followed christcuckery more things would be better. Every single thing that destroyed america happened under their watch and rule.
Jason Lopez
this looks shopped
Kayden Wilson
Child rape, sacrifice, and consumption are all practices followed by Jews and pagans. Athiests are pushovers and nilihists. Who does that leave against these acts? Christianity.
Jose Price
Bentley Reed
Jow Forums literally can't keep on topic or subject. Like does it not occur to anyone to just NOT REPLY EVERY SINGLE LITTLE THING YOU DISAGREE WITH. We can't discuss anything without every thread boiling down to two or three anons fighting a whole unrelated battle that has nothing to do with what was posted in OP.
Like they can't think "maybe this isn't the time or place for this discussion right now?" Nope. They gotta reply to the bullshit and make more bullshit.
Jason Cooper
it sure does actually
Robert Gray
Really? Abrahamic filth saying pagans harm children. the absolute gall of you retards. Abraham who you fags consider a godly man through the will of yahweh mutilated his own kids and that tradition carries on to this day. die nigger.
Henry Morales
You really dont have to go to such lengths
.com/story.php?story_fbid=2 1615405373 08559&id =6490333 25225962
Nolan Young
Who cares if they're condescending, this is purely a political war, not a religious one. If we are to have any hope of beating the jew we can't be fighting over trivial matters like christian v pagan.
Aiden Cooper
fuck there was even more spaces in there, what a cunt
Luke Smith
How? And what is keeping you so that the burden falls on me?
Luis Hernandez
Jace Edwards
Its not remotely trivial. Christianity allowed their influence to seep in.
Jaxon Morris
It's clearly a photo of a photo, and someone has scribbled out the asshole with a pen. It's hard to tell if the warping is from the original photo being at an odd angle and not completely flat, or if it's been manipulated.
Brandon Martin
It's trivial at best. stop this incessant nonsense.
John Perry
>Who does that leave against these acts? Christianity.
I've been molested by Christian priest.
Jaxson Nguyen
Just because you can't understand it doesnt make it so. See past a lifetime of abrahamic brainwashing.
Jordan James
I had my genitals mutilated by christfags too. Fuck christians they are abrahamic filth like jews and muslims.
Charles Jackson
Imagine how much it tickles when you gently tongues your boy hole.
Benjamin Foster
its not really a Christian thing it is an American thing started in the 1960s due to the American Medical Association advisers. European Christians don't do it, other Christians don't do it. Its an American thing mostly but also Jewish and Muslim.
Activates the almonds huh? Jefferson was a big fan of Islam wasn't he?
Lucas Ortiz
i have no honk and i must honk