So who do you think will realistically win the primary?

So who do you think will realistically win the primary?

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she'll endear herself to the common people with talks of healing the divisions through new-age spiritualism
she has Satan on her side


Gabbard. People will see her on TV in the debates and realize that a hottie is running for president and seems like a cool dude. Worked for Croatia and Slovakia.

AIPAC and the CFR

Gabbard. If she lost, Yang.

Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites
>> 216636907

I need a miracle every day.


You seriously think the Dem establishment will let anyone else get it?

I think Jonathan Leibowitz would have the best chance of winning.

>all those literal whos
Why bother?

Biden, Bernie, Beto, or Yang

Are these Republicans? There 95% white. I want diversity.

They're all irrelevant.



Tulsi is their best candidate but Biden will win.

This. They chose Hillary and will choose Biden. I never met anyone who supported Hillary in the primary nor did I ever see any yard signs.

>So who do you think will realistically win the primary?
what difference does it make?
the DNC will choose their candidate regardless of who wins any elections

Gabbard, Gillibrand, or Harris.

I gotta lol at Inslee, especially living in Washington. Dude is the butt of every joke here, I almost guarantee he'll be voted out

i guess yang blew his load months ago. i haven't seen any of the shilling or forced memes in a while.

Attached: YangGang.jpg (495x659, 47K)

Screencap this. Warren will not only win the nomination, but the entire election, unless Trump goes to war with Iran within 6 months, which he won't. Either way, the US is doomed.



There is nothing on her website that says what she will do. All I see is vote for me, I'm a whaman you sexist pricks.

Based Biden.

Screencap your own fucking post retard. Also kys


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yeah because most of the yang gang were former berniebros.
now that bernie threw his hat in, they all abandoned him.

Also, most non-retarded people realized that $1000 is nothing

>yeah because most of the yang gang were former berniebros.
they were literal paid shills. just like Cucked Alaska. Yang's campaign paid them to astroturf .

Doesn't matter. Whoever wins gets BLACKED by Trump.

Biden is my Lock of the Week.
>Niggers and Spics will not vote for a faggot.

I still do not think the Dems will be able to have anyone who is straight, white, male, or old as their 2020 candidate. The candidate must have the highest intersectionality points possible.

A non-white female married to a Jewish lawyer which is Kamala Harris it near the top. The non-white Jew Bernie sanders is up there and is popular. Yang, Castro, and Gabbard are just too unknown. Trash like Bill de Blasio with his nigger family and NYC connection is just too unpopular. The rest of the candidates are just too white, male, old (Like Biden), straight (except for the faggot Pete), unpopular, unknown, or just too stupid.

Democrats need another Obama that they can virtue signal behind but that is not going to happen in 2020. Trump has been such a shitty president that the Democrats could have just walked away with the 2020 election but they decided to run a crowd of morons

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Sanders will win....then it willl be a genetically modified potato vs a genetically modified potato


All of us when we get 18 months of lolcows and Trump wins again.

First round I think these people will drop out.

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Hahaha, the DNC has ready chosen Biden. The rest exist to draw criticism away from creepy uncle Joe so that by the time the debates come around, and he can spout out his party prepared slogans to keep his foot out of his mouth, all anybody will know about him is that he was second in line to the throne behind Obama messiah. Puzzling that they didn't learn last time and are running the same Bern victim play again this election, guess they are going to stand by their original position and just punish the Bernie voters until they vote correctly in the general.

Then this will be what it narrows down to

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Towards the end it will be Biden and Bernie

Castro might make it a step further because of he can spit frijoles

Bernie doesn't want to be president. Bernie just wants all those sweet donations.

Which is why he’ll give it to Biden

Real shame Drumph won't get any agitprop from Russian bots or wikileaks this time

Most realistically probably Biden, he seems like the most establishment pick and the "safe" pick, unless he pulls a Jeb Bush

Biden's running mate will be an 8 year old girl.

Biden or Bernie is my best guess, tho from looking at polls it will most likely be Biden.

Buttigieg, obviously.

Attached: Butt-head.png (572x1000, 147K)

Just do the math.

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spics and nigs won't vote for a fag

Yang is cool. But I don't think he's in it for the long haul. He's going to co-opt the fame and free press into another business venture.

Shut up, Beavis.

This is correct. It's kind of an open secret that the DNC chooses who runs and that you wait in a queue. There was some bad blood with Obama because he jumped the queue.

Why do you think Hillary was so big on "It's her turn?"

She'd been waiting in line. Obediently.

Literally what people were saying about Trump

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creepy bugman with chinky speech patterns
>never gonna happen

>Shut up, Beavis.
make me, bunghole

liz warren or bernie sanders and their campaigns will make hillary's look like genius

Biden. N if trump holds his fire, he can take him out with some serious Ukraine scandals leaving the dnc scrambling in the last weeks of the campaign. That’s trumps only trump card left for the miga crowd.

Trump was leading the polls before the first debate and was ahead in the polls during the entirety of the primaries. Yang is fucked.
>no stage presence
>no idea how to handle the media
>no personal wealth to kickstart his campaign.
Charlie Chan is going to be shorter that the fucking women on stage. he's a fucking Neimoidian.

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Bernie would probably win, if the contest wasn't rigged, but since we all know it's going to be rigged...

Probably Biden. If his age or his pedophilia turns out to be too big of a problem before the nomination is selected, then Warren or Harris would probably be next in line.

Biden may sink himself in the debates though. I seriously question whether or not he's going senile, but I also question whether or not a senile candidate would be a problem for the DNC, as long as they think he has a shot at winning.

Either way, it probably won't matter. Between the booming economy, the public's hatred of the media, and the public's hatred of Congress, it's extremely unlikely that Trump would lose.

The one that israel likes the most

For me, it's Mayor Pete. He's a candidate I can get behind.

They're in the race because Democrats do what they're told to do by party bosses; it's a ploy to siphon off progressive voters from Bernie, and thin out his support so they won't need to use super-delegates this time.

Pete Buttplug

user, I didn't know you collected homosexuals. Sweet set.

This. This push-back was hard though, because they were incompetent (as you might expect) and didn't even bother trying to make it look organic.
>pic related

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Problem with Jow Forums is that most anons found the Yang bucks meme funny and spun off their own takes on it.

The big difference is that Trump was leading the pack as soon as he announced his candidacy.

Yang is polling more like a blue Rand Paul, with even less charisma name recognition than Rand Paul.

>...can get behind Pete Bootygay
I bet you can.

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if Tulsi doesn't win, I'm voting for Trump.
(this will be my first time voting for a republican president)

Uhuhuhuhuhu, hey baby!

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Probably Biden with either Harris or Warren as his running mate.

You keep telling yourself that, buddy. I'm sure someone will buy it eventually.

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Yeah, I might do the same.

Bernie, Warren, Biden, or Buttigieg. I don't see any of the other ones even standing a chance. Warren has the "policy wonk" cops. She's basically a kinder, gentler Hillary Clinton. Bernie still has name recognition from his career and last run at the presidency. Buttigieg is comin up from behind plus he's a faggot and gets points for that.

Biden was VP and was once considered a "conservative" democrat. I think the real story with Biden running is why the fuck Obama hasn't endorsed him yet. Obama endorsed Hillary immediately and she left his administration in 2012 following the Benghazi/Libya debacle.

Biden, while VP, didn't really do anything nearly as controversial as Hillary, and yet Obama still hasn't came out and endorsed him. Why?

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I want Tulsi to win pretty bad but realistically it will be one of those faggots like warren or biden that gets big dick points from CNN for being George Soros/Saudi puppets.

He's probably going to get the nom on memes alone,

Yang. Everyone is sick and tired of the same bullshit coming from all the other candidates and he will show up and talk realistically about the issues. Will crush all the leftist bullshit race to the bottom garbage all the other candidates are saying

unfortunately this

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I am ready with the Uncle Bad Touch videos, though.

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Does it matter? They're all the same amd Trump is going to be re-elected because they refuse to change.

Jeb 110%

Biden id hope. But that is a logical rational world. I mean I don't hope he wins just wins the Dem primary.

We are talking about the same Democrats who nominated Hillary Clinton, for god's sake. The nominee will be Biden. Fuck your logic and shit.

>it has the slimmest chance of being anything but the brown woman.
It's already been decided, everything else is just theater for the proles so they think they "chose".

It's going to be a golden age of memes.

Creepy uncle Joe will win if he can avoid gaffs. I think he’ll lose to Trump but it’ll be closer.

No way that Beto or Yang makes it but Buttigieg doesn't

yangs gonna dab on blomphy womphy

Dios mio, I LOVE this race.

"Our Revolution" was cooked up by leftist mouthpiece Brent Budowsky and blessed by John Podesta and Bill DeBlasio before Bernie announced it. See the Podesta emails.

That face looks really off somehow? Like fundamentally wrong...
Anyone else?

Serves him right. Candidate Trump knew who Wikileaks was. If President Trump denies knowing about Wikileaks, fuck him.

No, the eight year old girl will just be running.

Yang is a chink. He will sell us out to the Chinese if he gets elected.

Everyone gets behind Mayor Pete.

Mayor Buttstuff.

>most candidates are white males

and people say america isn't racist

Biden, the pedo's need someone in office to cover up what they do/ have done.

He recently had work done on his face. It looks like him, but it doesn't. It's too new to have really settled onto his bone structure. He has a new face but an old brain that seems to be deteriorating a little too quickly.

They will pick a Senator or a governor. Everyone else will seem unqualified.
Don't think it will Biden tho.
Would love it to be Elizabeth Warren. The Democrat salt will be off the charts when she is
oppressed by Trump and all the white redneck voters. Bonus points if we also oppress a black woman running as the Veep.