What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?

What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?

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Yugo RPK, should have at least went for Romanian

losers that can't compete in a hyper competitive economy basically

Nancy and chuck muller

>plate armor
lindybeige would not approve

Who killed his wife?

Ban anime pillows

There's no reason to live anymore.

anime causes autism
source: Jow Forums

Are you sure you want all that ACCELERATIONISM on your hands?

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Is this the modern day Templars?

>anime waifu pillow
Okay you guys are now officially too retarded for me to hang with

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I think getting World Peace canceled is what really made him snap.

Im a proper Jow Forumstard and retired my anime pillow.

1. Too much multimedia access that makes you and I prone to bullshit falsified disinformation

2. Lack of responsibility

3. Glorification of violence

4. Lack of mental health assistance

>What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?

Nick Fuentes had an outstanding take on this but YouTube purged it. Was a ten minute video which articulated it beautifully. Fuck YouTube.

Mossad doing a sloppy job



Nigger, that is useless information if you won’t even summarize it.

I'm not sure this counts as a spree. Dont think there were any victims.

Not exactly Tarrant level operation.

>Kenrou Horo
patrician taste, my dude


Sloppy job mossad

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as for 4, do you really think the forcibly feeding people severe endocrine disruptors is going to fix them?

That wouldn't explain Stephen Paddock who was both wealthy and married.

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materialism, lack of social and financial mobility, forced integration, forced domestication.

also a broken legal system.


He never been married. Concubines of various kinds. Waifus etc.

Jow Forums

We are doing god's work desu lads

Basically that as a young man you have your entire life laid out for you. You will work in a job and pay your taxes and root for the football team and that's it. There are pretty much no other ways to live your life, born into a system that you have no say in. Combine that with the lack of spirituality and the death of god - to what end do you do all of this? To be able to afford a 15$ hamburger some day?

He then brings in literature references from Dostoyevsky. Basically underlining that when men are confronted with overwhelming suffering with no deeper meaning, that they often resort to establishing their free will in the world by doing the most surreal thing conceivable. Just to prove to themselves that they have capacity for any extreme action whatsoever.

It was much better articulated in that video. Fuck YouTube.

Counselling certainly helps, most of the time, if the person whom requires it is actually enthusiastic about it, but people can't force you to want help instead of resisting it.

For a serious answer you've got lots of broken families with barely any or no father figures or Male role models. Also modern society lacks any call to purpose in life for men who often crave a need to belong or do. This combination, and a much larger population, along with lots of cameras everywhere make it easy to capture young men in moments of desperation trying to make some mark or lash out at a world they never felt a part of.

Absolute shittier armour choices. That helmet is one of the first hits for "medieval helmet" and is like 18ga, wouldn't even fight sca in that. Just look at the aventail (modern welded, not historical rivited) fit, horrible. That brig could be titanium($$$) but judging from the cheap and arms and fake finger gauntlets, it's probably cheap Indian shit as well. This armour is cheap Amazon shit, not for actual fighting. Don't get me wrong, it's some money for all that, but it looks like the minimum amount with very little effort put into sourcing. Fake and gay

US federal race quotas that prevent White Men from having jobs or even attending a decent college.
At the University of Texas, only enough White Men are allowed into a program to pay for the program, after the program is paid for, every student after that point will be anything other than a White Man.
All of the students get help with employment after graduation, except for White Men-- no help for White Men ever.
The university also does not hire any White Men, except in desperation when nothing else will take the job (that was how I got hired there).

He was just trying to get a head start on the upcoming war. Didn’t pan out for him.


>Marriage rate with divorce 0%
>didn't just lose millions gambling after winning millions

Oy vey, our problems are (You)r problems; it's dose doidy Russians and Iranians goy.

I don't know if he was at a "family court" (divorce court) but in Dallas County a White Man has zero rights there.
If he shot anyone who was taking advantage of him in a court there, then I totally understand.

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Interesting, terrifying, and infuriating at the same time.

I hope that's a LARP because we are in serious shit if that is even half true.

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god bless mcnig

The internet.
Get off the internet and go outside and meet new people.

>What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?
Gee I dunno.

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>implying you have to be crazy to shoot up a courtroom
the US courts are a joke
we should legalize bombing them and murdering judges
just flush the toilet on that filth

Lmao....you're critiquing his battle dress.

>women screech like banshees when you dare to try and 'mansplain' about how their gender works
>proceeds to lecture on what it's like to be a man as if they have any fucking clue what they're talking about.

It's all so tiring.

"They're going to say that they were the first signs of impending doom and the collapse of the American society. Unironically."

-Fellow /his/fag on mass shootings

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>I hope that's a LARP because we are in serious shit if that is even half true.

It is true.
We have been in some serious shit for a long time now, and all the bastards that never had it rough don't care.

You glow.

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Where’s the high quality maille?

>All of the students get help with employment after graduation, except for White Men-- no help for White Men ever.

Can you explain how they do this?

I'm with the other user, give a dressdown on how to do it right

Off the charts

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Slow day at the office, huh?

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>Can you explain how they do this?

A lazy black african, who was not qualified to be in the program, was given free admission and allowed to remain in the program even though it was not meeting the minimum requirements to remain in. It also received 22 job offers before graduation, and said it had never applied for a job yet.
A White Male medical student attending class with the same african was doing great in the course, had applied at 30 locations for a first job as a doctor, and had been turned down at 100% of them, and had no help from the university at all. He was only there to pay for the course so that an african could attend for free.

OwO hey cueooty

If this is true then this country needs a fucking civil war to clean out jewish/leftist scum more than ever.

Jesus fucking christ that's horrible.

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So this is like a thing ?
The incel version of a Qaeda ISIS pre op vidya?

hey rabbi

You means Stephen Patsy?

The realization that the Natural order is over and the monkeys are running the zoo shitting up the place and we can never have anything nice again. Browns and blacks are Destroying Western Civilization and all that it stood for. Read The Camp of the Saints by jean Raspaill. Prophetic vision of where we are today.

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>not knowing who mcniggerator is
newfag pls neck yourself or lurk more.


>glownigger posts

>do you really think the forcibly feeding people severe endocrine disruptors is going to fix them?
Temporarily, yes.

a complete and utter lack of Papal Crusades

it's a travesty and I feel bad for these young men, they only want to serve the Lord.

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>What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?

Mass Shootings under the Last Five Presidents:

- Ronald Reagan: 1981-1989 (8 years) 11 mass shootings
- Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

- George H. W. Bush: 1989-1993 (4 years) 12 mass murders
- Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 3

- Bill Clinton: 1993-2001 (8 years) 23 mass murders
- Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 4

- George W. Bush: 2001-2009 (8 years) 20 mass murders
- Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 5

- Barrack H. Obama: 2009-2015 (in 7th year) 162 mass murders
- Incidents with 8 or more deaths = 24

The answer seems to be Obama.


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TV is why the civil war never happened yet.
If Americans were not kept asleep by the jewish mass media, then everyone would know what is really going on in America.
The University of Texas has been sued over things such as that several times, but the jew in charge does not care. He can get a judge to issue a gag order and just pay some White Tax Dollars to the plaintive and keep discriminating against White Men.

>What’s is causing young men to snap and go on killing sprees?


No question, but that's no reason to play Halloween and carry around pillows

Social Alientation. It’s the result of an over abundance of materialism.

>what is [variable] for preventing X? im a CIA nigger faggot

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This will be the inevitable end result.

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End race quotas.
Secure the border.
Build the wall.
Stop giving away free tax dollars to niggers.

hahahahhaha, what a loser


Such a babies first waifu it's hard to imagine it's not a glownigger

That 15$ hamburger sounds so good desu

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What was his motive?

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that wasnt a fucking question. hence the blockquote and ftfy. christ fucking newfags

Wow what a fag

Hes not wrong though

Swissbro is unironically the most based man in Europe right now

I hope more people do this. I'm sick of the filth. We must secure an existence for our waifus and and a future for 2D babies.

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whats going on in that picture?

Literally feds in threads

What? Thats not him. Ive had that pic saved for like 6 years as a meme what the fuck

HEMAfag here, even I didnt sperg out and give a play-by-play of the kit of a cunt with a fucking RIFLE

Early stage psychosis. Delusional ideation of several kinds.


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What did he say specifically?

Correction, confusing it with this picture. My bad

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