Why the fuck are these a thing?

Why the fuck are these a thing?

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Because people like them

Cities need to ban them, they’re a nuisance. Private ownership of a scooter is fine, these companies are a problem.

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They’re cheap, a lot of fun and convenient in big cities. Don’t knock it until you try it

Fuck no. People ride like assholes on them, even when they have 0 coordination. They're just fucking e junk around my city. No way in hell am I riding those after I see how people thrash them.

Cheap, green, privatized transportation

Apparently they've been banned in some places, but I still see them everywhere

They’re a hazard and a nuisance.

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Won't lie OP, they are pretty fun to ride. They're also convenient as fuck, especially in a city where cars/traffic are an issue.

Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites
>> 216636907

Buy one, these rental companies need to go away.

I don’t see this kind of niggerdy in my city and I live in fucking Atlanta. That must be from spics on the west coast. You pay $0.10 cents per minute of riding here and they go 20-30mph. You can get to your destination for $1 or pay $10 for an Uber.

How the fuck do you fuck up post linking? Jesus fucking christ, leaf.

Basically it can make your air cleaner and scale well with high population.

Low polution, because the energy needed is low, just enough energy to move your body mass + 12 kilogram.
It's actually one of the realistic green solutions.

Secondly, it also solves parking problems if it can replace cars to a significant degree.

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the company Bird was banned from Corpus Christi, Texas because they wouldn't come collect their scooters and return them where they didn't look like trash

now limebikes have taken over the city and they are everywhere


>Green bullshit

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Because rollerblading got too much of a stigma and these gay things filled the void.


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>Why the fuck are these a thing?

Too fat to ride, huh?

This. It's handy to have the option of just getting on one and zipping around.

If those electric scooters don't take over, then you will just have to live with these things.

The down side is you give more money and political power to islam, but you seem to be that kind of faggot who is willing to pay that price just to own some "green" people.

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they are awesome and the most efficient means of transportation ever invented by man. If you are in a city you can get around faster than with a car. Unfortunately there is not a single western company involved in manufacturing these things and the electronics fail constantly. Just remember if you ride one not to be an embarrassment to all white people and try to ride it with both feet next to each other facing forward, you need to have your feet apart and standing sideways like on a skateboard.

I'll just ride my bicycle if it comes to that. Besides, no way will riding scooters in a crowd of 9001 like Shanghai bugmen will never take off here.

>I'll just ride my bicycle if it comes to that.
We already tried that experiment. It is a failed one, you naive piece of shit.

IDK my bike works pretty well here. We have all kinds of dedicated paths.

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Because people are too lazy to walk. I've toured several American cities just walking around on my two feet all day and always have a great time.

The west is fat and doesn't like to use it leg muscles.

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Not really a great option if visiting from out of town. I've got family in Atlanta and when we're not doing stuff together me and my gf like to scoot around downtown. Buying one and dragging it around defeats the purpose

assholes ride them on sidewalks at full speed in downtown Austin. its extremely rude and dangerous. obviously people cant/wont police themselves.

>assholes ride them on sidewalks at full speed in downtown Austin. its extremely rude and dangerous.
Should bicycles be banned as well?

I'm pretty fast on my bike, but I know when I gotta go fast and when not to. And I also have the courtesy to yield and let people know when I approach. It's just a soiboi motocross xtreme free for all here.

>PROTIP: it's not on the fucking sidewalk

In case you need to run over a glownigger but you rode the train downtown.

Easy there gramps

So we should ban bicycles then. Because there are assholes out there who run over people in the sidewalks.

I'm glad you agree.

You've clearly never been to a major American city

These scooters are everywhere. I've seen all types of people use them too

Because you love being ass raped by the taxi jew?

That was not my point, and besides, bad behavior of one vehicle's operator does not negate bad behavior of another's. Here in the US (and in my city), you're generally not supposed to ride your bike on the sidewalk. That includes these fagmobiles.

The homeless and low income losers ride around them here in San Diego. Tbh since they're shared by so many dirty people I wouldn't be surprised if they help with the spread of disease.

>That was not my point,
Because you are a faggot without principles.

If we're banning the electric scooters, we're banning your bicycles too.

Ah, attacking a fabricated belief system of mine. Excellent logical fallacy combinations. You truly earn your memeflag.

Next we will ban your car as well.

That's the world you wanted.

Doubling down on the fallacies now? Your good.

You're generally not meant to crash into people in any capacity.

No fallacies here. Either they are all allowed, or they are not allowed.

Same thing with your firearms.

Because in the late 90s and early 00s, scooters were popular for the first time in 50 years. The zoomers who were born around then are responsible for these things getting popular and put in every downtown area complete with zoomer business models like renting on an app and just leaving them wherever for somebody else to get with the app or however the fuck it works

I rode one around campus for around an hour one time just jumping off curbs and doing uphill one-wheel-peels, was sort of fun I guess.

>an hour
You paid $60 to do wheelies?

kek no it was nowhere near that, somewhere around 15. Still too much, but I was bored as shit and had a few dollars to burn.

I've only seen kids use these near their houses what's the problem?