What is the scientific reason white people are so attractive?

What is the scientific reason white people are so attractive?

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I'd kill for that chin

Selective breeding.

Whites before selective breeding.

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Dunno, but here is sexy police man.

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I read somewhere that sexual selection was most prominent in Northern Europe. I wouldn't doubt it in the least

Egyptian selective breeding.

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Who are you kidding,. Brazil, you'd kill for literally anything. Brown savages.

>Current day British people.jpeg

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Wow, I never thought of it that way, thank you that's really gay

I think they are just more colorful.
More variety.

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That thing is literally prettier than any other race. Nice eyes and hair even if she has a weird forehead.

Diversity of appearance and temperament.

There’s a reason why individualism came from us, despite it being corrupted later on. We tend to think everyone can be like us, one of our flaws but a noble one.

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Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites

Med selective breeding.
What matters is whether a race is eugenic or dysgenic, eugenic races, such as whites have become more attractive over the past 1000 years, while dysgenic races such as muslims have become less attractive. What difference good or bad breeding makes is best evidenced by dogs and their rapid changes in short periods of time.

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mathematics of aesthetics

To a great extent. Diet also played a large part.

She's ugly as fuck compared to the Middle Easterner I posted:

>implying big noses and deep set skull looking eyes are feminine

Attached: white vs asian.jpg (1016x572, 166K)

Coined by a jew. Beauty is objective.

Because their skin doesnt remind you of feces?

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That Egyptian thing is wearing makeup and still looks worse.

>the scientific reason white people are so attractive
is because people of crime are ugly

You will feel the effects of dysgenics soon enough in the West.

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Old quality photo of an average girl and an airbrushed model, and the white one still wins.

ayo fuck off retard

found the kang

You're confusing it with how she looks more normal. She looks like she could pass as a regular brown woman today. The white girl's features are clearly primitive and strange. Modernity means normalcy, not beauty. The white girl is prettier, just weirder looking because we're used to whites being beautiful.

free range>gilded cage

that woman is fucking ugly as sin tho

dude she's literally perfect

Because we were created out of beauty and harmony of the music of Eru Iluvatar.
Orcs are the result of the discord of Melkor.

Why does she look like an Asian but with euro eyes

i like asians chinese in particular

Beauty means normalcy. Facial averages are perceived as most attractive by everyone.

lern wurds

fucking kek

Either fetal alcohol syndrome or ugly parents, or both. Either way, it is the future of the West, or what will remain of whites in the West anyhow.

Funny you should say that. Well Finns and Sammi people are literally that. She's scandinavian so theres a chance she is one of those. Called Finno-Ugric people.

That woman on the left is literally peak female aesthetics.

>There’s a reason why individualism came from us
Very true. What a lot people tend to miss is that every European philosopher pre 1960 lived in a homogeneous society. When they speak of "man" what they really mean is white man, as that was the only type of man he knew of and understood.

The philosophical principles they espoused simply don't apply to peoples with different brain structure and thought patterns.

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dude what ? are you from iowa ?

Again, you're confused. Beauty means averages. Not what is normal to you. What is normal to you is what you see in 2019. Normal and average mean completely different things in this context. That white girl could have had the most average face of her time but it's not normal to you because she looks primitive.

>big nose is aesthetic
not a female

Nuh all woman can be beautiful, personally i love black and asian women over white women, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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That sort of facial profile is called 'orthognathous'. So an orthognathous facial profile is one aspect of the nordid look.
>straight-jawed; having the profile of the face vertical or nearly so; having a gnathic index below 98

>narrow cranial breadth, angular orbits, narrow nasal aperture and ‘ steeple shaped ’ nasal bridge
>leptoprosopic face- having a long, a narrow, or a long narrow face with a facial index of 88.0 to 92.9 as measured on the living head and of 90.0 to 94.9 on the skull

I think y'all are just on some weird superiority thing its mad racist, you should learn how to respect and understanding peoples situations and differences

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supposedly has somehing to do with evolutionary fitness, ie. survival of the fittest, but in real life/nature.

Basically, the theory is that any humans that stayed behind in "comfortable" areas (Africa, South Asia, Middle East, Most of America, etc.) had no evolutionary pressure to have better genes, while current day white people migrated north where it was cold so they had to evolve to survive, esp. in physical fitness, intelligence, agriculture; all that was needed to stay alive and procreate.

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>What is the scientific reason white people are so attractive?

Finer features

Some spider needs to weave
>some pig
in the corner of her room

He's a based Brazilian poster.

you need to beholding some glasses


To make my final point.

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>That white girl could have had the most average face of her time but it's not normal to you because she looks primitive
This is exactly the point that I'm making. Whites aren't beautiful per se, they just have been selectively bred in the past 1-2000 years.

well said.
same goes for any "anti-white-women" threads, all other races can burn.

But you just said average is beautiful now you say it's not?

the ginger is a child you fucking freak, children have different facial proportions.

also, reveal your flag, israel JDF

these two are not attractive

because you are white and you like people who share your genes

woman on the left looks like a dude
you faggot

t mutt lmao

White people are further ahead in evolution than blacks and arabs. We are talking about hundreds of thousands of years.

White people, especially blondes with blue eyes, are closer to God in every sense.

WOW! I'm not even gay and I say that guy looks good.

The real answer is, europeans are the only humans on the planet. All others are lower primates.
Humans finding humans attractive is normal. Normal people are only attracted to their own species, normal people are not attracted to other species. It's a biological imperative that the yid is trying with all its resources to corrupt. See race-mixing propaganda all over every part of the media in film, television and print.

>But you just said average is beautiful now you say it's not?
It is, but averages differ with culture and time as you correctly stated.

>the ginger is a child you fucking freak
Nope. She's just hideous in a Germanic way.
Carbon-14 tests have indicated that Yde Girl died between 54 BCE and 128 CE at an approximate age of 16 years.[2]
She would've looked very much the same grown up.

Attached: Yde_Face_Reconstruction.jpg (303x329, 12K)

Symmetry en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facial_symmetry

>tall dolichocephalic skull, receded zygomas, large brow ridge
>The Nordid eye is typically light-mixed blue, with a large pure light-eyed minority
>The hair color of the Hallstatt Nordid is characteristically and almost exclusively blond, with ash-blond shades in one-third to one-half of the cases, the remainder having golden blond to medium brown shades.
>Rufosity is virtually absent. There is a small brunet minority that is anthropologically Nordid, but aberrant pigmentation does not necessarily indicate non-Nordid admixture.

Saved. That image will trigger lefties into suicide.

cope quote

White girl body would dominate.

Know how I know you aren't white?


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>memeflag = kike
>modern reconstruction = usually a kike too
post the source of the reconstruction and the name of the 'artist'.

Based burger. Best type of female look

>>memeflag = kike
No, just a diaspora Slav.
It's a forensic reconstruction and perfectly objective. You have all the other info in the article.

reconstructions are NOT objective.
it's a shit article, but it saves time. look it up yourself. a dutch-jew made the new, negroid reconstruction, a non-jew made the original.
there was a man they traced the DNA to of the original, and the reconstruction looked just like him, photos available online.
reconstructions are majority imagination.

Lol. I look like that dude from the side except I have a better hairline and brown hair.
We are a goodlooking bunch.

2 seconds on that article and i can see that the 'reconstruction' is utter fabrication.
forehead height doesn't suddenly jump 6 inches from being a skull to being covered with skin.
fucking look at it.

Skin color, hair and soft facial features are subjective (although genetics can put restrictions on this now), but hard facial features such as nasal root, eye sockets, skull lengths are facts.
And it's what I'm comparing in:

Is that eggman’s ancestor?

Attached: 1B06D527-1B51-4802-A46C-AC6D5AA28CBE.jpg (800x1106, 237K)

Were the most emotional race so we understood facial features the first out of everyone is my guess.

10,000 years of eugenics.

Left one looks like a German man, right one looks like a feminine girl

This is a gay test and all of you failed

THAT is what the made it from. Even from those remains I can see that the forehead isn't 2/3 the length of the face.
Measure it yourself.

Go away jew, no one wants you.

It's a known fact MENA women are the most beautiful.
>inb4 pajeet Indian women are ugly Stfu
K, but Nordic women look like men.

seriously wtf? the skull looks normal but the reconstruction is full on cone head

manipulations masking as 'science'.
either for an agenda or just to make their artist rendition interesting and draw attention from the public.

Nordic (Scandinavian) women are feminine
It's German women who look like men.

>d&c kike opinion
every time