Why americans do this?

why americans do this?

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don't worry about why we do what we do you fucking chink subhuman slav nigger

because we can

I don’t. I’m extremely strict about what I eat and how much

because it's cheap/affordable

our government actually had the foresight to make shitty food expensive so the population would still relatively trim/lean and without health issues

it's part of defence scheme no. 1

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because we can. food is delicious. too bad you're poor.

Did you go to America and see they all do this? Or did you read about it online?

As with most woes of the western world: Jews.

you're a homosexual?

Because I love it and it's fun.

I don't know? I guess we love our processed flour and simple carbs.
pic for (You)

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because it gives you a sick dopamine rush and most people dont have anything else in their lives to look forward to that does that so they eat themselves to death by abusing food like drugs to gain a moment of happiness

Wtf soccer player caught promoting rape of whites

Eating delicious food is better than sex, especially when you're drunk/high.

I feel bad for Americans, not having a tight-butt curling waifu to go home to every night

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to fill the void of an empty, soulless, consumerist, jewified and hopeless life

Does food still exists in mother Russia?

I can send food stamps or ebt
How about some hamburger and coke

Being a healthy weight isn’t gay, faggot

Why do Mexicans, Brits and increasingly German also do it?
Youre not super bright but 5 seconds on jewgle will give you world obesity by country

We're being fattened up.

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Americans are mind controlled by the media, so they buy products they don't need and overeat. They also elect politicians that fuck them over


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do leafs actually like that "sport"

>Being a healthy weight isn’t gay
so you starve yourself to be a healthy weight? you're a woman?

>We're being fattened up.


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I don’t starve myself you retard, I just don’t gorge myself like a fat piece of shit on potato chips and French fries

If you're not a tv watcher and you ever find yourself watching tv, it's absurd how many food commercials there are and how manipulative they are. I haven't eaten fast food in years and have no desire for it, but if I see a McDonalds commercial I get a huge craving for a burger. I can only imagine how easily manipulated zombie tv/food addicts are.

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you must have an eating disorder. why even live if you're just going to be a gay woman the whole time?

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all thought history obesity is associated with wealth and social class

they're the wealthiest nation so its only naturel that they're also the fattest

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damn that makes me hungry

It’s a form of abusing drugs. Especially with addictive chemicals in the food.

(((Why))) Americans do this?

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>these are the faces that brought about the end of Western Civilization
>"teehee... user, what about a Women's right to vote?"
Nature will demand equilibrium eventually via Carrington Event 2.0, Yellowstone's Caldera eruption or inevitable mass idiopathic pandemic spreading.

Dont know about you, but after 4 total hours commute in traffic, 8 hours of sitting at a cube, I have worked up a ravenous appetite and nothing can satisfy me like two 3k calorie meals at ___________

to make cleaning easier

Because real nutrition is not profitable, and most Americans don’t want to spend 1-2hours a day preparing chicken vegetables and potatoes for the family.

Give up, fatso. No amount of copeposting will shred some tons off your gargantuan humanity.


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We can afford to, poorfag.

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That’s probably why it’s 75% poor minorities and retarded boomer faggots in every fast food “restaurant”

I always felt that food commercials should be illegal to air after 8pm local time for that reason.

What are you doubting? Stop being a woman reacting and state a point.

Top kek

you sound very angry. maybe you should eat something besides corn and rats, Pedro.

This, but also because the average Joe doesn't understand the basics of nutrition for weight loss. What's worse is that the ones who have a basic understanding of Calories In, Calories Out tend to fast retardedly and lose their musculature with their fat

They can't control themself they all believe bigger and more means better.
When white Amerika still existed it was not like that.

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germans poop on a shelf so they can worship their shit

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People are too stupid and lazy to into body composition and macros.


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Not really you retard mutt
You wish to be white don't you?

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That reminds me I need to eat or my shits won't be really big and I won't get sex from my girlfriend

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Relax Muhammad it was a joke

Kikes losing their fucking shit tonight cause their little war ain't happening.

>why americans do this?
jews have actively lied to us for 50 years about health and nutrition

>You wish to be white don't you?
Try saying "The Holocaust Is a Lie". I can because I am white. Can you say the same, Niggerwurst?

It's 5:30 am here and I must go to work soon.
Not open for jokes now.

Fucking government subsidies


And pure evil.

guarantee you haven’t seen that much food combined in years

Try saying "I'm going to kill the president".
I can because I'm not a retard mutt.

Endless hedonism, Vlad. Endless hedonism and people desperate to get their dopamine fix in a depressing world

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you're going to kill Merkel? I think you need to be reported to the EU.

Most are too stupid from the constant toxin exposure to even think about what they consume. My boss for example wants another kid because his current one already seems gay and he needs a hard worker to pass the business on to. But his wife keeps having miscarriages because she's vegan. I don't know how to tell him without causing a problem


As a Canadian I hate to say it, but we have tonnes of fatasses here also.

Merkel is not our president but chancellor.

she's the butt chancellor?

Women like men who take big dumps.


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Because we're based

I'll go do some eating

Imagine being fat

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I was once. It sucked a lot. Was always a sweaty little piggy. Lost 85 lbs and feel much better now except I get pretty cold easily.

Americans can breathe food like dragons breathe fire? That's wicked cool mate

Be sure to eat lots of fiber and drink lots of water or you'll gain weight

Aye sir

>Lost 85 lbs and feel much better now except I get pretty cold easily.
over how long a period of time?
did you get lots of excess skin?

I came here just to post this

kek Truly mystical creatures

Gotta fuel up to shart in mart.

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Have a (((you))) my depressed man

>chink slav nigger
calm down there

Are people still responding here?

Go work hard... a million+ shitskins with new iPhones and bigger houses than you need your government equity contribution

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>t. poor

It helps with the pain of being the tolerant and apathetic society Aristotle warned everyone about.

We here in northern Europe can afford to kill ourselves with fast food and cocacola too. Actually even the people who never work in their entire lives can do that. I love this muh monies rhetoric when in actuality the wealth you are referring to is in the pockets of very few and most muricans live like the average European (obviously not including glorious northern Europe where we wuz and will forever be kangs) for some reason we don't see any people on mobility scooters here.

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nothing wrong with eating a burger every day

crank that

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