What are the facts that make Bernie a bad man? He seems like a nice guy to me.
Take this man down: What retarded things has Bernie done/said?
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He has the cleanest record of any politician. Notice that no one here even has to shill for him because we already know he’s going to be a strong candidate. For people to bash him they have to go all the way back to 70s about some stories he wrote.
He’s been consistent with his ideas for longer than we’ve been alive.
His history is almost too ridiculous to believe. What a shyster.
He's a good guy.
He appeals to the voter base that advocates for the greater good of the majority of the citizenry. The reason he's unpopular on the right is because they're brainwashed into thinking advocating for the wealthy will benefit them.
Like 40 years ago he wrote an article about how society is turning people into degenerates, but if you quote it out of context it kind of sounds like he's insulting women.
That's about it.
He's a con man. People are so stupid. He's gotten rich playing the losers with promises of free stuff.
The bankers love him because he will fund it with national debt.
He’s a retard who’s “Nordic model” will only work in an ethnically homogeneous European nation.