Official New Zealand government website wipes Israel off the map

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NZ went Haji after Tarrant.

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So the US is going to attack us now?

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we really should. nz would make a good trade protectorate.

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He was a fooking LEGEND in Gin Alley.

This lot are fucking incompetent terrorist huggers

Whoa, the antisemitism intensifies.

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what place does NZ have interfering with international issues when they send THOUSANDS of violent criminal maoris to australia every year.

this rag headed cunt has caused so many australians to be assaulted and murdered.
fucking rotten cunt

I'd be fine with this were the muzzies not also barbaric cock clippers.

Most likely it was an employee who was tired of his job.

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Yeah, nah. Half of this government support Hamas and tried blockading Israel before they were elected as politicians

Well, it is a Muslim country after all.

They think jews are nazis or something for persecuting the poor muslims

you let them in you dumb fag

please do we need fucking help, were already full of niggers and chinks so i dont care if more of them move here but the constitution would be so nice

Some of you semites are alright, don't go to Israel tomorrow

I can't help but think that it would be nice to deport all the jews to Israel, wall it off, and send all mestizos/blacks in the western world into that tiny country.

Zionist occupied Palestine, Zionists are the originators of modern terrorism.

You might wanna wait until they have done the gun buyback Paco. NZ is still one of the most armed nations in the world

but convicted criminals have to pass through NZs border first.

they should not even be allowed to leave.

They already took the semiautomatic guns ages ago. Gun owners are still waiting for monetary compensation though.
>t. know gun owners

We don't like Jews

Not true, kiwis leftist Jews but hate right wing Jews. Which makes sense because we are a mostly leftist country.

*kiwis love leftist Jews

Yeah but Jews can still gtfo

Maybe the seeping chink influence isnt so bad. I would take 100 greasy yellow slopes over 1 self loathing white leftist.

Yes. Submit to the NWO or be destroyed.

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Oy gevalt

>t. cuckservative

>t. amerishart RPer
Jews are a non-issue in our cunt. Stop watching American news and youtubers all the time.

They have fucked with NZ a time or two. Mossad operatives using NZ passports, Jew Key getting those dodgy Mossad agents out of dodge after the Christchurch earthquake. It's mostly little diplo-spats.
However, Jews are an issue for every country, m8. You're naive if you think otherwise.
So, you prefer Auckland to Wellington then?

You're an individualist Anglo, not a collectivist continental. Start thinking like one. Judge by the individual, not by the group. That's how we conquered half the world. We could do it again if we became our gods again.

Just for clarification on this statement:
A continental would make a foe of all Jews, turning all Jews against him, shooting himself in the foot.
An Anglo would befriend a Jew who he gets along with, and fight the Jews he doesn't get along with, therefore making less enemies and more friends, and making his battles a lot easier, therefore winning the war.
That's why Hitler was a continental smooth brain retard for declaring war on all Jews. An Anglo leader would never do something so stupid.

You got oil? If not we dont care about it.

You should hope we serve you some freedom from your Muslim oppressors.

there is plenty of oil, but the dang mowdis (Maoris for you americans) wont allow people to dig it because they think its sacred, they are just being mongs because they wont get the large share of the profits.

I think it's smart of the Maori to not let some white or Chinese guy get rich off their oil while they just get drops. They might as well just squat on the oil fields and blue ball the entrepeneurs who couldn't cut it in the middle east.

yeah, i'm sure new zealand has a lot of immigrants coming from israel right
i'm guessing this map just contains a bunch of shithole countries, only israel would get assblasted about being left out

>their oil
Our oil, stop supporting the tangata whenua, they are a illegitimate intermix breeds with the samoans, they arent even pure, just pure whingers, which they stole from the english around here.

and the maoris own the rivers too... until it floods

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Your ded kiwi! Never go against the chosen ones!

>kill your land, destroy it's beauty all for that oil goyim.

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lol NZ are gonna have another mass shooting so that they can get the police to shoot up the remaining firearm owners, legal or not.

True. An Anglo would bend over for the Jew, helping defeat the only obstacle to Europe being flooded with third-world trash. We'd have been better off under the Germans.

She is a see eye ayy plant bred to become a puppet PM of a puppet nation.

I can’t believe that such retarded people like you actually exist in the world. You must be yanking my chain right now

Do you gots oil? I don think you gots oil.

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well its a muslim country after all


This is what all future maps look like.

>New Zealand cucks itself to death with Muslims
>and now it denies the existence of Israel
Even when we lose we win.


Remember kids: Nobody hates Jews more than Jews.

>An Arab Muslim country doesn't recognize Israel
Wow that's new. Thanks for the information bro

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NZ was the one bombing those tankers after all!

Get fucked amerifats, New Zealand is THE MOST BASED country in the world. Our beautiful and brave pm would never suck Jewish cock like that faggot Trump in the white house!

they conduct identity theft in new zealand and used to scam retirees in shopping malls

musi cock is just as bad.. at least circumcision keeps it a bit cleaner and free of smegma

>Spend 70+ years irrigating the desert
>Spend 70+ years draining swamps
>Spend 70+ years dying while defending your family, country and values from constant assaults, from within as well as outside
>Some politicians from an irrelevant country get mad and pretend you arnt there like a child closing it's eyes and pretending whatever it's looking at isn't there
I mean, it's kinda rude, but probably not enough break us.