FtM transgender

Why would any female want to be male? Females have life on easy mode.

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>be autist lebso
>keep getting cucked by """lesbians""" bitches who also fuck dudes
>aspire to become a dude and stop getting cucked
but then
>get even more cucked because no one fucks trans people
oh no

Men have it pretty good, too, though. They seem to get taken more seriously when it comes to technical things. They don't have to deal with menstruation and menopause. They aren't underestimated as much as women are.

Only real problems is the whole push to be macho, straight, and sexually active, parental rights, sexual assault accusations. Being a man is pretty good in many ways, now that I think about it.

you're onto something, user, the vast majority of trannies are MtF

what if society actually valued females more the whole time?
nah, couldn't be

Because they're fuck ugly and don't have any real feminine traits. They should call themselves masculine women. Or butch as they always have

Do you really think there's a rational reason

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Winner mode

Because they’re mentally ill

single parenting

Dilation month

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transgender people are mentally ill

Because they are repulsed by ducksucking faggots like you?

Why do so many whites act black? Pathos

Not if your an ugly female who no man wants. And thinks she can hide among the men.....

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>trannies are retarded and dont fucking know what they want
"Imagine my shock"

They don't, that's why 90+% of trannies are mtf

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Not always. Maybe npc parenting

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source? Surprisingly, I thought it was pretty equal

This, but also
>Be dyke
>Other Sykes are usually fat as fuck or mentally deranged
>Decide you can score more pussy if you identify as a dude
>It's actually pretty easy cause you're a dyke in a world of goyboys.
>Well, until you gotta unwrap your taco

Nah I actually have no idea. I've never been able to find a source. I just saw someone throw it out on r*ddit and a commie's response was something along the lines of "that's just numbers the MSM throws out to stir up transphobia" so I assume there's some truth to it.
Just from real world observations though, I can't name a single prominent "ftm," even e-celeb, but I know of numerous "mtf."

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the answer to all is daddy issues
ftm trannies never fit among guys because they believe guys socialize the same way chicks do

as a guy i don't understand male socialization, or rather the point of it. I don't get this undercurrent thrill or relief of shooting the shit w/ the boys. It feels very forced or rehearsed. It almost seems like a character patrol to make sure you're not stepping outside the lines for acceptable behavior, but who cares what a bunch of dudes think? It's follower pecking order bullshit.

I think men who crave or need this are weak and searching for a leader in order to seek approval from. If no such leader exists they seek approval from the group. In this, it is a very hyper-socialized and feminine thing to do. I do not detest male discussion but I find its best use to be quite brief.

>I don't get this undercurrent thrill or relief of shooting the shit w/ the boys. It feels very forced or rehearsed. It almost seems like a character patrol to make sure you're not stepping outside the lines for acceptable behavior, but who cares what a bunch of dudes think? It's follower pecking order bullshit
not sure you are talking about

what you*

They are usually feminist who feel for their own propaganda or are just another case of being so ugly they figured transitioning would improve their lives

So you're saying you have no friends? Shooting the shit with the boys is just hanging out with your friends. Is it really that difficult for you to be social, even with people you like and presumably like you?