Candice Owens 2.0

This kid is going to be a problem...

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Other urls found in this thread:

He’s right

>wouldn't be an excuse to make anti-Semitic comments
well...unless it's "anti-Semitic" to say that the Israel lobby has too much power in the US, in which case there's nothing wrong with offering sound critique on a foreign power.

I thought blacks were woke on the JQ. This kid appears to be some kind of Christian Zionist. How does THAT happen? What kind of Zoomer embraces Christian Zionism in 2019?

>I serve a God of second chances but being a retard at 16 should be enough to ruin your reputation and get you kicked out of your college even with irrefutable evidence that you’ve matured
Leftists are vindictive shitbags.

This kid is a Zionist shill

I absolutely despise every single nonwhite with a -son surname
You didnt earn that last name you nigger, it's a name earned through blood of Northern European heritage and I'm sick of seeing our names being subverted by sub 80 iq shitskins

This Kyle Kashuv shit is proof that the west has a social credit system even the Chinese politburo can only dream of.

>I believe in 2nd chances
>I really don't but I'm going to pretend to for virtue points tee hee
You're a nigger CJ

What's this nigger crying about now?

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Isn’t kashuv a literal Jew?

Ya. His parents are even from Israel

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Looks like a Zionist faggot.

our country is a shithole full of charlatans and entertainers who will do anything for a shekel

He’s a fucking grifting nigger

Yeah we had so many niggers in my town, all of them named Damnson. Used to drive me crazy trying to differentiate them since they all look like apes


feel free to leave anytime

Gonna be funny to see him turn Republican at 25

way ahead of you, flag-waver

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I think Kyle is a little on the center neocon side of things and liked a lot of what Pearson says, but I will not support anyone who will react this firmly to a nonnig saying the niggers special word. We invented the language, we can use all of its words.

You know what to do user.

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Look it's another based non-white thread. Sage this dumb shit

oh look a nigger conservative, boomers are creaming their pants

Keked hard when I was reading your post and realized that people still use the word charlatan like an offended Victorian gentleman. Thanks for the laugh, user.

He's black...

Oh no, whatever will we do without your basement dwelling misanthrope ass

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You will do nothing regardless of where I am.

I'm twice his age and being offended by the word nigger is childish.

Okay, boomer

Probably suck slightly more nigger dicks than you already do.

we aren't all as useless and apathetic virgins like yourself user.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>basement dwelling misanthrope ass
You seem salty.

I'm not an antisemite, I have no problem with the semitic peoples of the world.

It's those fucking Jews that I don't like.

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>y-you're a basement dweller!
>y-you're a virgin!

Trump will not save you. The powers that are destroying this country have already turned the populace upside down. Every elite could leave and their work would carry on anyway. Realize this, or choose to ride the slide to your own demise. I can't save everybody.

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You god damned whipper snappers! Why if I were still in my prome I'd clean your clock I would! Why I'd hit you so hard your head'd spin! Why back in my day...

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I think there is a concerted effort to force more blacks into the Conservative movement with "Blexit" and the heavy mainstream promotion of Candace Owens and other young black conservatives, in order to prevent the likelihood of a race based Civil War if shit hits the fan.

If the Republican party remains overwhelmingly White, then when shit hits the fan Whites will realise their interests are inherently White values and not just "Conservative" or "Republican". If more blacks and non-whites join the Republican/Conservative movement, most people will still think there is a political solution and that only difference is ideology, not race, of course not realising that these people are outliers and not representative of their ethnicity as a whole.

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>i can't save everybody.
Lmao we got a future revolutionary here!

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That you consider that an insult sums it up. Reality will take its course, regardless of what we say to each other here.

Crabs in a bucket...

He's talking about heeding his advice (I.E this social credit system run by shitskins). It's a bad idea, and the only reason this nigger gives a shit is because he thinks he's white when he is really a jew. But you are a reddit fag so it's a waste of time trying to explain very simple concepts to you.

You will never do anything with your life. You will never achieve anything. The fact that you not only shit on your own country but would prefer to leave it rather then fight for it reveals you are the lowest form of bottomfeeder, most likely young, out of shape, and prematurely blackpilled.
You will run away from your problems and blame everyone else for your entire life and die miserable and alone having achieved nothing.

These are just facts.

I would abandon this country and live elsewhere if I could. It's unfortunate that is has to be this way, but I just think the USA as it stands right now, is such a completely awful and disgusting nation to live in, especially since 1965.

what nation would want a coward who would abandon their country in a time of hardship?
You're pretty much just shit, I don't think where you live will change that.

I've already 'achieved' everything that the neoliberal establishment memes as the ultimate goals in life, and through these 'accomplishments' and the connections I've made while working on them I've seen the absolute horror of what this country is and of the people who are in positions of power and influence. You obviously consider 'shitting on your own country' to be inherently a negative trait which is an absolute brainlet position. People like you will ride a train over a broken bridge just to show loyalty to the train.

Every insult you've tossed my way has not even been close to accurate, besides perhaps 'prematurely blackpilled', which is up for debate. If I felt my country was full of well-meaning people being oppressed by a minority, I'd stay and fight and give my life. But the rot of this shithole is so deep, and so broad, that tearing away the rot simply reveals nothing but memories of times that left us a century ago. Ridding the country of its main virus still leaves a people entirely confused about what it means to have a healthy society, with natural impulses to defend the virus and repel the cure. If you see something you want to fight for, then do it. I see it as an illusion.

With what I've done, seen, and realized, the only achievement I want is a family and reaching the means to support them, in a society that does not want me and them dead. I'd sacrifice everything else for that. If and when I do that, I will never die miserable and alone as you predict I will. This is my last post.

blacks are overwhelmingly christian. Of course, christcucks on this site will be quick to point they aren't "real christians" but then again they aren't real communists either eh?

can i get a run down?

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This nigger kike deserves extermination.

Cuckservatives are pathetic, brainwashed traitors.

Become Mexican most likely. Hola Americano!

A true reddit-tier intellect on display. Its interesting how easily and quickly you can pick out people who think they are smarter then they actually are.

>If I felt my country was full of well-meaning people being oppressed by a minority, I'd stay and fight and give my life
It literally is. You just spend far too much time on the internet where the minority opinion is amplified.

You are without a doubt one of many young, foolish people who think they hold all the answers to the problems of the world and that they are so simple, and previous generations are so foolish to not realize your vision.
You will grow up one day hopefully, but it seems somewhat unlikely as long as you have the delusion that everyone and everything is working against you.

Now actually follow through on your threats and leave the country as you are more a part of the problem then part of the solution.





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>black jew

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Jealousy is a he'll of a drug.
O chequed

A nigger and an israeli are fighting.

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Kyle "Nigger jocks" Kashuv needs a second chance

So sayeth Ben Shapiro

niggas are woke. uncle tom's know how to play the game and are more than happy to be the house nigger of any jew that looks their way.

Literally just another nigger implemented by the kikes to keep civic-nationalist and boomers jacking off about muh based chimp

You think we're the oppressors? What fucking planet are you from?

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This. Blasphemous and will bite him when it really matters.

I've made the mistake of staying online an extra 15 minutes and I feel compelled to respond to your latest flurry of projection.

>A true reddit-tier intellect on display. Its interesting how easily and quickly you can pick out people who think they are smarter then they actually are.
Great, I could say the same to you, we could do this all day, it's a worthless commentary

>It literally is. You just spend far too much time on the internet where the minority opinion is amplified.
No, most Americans are not well-meaning; this is a combative, self-interested, malleable, and cowardly people. You think it's cowardly to 'run', I think it's cowardly to enable wrongdoing out of fear of ostracism and rejection. I will not fight for a people who won't fight for themselves.

>You are without a doubt one of many young
Worthless to debate
>who think they hold all the answers to the problems of the world
Wrong, I know enough to know I know nothing, I aim to seek this answer elsewhere. What I do know is America doesn't hold the answer
>and that they are so simple
Wrong, humanity will always struggle and I believe will never achieve satisfaction
>and previous generations are so foolish to not realize your vision.
Wrong, every generation of humanity outside the 20th century naturally held the vision that I only came to realize after 30 years of living.
>You will grow up one day hopefully, but it seems somewhat unlikely as long as you have the delusion that everyone and everything is working against you.
Only the US and EU are working against me. The world is otherwise a wonderful place, I've had the privilege of seeing it. You see things through a burger lense.

>Now actually follow through on your threats and leave the country as you are more a part of the problem then part of the solution.
Nice chatting with you

he’s a dude from suburban georgia of course he can’t be woke

This nation has done nothing for me, why would I feel any loyalty to it? The USA can rot and burn as far as I am concerned, enjoy you future negroid-spic shithole.

I'm thinking Kenya personally, any nice countries you have in mind?

How quickly would niggers eat up the first amendment forever if it was made of fried chicken?

Why is he acting so uppity?

This is flame we need to throw gas on the rest of the year. Ben "Does this look like dead nigger storage" Shapiro needs to pay for his sins.

That's too deep for me Voltaire.

he's literally grooming himself to be a token negro for dumb midwestern and southern conservatives to parade around

Uruguay maybe, seems more European than the USA at this point.

So wait, Harvard is anti-semitic now?

Meme it into existence user.