Not based, but redpilled

Not based, but redpilled.
We’re breaking conditioning. We have an ex Hollywood (ex after “hollywood is a whorehouse” kek) leftie namong the jew on twitter.

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Explain more plz

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He's worth 50 million, he will be ok.

I like him, it will be a shame when he has his fentanyl overdose.

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Most celebrities are redpilled (how else could they know how to move up in Hollywood?), they just have to kiss the ring in public. It has to be hell to play dumb.

If he meant it he wouldn't have deleted it right away and apologized. He's just another empty headed actor.

He deleted it though

I can already hear Little Ben ranting “This is utterly despicable and vile.”
I feel like I can identify a jew writing even disregarding the content. They all seem to use the same shades of vocabulary and build the sentences alike.

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No way haha kek

It wasn’t right away. But anyway, does ir matter? Let’s go step by step... we can’t expect a single lone hollywood fag to put his neck on the line and risk it all to die on that hill.

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Yikes. Im legitimately surprised

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>jew: This vile and despicable antisemitism must stop!

true if big

Because Jews thinking VERY highly of themselves and have influenced (directly or indirectly) half of the worlds moral code and religious beliefs (Abrahamic religions).
It's no coincidence, then, that Jews always speak with an ever-present aura of self-righteousness and condemnation.

Baseado e Pilula Avermelhado

Is this why they keep getting kicked out of places?

If he didn't hate jews before, he does now.

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"Anti-semitism" is just the Jewish word for blasphemy. They want to be worshiped.


he loves bernie the superjew and aoc the supercunt

Probably his handlers.
Actors have agents and lots of people pretty much controlling their social media and telling them what to say. Maybe his agent gave him a call or he logged on his twitter to damage control. Point is, he posted it. Interesting.

They made him fuck his sister to get ahead. Wonder who has those films?

kek wtf.

the jew fears The Cu.

The reaction to this quote always proves its point

A wild gen xer appears.

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I know English isn’t your first language, but it does bear worth repeating that Hollywood (((producers and directors))) has John & Joan Cusack fuck on camera cause they wanted to watch IRL incest porn. Why do you think Joan Cusack has a career at all? It’s not her talent or looks.
Now John’s pissed off, and he’s gonna fuck some people right back.

how dare you say you're not allowed to criticise us or we shut you down, we're gonna shut u down for dis

Is he aiming to work with Mel?

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>muh account wuz haxxed by 4chins

sister, or someone else?

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grosse point blank is one of my favorite movies of all time.


OP is a non linking faggot


All of the major studios are owned and operated by Jews. If any other group had a monopoly on an industry they would be called out, ironically, by the Jews

>We’re breaking conditioning
This dont give up bros

I prefer Better Off Dead.
Amazing Amazing film

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