

Attached: e32371b.png (1248x1688, 1.4M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Sam Hyde finally snapped

So what is this?

It was police on the other side of the car-park that shot him. They almost shot the cameraman too.

Some pepe faggot ran up on the feds in mall ninja gear and got owned.

Lmao he was a faggot just like OP

Hell yeah dude.

he didnt actually do.... anything

except get shot dead

I heard he was aiming at people, but not shooting at them.

Twitter dialect is normie

Wally just snapped one day

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why hello Glownigger

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>it wasn't very effective

be american

Can someone give me a run down or post a link with more info? Who is the 'operator' kek?

Never mind. Found it. Shit video but whatever.

Who is the dumbass that writes to dead people?

>30000000 units
>moves a 1 stack
Uh oh it’s world war three

Good to see an action man. Got hit, but inner cell mass stem cells to regenerate resurrect if you got 'em.



thanks for the laugh OP

>chicken shit faggot manlet
>thinks he's a regular urban soldier fighting against some kind of "injustice"
>the cameraman, knowing full well that you're a little bitch, casually snaps a shot of you shitting your pants
>he has plenty of ammo for his small penis compensation stick
>he even has a bulletproof vest
>accomplishes nothing
>kills no one
>gets BTFO by a fucking rent a cop who probably just got done jacking off to some porn he saved on his laptop

what a fucking loser

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This is what happens when your average Jow Forums user goes out and tries to act like some revolutionary. Got shot and then fell over and bled to death on the concrete like the maggot he is. Get fucked retards.

>Said the soi drinking beta faggot as he weakly moved his limp wrists to type this post.

sam hyde?

He was not a hero. He was a loser that purposely posted things from here and is now going to make Jow Forums look bad.
Now the FBI will want to investigate like they are with infinity.

Fake and Gay. This was a shot of Sam Hyde's new movie being filmed.

Did he actually intend to kill anybody? It seems like suicide by cop.

Another day another falseflag

why not just be confident lol
like walk 'n' shoot bro

He didn't realize he was being shot at from behind.

Note the bullet impacts near the cameraman too. Police almost killed him.

He was exchanging fire with the security inside.

Cops shot him from behind, who were on the other side of the car-park.

Like dorner


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Technically yes, he is a hero.
His shitty training saved lives.

who the fuck is this guy

Oh look, another mad LARPer. Have fun living a meaningless miserable existence of blaming blacks and jews for your problems, while everyone else in society shuns you because they recognize you as the worthless loser that you are. I'd tell you to eat a bullet, but you'd probably miss your own deformed head.


Shut the fuck up you little fucking son of a cunt and go back to sucking on that soi bottle.

Yeah I'm sure he brought 5 fully loaded magazines, a protective vest, and shot at people with no intention to kill them.

>Going solo against a fortified and armed building with only a vest
Shamful, this is exactly why all the other operators went after soft unarmed civies.

Pure blood Aryan of germanic/Nordic stock

Very very high iq. Another example of nordicism superiority

Stay mad

I don't know the back story about why he did it but the guy was shot right before this picture so he was in pain. He might not be a hero but he had more balls than 99% of other shooters. He picked a fight with people he knew would fight back and he knew he would be killed. The only thing I know about him and what he did is that he wasn't a coward.

you can tell he's thinking "oh god I got to many mags and not enough pockets"

The guy was not shot before this picture you absolute monkey.

Lower score than this guy w/ this rifle
>sloppy job Mossad

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>e did it but the guy was shot right before this picture so he was in pain
whatever you say little jimmy

This is right outside of the courthouse doors isn't it? He was shot.


Hello fed! Burning the midnight oil?

He was shot? No way! I'm not contesting the fact that he was shot, I'm contesting the idea you have in your head that he was shot before this photo was taken. I've seen nothing that mentions this.

sauce: 2x4chan honeypot threads

better a soja buddy than a MIGApede without a pulse

From what I can tell this is was taken right after he stopped shooting and ran into the parking lot. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'd share the video but every time I try it says they think I'm uploading spam.

>These are the creatures that LARP on Jow Forums all day about killin gall the jews/blacks/women/etc


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You can see Tom Fox in the video of the guy shooting and then running away. At no point does he peak around the corner and take a photo.

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It's what the left and their alphabet soup agencies want, the more confused half-schizophrenic Jow Forumsocks you can push further to the right with an endless sea of negative propaganda until they leap off the edge to undermine the entire right wing ideology in the eyes of the public, the better.

Always remember the left WANTS you to advertise you're in their good little nazi pigeonhole, they don't want you to prove your beliefs are more concrete and nuanced and important to the world than just being some hateful vindictive spencerpede.

from the video I watched where he runs away, it never quite looks like that. plus the video has barely any traffic at the cross section. The blue truck is def not there

Please stop pretending your beliefs are based on anything more than your emotions and virginity.

I have thirteen kids and have studied zen meditation for 50 years to remove all emotion.

yea Tommy boy. for some reason hes hanging out there by himself.

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and then later on, I think this is him too. Taking action photos for the police. they don't care

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It's really amazing more journalists don't get shot running right up to police, hunching over, and pointing a black metallic object at them.

I'm sure you get told this a lot, but your wifes boyfriends kids aren't yours.

>my optics
you need to die first, your monstrous cowardice is more treacherous than anyone you lay claim to be your enemy or mine

fucking scum

Actually demonstrably untrue. I am in fact the only human on earth born with a brand new mutation that causes a unique shade of purple skin. All my children are half-purple, half-yellow. They couldn't be anyone else's but mine.
Have any more ridiculous untruths you want to try to pass in lieu of a credible argument? Or are you just upset that I EVISCERATED you with fact bombs and logic?

Ok sweetheart. Who are you planning to shoot today?

here is the funniest thing about that picture. here are the police coming towards a few seconds before. They're all in formation and the guy has his shield up like hes advancing on the enemy.

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That really puts the fabric softener in my whites

You libtards feel tough when you use that word "domed" don't you? Feels like your hood huh

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he an hero

>were in the US army for 2 years
>Couldn't even down a single target
Seems accurate.

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White incels are a menace to society.

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>multiple mags
>bulletproof vest
>zero kills
>dead in seconds
the absolute state of US army training.

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all he had to do was have sex


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Do you think he'll finally stop getting away with it?



He actually started firing at the security guards inside? What the fuck, it's like he thought he was playing a vidya game. He came dressed up in full gear to the security clearance. This is so fucking retarded. Stupid terrorist scum.

Jap posters are consistently the best posters on pol.

Why didn't he just have sex?

>Just bought the magazines.

Cringe. Not a good sign.

if you don't think feds have been all over this board for years you're an idiot. if you don't think our board is overrun w/ chatbots and ai, you're an idiot.

>Wanting to defend yourself in an evil world against evil people and tyranny means you have a small penis.

t. sellout.