*sips tea*
*sips tea*
Nigger and sage tea.
Top yikes white cucks are an embarrassment
people of crime and fags are not wanted
How is that too much for them to process?
Depends Mr Tomlinson. I bet you feel real proud saying that in your gated community.
Also this.
i am not sure what side this guy is on. i hate when liberals just restate facts as if the facts speak for themselves. does he approve of gay marriage and brown people encroaching on white communities or not? how am i supposed to know?
it's amazing how he just passes off brown people in the neighborhood like it's nothing
im getting more non-whites in my neighborhood and it's a fucking nightmare in every way you can imagine
>some brown people
What a wonderful addition to any neighbourhood.
Forgot to mention the increased crime rate and threats of violence if you speak the wrong words.
>I added a little shit and raw sewage to your cake, SO WHAT BIGOT?
This guy is and will always be a massive fag
He of course lives in a rich 100% white gated community
>what's so confusing about being strung up by your neck
What now, cunts?
What about the part where those same people are passing red flag laws, trying to limit free speech, ban guns, and label me as a Nazi?
Yeah, those brown people keep coming by the millions, raising crime and costing taxpayers a burden. (Fuck off with that migrants bring revenue, they cost WAY more than they bring, Department of Labor proves that, so save that WaPO link Pat).
And those two fags are trying to come to my kids school and trying to pick up 4th graders so they can molest their asshole in their drag shows.
It is a white man's country Pat. We gave everyone a chance, and they spat it in our faces.
Minorities and faggots are free to go be "diverse" outside of America and Europe.
If white people are so awful, fucking leave.
And we all know you still have not gotten laid Pat. Your kind never does. Not without paying...
Laughs in lesbian
Can you imagine the type of faggot who would write something like that? Probably had a butt plug in at the time.
Sage and hide all single post threads with social media screenshots in the OP.
Because the brown people devalued my house by 25% and killed the dog across the street and the gay dudes had to mention some law about telling me they were convicted pedophiles when they moved in.
Probably because for the first time since the great depression the next generation is worse off than the last. Rather than fix it they're just inviting a bunch of poor brown people to re-enforce a neo-serfdom concept.
This. 100%
>sips cum
dont humor traitors burguers, they get the rope first