Why is the marriage rate always declining?

why is the marriage rate always declining?

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same reason as this youtube.com/watch?v=atIeB9AewZc

>reeeeee why is sexual liberation backfiring
As I grow older I dont grow more at peace, nor do i grow more accepting, all I want is a nuclear holocaust. Preferably one with a nuclear holocoaster

this is so fucked, the woman in this post is only talking about absolute 10/10 CHADS

even most moderately attractive men I know go through multi-month dry spells when they aren't in a monogamous relationship. I have no idea how that post has so many upvotes

Father are ok with their daughters fornicating

I guess there are no Chads for everypne. Tough luck roasties.

As Biblically prophesied, people are becoming more and more materialistic, in what appears to be these last years before the return of Jesus Christ. This rampant hedonism has been going on since the so-called "Sexual Revolution" of the 1960s.

Don't know, it's a total mystery. Maybe if we just do nothing it will change on its own.

marriage is a scam

lol they sound exactly like incels

they complain about not being able to find a partner when really they just have ridiculous standards and don't even consider the vast majority of men in their league as viable options

Natural selection.

>Tfw all signs indicate I'm a Chad, but I identify more with you losers.
Where did I go wrong?

lack of social laws keeping men and women in check

no slut shaming + no successful/uncommitted bachelor shaming = human nature to rearing it's true ugly face

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It used to be that men competed for the affections if desirable women. There's just no desirable or virtuous women any more worthy of competition and women are too fucking stupid to realise it.

incels don't have ridiculous standards, go to an incel forum, some of them have the standard of no morbid obesity, that's it.

high IQ chad, i'm good looking and not autistic but i can't stand 95% of retard normies

I find it hard to believe as a an overweight semiautistic underachiever who still managed to attract a girlfriend who isn't a landwhale.

It's really not their fault that social media has produced highly unrealistic expectations in partners and created a disproportionate leverage for more attractive male suitors. The problem is women should not use the internet. Women are not visual creatures, but the capitalist machine has made them that way, looking at Instagram, Snapchat, Pintrest all day long is rotting their brains. They should not be allowed this input but it's going to be hard to reverse because there's way too much money to be made.

your face must look decent

some stats

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Marriage is biblical

That's probably it. Sometimes I think moving to another country would help. With a language barrier I'm forced to talk dumb and yet conversations still feel challenging. Might make normies tolerable.

They do though. I frequently browse Jow Forums and see first hand what they are like. The thing you have to realize is incels are incredibly unreliable when describing their problems. Some of them are consummate liars that only reveal their true natures after you pretend to be on their side and get them talking, others are just totally clueless and lack any kind of self awareness and don't realize they're behaving badly or have unreasonable standards. In both cases they will claim to be a victim and insist they did nothing wrong.

If you just talk to them a bit, get some details, you'll see they're no different than this entitled cunt.

It doesn't change the fact that on average women are getting more sex than men, so this woman's perceptions are seriously skewed, but I've pretty much lost all sympathy for incels after interacting with them. My sympathy is for the actually decent guys out there trying and failing to get anywhere cause of whore behavior.

a biblical scam

No it is just the legal way of binding two people together

That post is the most delusional piece of illogic vomit I have ever seen. Holy shit.

>It's really not their fault that social media has produced highly unrealistic expectations
This isn't social media's fault though. It's TV's. Most of these people were already adults when social media became super popular and influential. Most of the incels I talked to have expectations for adulthood formed from pop culture, mostly TV and movies.

Why the fuvk r u expecting a modern roastie to be reasonable? Idiot
Women have no self awareness TO BEGIN WITH

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a legal scam

It is completely true
Most men will not waste their time with girls that dont put out before marriage

Women like broken empty men, often times men who are uniroincally low IQ. That was my experience growing up, all the guys who got all the girls are on opiates now, dead, in jail, or on a slow road toward that.

how is it a scam?

the bottom 85% of men are invisible to women

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it's from a feminist/TERF subreddit

The thing is that if you make me wait until marriage to have sex with you, then you better be a virgin. Oh you fucked 10 guys and then decided to pretend to be chaste once you met me? You're not worth waiting for anymore. Women make shit friends.


Because Im not hitching up some useless bitch who cant fuck right, lazy ass hoes

>the bottom 85%

the bottom 85% of men are invisible to women...
the 19th amendment is the Great Filter, and we failed.

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Are you a virgin?

TERFs are a funny bunch. Some of them are so close to being actually redpilled without realizing it it's ridiculous.

The way I see it, if your flag isn't USA, then you don't even know the half of what's happening.

When I first met my wife we didn't have sex for 6 months, said faithful to each other the whole time. Just don't marry or date a whore. Any guy that is serious wouldn't mind waiting, if it's really worth it. I'd rather wait then bang out some girl and she turns out to only care for fucking OR she can't control herself and exposes herself for the cheating whore that she really is.

is it ridiculous to hold women to a standard I meet myself?
>not obese
>no tattoos
>don't smoke
>iq over 100

Women deserve this because they mindlessly advocated for it. Women honestly don't deserve an agreeable life after all the damage they've caused. The only thing keeping women in existence alongside men is their ability to propagate new life. That's literally it. Not team work, not strength of body or will, not intelligence.

I've never had a penis inside me.

When considering only straight couples, It's mathematically impossible for women to have more sex on average than men on average. Every sex act increases the sex count for each gender by one and there's basically the same amount of women and men.

Are you claiming thay sex is more spread out on the women side? That would make sense.

But if you are not a virgin it is pretty silly to demand one

Because it's not an equitable arraignment for men. And there is no incentive for women to fulfill their side of the deal and every incentive given to them by the government to steal every last dollar you work for on a whim.

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yes but women are only into chads. Its funny they think they can afford to be choosier. Also it is reddit so the upvotes don't matter

Why would any father let his daughter be with a man that wont marry her?

Men don't have hymens, so it's not.

Well good luck finding a girl that kept herself pure for some whoremonger

Men and women are not equal. This is even more true in the bed room.

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ok see

I'm 30 and none of my friends have started dating yet.

well, you're not wrong. sad to say.
don't get fat, anons.

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you should get married and find out

Imagine the woman that is only good enough for male feminists now but she's so bankrupt of self-awareness that she chases men out of her league until it burns her out and she goes to reddit to post this.

>Females compete for sex
Do they believe this blatant bullshit?

I plan on it.

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People where saying it was the end of times in 100 A.D. don't be a retarded evagenicuck burger. It even says in the Bible nobody knows the day

>Well good luck finding a girl that kept herself pure

Women are biologically hardwired to desire men who are already desired. Men are hardwired to feel revulsion to other men ejaculating inside their mates.

>women are competing for men
These fucking thots, they're just sharing the same Chads

>I'm a 6, why am I always having to compete for an 8?

Your probably not really a Chad, you just fuck ugly chicks

whenever a female writes the word "sex" in the context of her being the one having sex, you can safely add the term "with Chads" to it for a more accurate description

match.com was launched in 1995. Women have been using this medium for finding mates for 25 fucking years. The more recent trend of looking at unattainable chads is due to hyper imagry in social media for mates (yes, most of the chads are unattainble for 80%+ of females, they are mere cum receptacles for them; these poor women wind up completely unsatisfied after running through the gamut of chads who will fuck and dump them).

Women are intrinsically not visual creatures, they need imagined and mental games to be satisfied. We need to fix it.

what will be your username on mgtow.com after your divorce?

I know plenty of girls that are still virgins

> Women are intrinsically not visual creatures
hahahahahaha looool nope literally the opposite.
most men are just fucking ugly.

not getting a divorce

Why would any father let his son gamble his life away by signing a contract between himself, his potential wife, and the government?

Because only degenerate idiots get a divorce

good luck

>Women have been using this medium for finding mates for 25 fucking years.
Having a personal computer in 1995 was very rare. There were only a handful of other kids at my school who had a PC at home let alone one with internet. The same people who run Tinder run the TV stations. This isn't a revolution. It's just easier to see now. The rise in countersemitism is due to this visibility. Shutting down thottery while letting the Jew subvert our culture is just sweeping the problem under the rug.

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>There are hundreds of other girls they have access to now
This is true for 0.01% of the male population max. Yet these insane cunts think every man can get his needs satiated at any time by a bunch of hot sluts because they literally only ever think about Chad.

>Women need to start getting choosier and more selfish
They already are way choosier than they should be. Hence why they are chasing after 10/10 Chad and being frustrated at how many options he has. How are women this dumb?


Its not hard
I have never met a divorced man that was not a degenerate manchild

That pic is so goddamn true
>t. 80s kid

>most men are just fucking ugly.
There are so many hot chicks banging ugly guys that it's a literal trope and people can't wrap their fucking heads around it, it's because those guys got an opportunity to show "personality" and "mental characteristics" that got the women attached. The modern thot doesn't understand this reality because she's consumed by social media and will live an unsatisified dickfilled early life, until she settles for the bald nice guy who will raise her kids. It's a tragedy because so many of those bald guys would have been much better for them in their early years (and hell, if they had a good mate, they may not have gone fucking bald so early from stress and depression).


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That's the kind of naivety it takes to believe in equal standards for women and men and to equate sticking your penis in something to having someone ejaculate inside you.

because you sit on the internet all day telling men to get married

That part's true, most men these days won't wait until marriage. The rest of it is bullshit. Most men do not have hundreds of girls on tap waiting to put out. 30% of millennial adults didn't have sex even once this past year. Women don't compete for sex, they compete for sex with 10/10 Chads. A 6/10 woman could get on a dating app and have hundreds of 6/10 men willing to fuck her tomorrow, but promiscuous women only want to have sex with Chad.

The Biblical answer would be for 6/10 women to pair off with 6/10 men when young, but because of hookup culture and the difference in male and female sex drives and mating preferences, 6/10 women compete for 10/10 Chad, 6/10 men end up competing for 6/10 women, and everyone is miserable. It's just so tiresome.

>Shutting down thottery while letting the Jew subvert our culture is just sweeping the problem under the rug.
The recent decline in sexual behavior is very much due to Insta and other social media tho. It took a long time to build up. I'll give you an anecdote. I met a fucking 120+lb overweight thot in a videogame about 5 months ago and while she has a good face, her body is literally a morphed version of bobafet. I followed her little "journey" with "edating" as a discord thot. Almost fell for her until I saw what she looked like. Totally fucking charismatic and high minded about herself. It's been 6 months and not a fucking single loser guy will keep her once she starts showing what she really looks like. She hasn't even bothered to updade her instagram in a year because she gained another 20+ pounds in that time. And she only goes for false-lookmatch skinny tall dudes. This degeneracy is ruining our goddamn society. It's a fucking travesty.

The problem with pic related is that the prospect of marrying a supposedly "good" girl in 2019 is way different than it was in 1869. Traditionally women were expected to be loyal and submissive and were heavily shamed and ostracized (or worse) for infidelity or even divorce. Today, there are very few women who reject feminism wholesale and truly want to devote themselves to one man and stick by his side no matter what, almost all of them are happy to have received the wages of feminism even if they don't believe in the (((current year))) feminism.

Plus if you marry a virgin and she changes her mind she can still enslave you with lifetime alimony and keep you from ever seeing your kids while society tells her "you go grrl" and reassures her at every turn that she did nothing wrong. I do feel sorry for a young girl that is actually redpilled and honest about being a good wife, but I also can't imagine those women have too much trouble finding a good man, given how rare they are these days.

Man how do people even get that fat? I used to dirty bulk like a disgusting pig and the most I've ever reached was 210lbs.

so is the leftist meme "have sex" just them being mean or are they trying to stem a literal war?

Polygamist countries are notoriously unstable, the Middle East is the best example of this. ISIS is literally a ton of incels running around killing people because they're mad they can't have sex.

>women need to get more selfish

Is that even possible?

marriage bubble popped, time for a recession

>let his
Um sweaty she can do what she wants you think a girls is gonna listen

There's always at least one of them in every thread like well-trained house niggers trying to tell the rest of the slaves how good the plantation is.

I don't wait until marriage because when I tried to I ended up with born again roasties who cheated on me.

>IQ over 100
>looks at flag

Pic related: you while you attempt to find such a mythical creature here.

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The point of the sexual revolution was to break down traditional patriarchal institutions like marriage and make it taboo to judge women for being unrepentant sluts. Only an idiot could possibly think that this would translate into more sex for the average man, but that's what a lot of idiot boomers who fantasized about being James Bond believed at the time.

Polygamy is pretty rare even in most of the ME, but the incel epidemic is real over there. It has more to do with hypergamy and increasing female age of marriage than polygamy.

it strange they use the internet of all places to shill it as if 99% of the dudes here arent ugly incels

She is a true gamer shut in, girls can't be gamers like guys, plays 16 hours a day. Came to the realization that girls just can't do it. Also she's a fucking compulsive eater and on cam she'd eat fucking entire subs and shit and I almost got a fetish for eating from it (imagine a really cute personality fat bitch sitting there scarfing a sub or a pizza or a huge bowl of pasta while smiling and laughing the whole time). Changed my outlook on life. At least her pussy was tight and she could deepthroat a banana like a pro. But I admit I cringed in disgust whenever she got naked. Never had the heart to tell her. What a disgusting vile human lost in the fucking image based reality that we exist in. Women must be pretty, men must be competent, how hard is this to get for our culture. It's evolution.

Will these childless carousel riding whores eventually hit their 40s and be removed from the gene pool? Will we reach a point where the quality of women begins to improve?

Exactly. Actual traditional virgins who will unconditionally love and serve a man for her entire life is extremely rare, and modern society heavily penalizes women who go that route. There are a lot of fakers who want to give off that image to entice men into marriage. Part of the problem is that marriage benefits women so heavily these days that post-wall roasties will go to great lengths to fool men into thinking they're different from all the rest. This wasn't an issue back when society actually encouraged and molded women to be good wives.