Be leaf

>be leaf
>gov gives me $733 every month for having no job
>only requirement is bring them a paper once per month
>can do odd jobs and sell shit as I please
>claim income as "gifts"
>get extra money for "restricted diet" or some shit
>see wagecucks struggling to make ends meet and hating every second of life
>fully aware that I am a leech on "society" but no fucks given

Why haven't you moved to leaf commie-stan user?

Attached: 8u3qCoZ_d.jpg (640x565, 34K)

Attached: 1560738261539m.jpg (583x1024, 142K)

can I do this as a student? I have 3 classes left to take for my degree next semester and want to ride the welfare ontop of my already ridiculous grant expenditure

buddy if you make under 8-10k and in uni then you can claim all the tax back.

feels good to be a part of the Commonwealth

Attached: F06C7FF3-925F-421A-A2E9-2EFCB1831009.png (492x479, 452K)


Probably not but might as well go into the office and at least waste 90mins of a gov worker's time. No harm in trying

can i move in? i have multiple felonines from illegal america who's job is to manufacture prison inmates for money. i'm a good person, but i can't even come to your rape faggot country.

how can we fix both? i'm innocent.

is the in store prices meme real? is it actually a crime to post them?

god i love leaf threads